Travel Ban 2.0 DejaVu?

To all of you asking, YES! IF this is a politically motivated decision by the courts, I'm happy they're doing it. They'll be reversed if it isn't valid. I hate this ban and I am grateful for every day our doors stay open.

Let me ask you this: Is national security a secular or a religious purpose?
One more time, I am not a lawyer. Play Lawyer with someone else. I hate this E.O. and I hope it gets creamed a second time. GET TO WORK doing the vetting studies and leave the symbolic drama of a travel ban at the door. This is all optics. It will serve no purpose but to make Trump's base happy. It will be accomplished at a much higher cost.

You need to be a lawyer to determine if national security is a secular or religious issue?
Let me ask you this: Is national security a secular or a religious purpose?

Let me as you this, is national security the purpose for the executive order, or just a cover to keep muslims out of the country? As Trump said throughout the campaign, he was going to put a muslim ban in place, which is discriminating by religion, and selecting seven, now make that six, countries, he's discriminating on the basis of national origin. And as any conservative justice would do, they look at the 'intent' of the people who wrote the law, whether they wrote it in 1789 or 2009.

National security has always been the issue. Trump doesn't care about banning Muslims. He cares about national security. And anyone thinking realizes letting people into the country when we know little to nothing is not wise
Here is something coincidental OldLady That judge was appointed by Obama, graduated with Obama and Obama took a unannounced trip to Hawaii by himself on Monday. Just something to consider..
Well, at least he's not a Russian. I'm glad Obama is on my side and I agree with him 100%
LOL, you really blew my mind today.
Same here. You're fussin' like my mother when I wouldn't go to church with her.
Was she fussing because you selfishly ignored laws?
Just stop wagging your finger at me and giving me a lecture because you THINK you know more than me.

Stop ignoring facts when it's convenient then.
Let me ask you this: Is national security a secular or a religious purpose?

Let me as you this, is national security the purpose for the executive order, or just a cover to keep muslims out of the country? As Trump said throughout the campaign, he was going to put a muslim ban in place, which is discriminating by religion, and selecting seven, now make that six, countries, he's discriminating on the basis of national origin. And as any conservative justice would do, they look at the 'intent' of the people who wrote the law, whether they wrote it in 1789 or 2009.
How is he discriminating against religion?

Notice how no one wants to answer that? They won't even say whether national security is a secular or religious issue.

All is good despite the bad argument in the decision because they get to thwart trump. Or so they think
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.
What they are not standing up for is the rule of law and you are happy about that.
I think I'll let these Federal Judges determine what the rule of law is, rather than you. Seems to be their job.
But YES I already said if it slows down this E.O. from being implemented, I'm glad their opinions got in the way. What is so awful about that, anyway?

Actually their job is to obey the constitution and statutes of the united states. Not decide what they like and don't like based off politics
How is he discriminating against religion?

By banning everybody from those seven counties, and then allowing exceptions for Catholics Akin to the Jim Crowe laws that kept people from voting unless their grandfather was allowed to vote..

The EO doesn't provide for exceptions for Catholics. It doesn't mention religion at all.
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Jesus Christ . You righties always talk big that you are pro constitution , but you'd have the giv wipe its ass wh any amendment that's not the 2nd .

Except it doesn't violate any amendment.

Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination | CRT | Department of Justice

Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination make it illegal to discriminate because of a person's birthplace, ancestry, culture or language. This means people cannot be denied equal opportunity because they or their family are from another country, because they have a name or accent associated with a national origin group, because they participate in certain customs associated with a national origin group, or because they are married to or associate with people of a certain national origin.

You think that is the Constitution, Comrade Brown Shirt?

Title VII deals with people who are in the nation, not those seeking to enter.
Islam is not a nation-state. If the Vatican declared war on the United States, would that allow the president to round up every catholic, or refuse entry by any catholic from any country?

The problem you have is that the 6 terrorist sponsor states have vowed to impose Islamic dominance through a Caliphate and are funding very real armies, such as ISIS - despite that moron Obama's claims of the "JV Team."

The President is the CEO of the nation, and has the Constitutional authority to conduct a foreign policy, corrupt judges in Hawaii who are buddies of Obama and place the party above the law are NOT granted said authority.

Title VII of the Civil Rights act is NOT the Constitution and does NOT cover those seeking to emigrate. Immigrants have NO right to enter this nation and do so ONLY by permission of the EXECUTIVE branch.

Watson needs to be impeached, removed from the bench, and disbarred. He defines judicial misconduct.
Let me ask you this: Is national security a secular or a religious purpose?

Let me as you this, is national security the purpose for the executive order, or just a cover to keep muslims out of the country? As Trump said throughout the campaign, he was going to put a muslim ban in place, which is discriminating by religion, and selecting seven, now make that six, countries, he's discriminating on the basis of national origin. And as any conservative justice would do, they look at the 'intent' of the people who wrote the law, whether they wrote it in 1789 or 2009.
So in theory, Obama could have done the exact same exective order, word for word to the letter, and it would have been constitutional because he never said anything about banning muslims?
Islam is not a nation-state. If the Vatican declared war on the United States, would that allow the president to round up every catholic, or refuse entry by any catholic from any country?

The problem you have is that the 6 terrorist sponsor states have vowed to impose Islamic dominance through a Caliphate and are funding very real armies, such as ISIS - despite that moron Obama's claims of the "JV Team."

The President is the CEO of the nation, and has the Constitutional authority to conduct a foreign policy, corrupt judges in Hawaii who are buddies of Obama and place the party above the law are NOT granted said authority.

Title VII of the Civil Rights act is NOT the Constitution and does NOT cover those seeking to emigrate. Immigrants have NO right to enter this nation and do so ONLY by permission of the EXECUTIVE branch.

Watson needs to be impeached, removed from the bench, and disbarred. He defines judicial misconduct.
1. “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran2:191

“Make war on the infidels(non believers of

Islam) living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123

“When opportunity arises, kill the

infidels(non believers of Islam) wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

• Qur'an:9:123 "Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find

harshness in you.

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts;

fight them.”… Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they

criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire,

hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims

to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels(non

believers of Islam) as friends.” Koran 3:28

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures

other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize

the infidels(non believers of Islam).” Koran 8:60)

*As the Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels(non Muslims) about

anything, especially about Islam. There are two doctrines taught in the Koran

which promote lying. One is called al taqiyya (to lie to protect one's self

from persecution, emotional harm or physical harm, real or perceived) and

kitman (to spread misinformation - especially to benefit Islam and to aid its


This outlines the true Muslim agenda: lie when it is convenient, kill when lying fails.

* A Muslim apostate (one who leaves the faith) must be killed. (Koran chapter 9, verse 12)

2. Qur’an 2:193 says; “Fight them until there is no more

Al Fitnah (‘Al Fitnah’ meant Jews and Christians at the time, but in today’s

context the word means all religious followers including Buddhists&Hindus)

and religion is only for Allah. And Qur’an 9:5 says; “Fight and kill the

disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in

wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Referring to Hadith, Ishaq:324 says; “Fight them so that there is no more

rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must not have

rivals.” And Ishaq:587 says; “Our onslaught will not be a weak faltering

affair. We shall fight as long as we live. We will fight until you turn to

Islam, humbly seeking refuge. We will fight not caring whom we meet. We will

fight whether we destroy ancient holdings or newly gotten gains. We have

mutilated every opponent. We have driven them violently before us at the

command of Allah and Islam. We will fight until our religion is established.

And we will plunder them, for they must suffer disgrace.”
Was she fussing because you selfishly ignored laws?
Just stop wagging your finger at me and giving me a lecture because you THINK you know more than me.
I didn't say that. I just said you are selfishly ignoring the law. And I will remember this :D
I love consistency.
You plan on addressing my point that this is no different than all the weight being put on Gorsich's appointment to the SC?
I don't know what you mean?
If the justices are wrong, it will be reversed. This is not the first justice to bring this question. There was quite a bit of talk about it when the justices on the 9th were questioning the lawyers in the first suit. I watched it.
I think just as the Republicans are panting to get Gorsich into the SC to make laws as HE sees fit, so I can be glad the justices in this case see it as THEY do. There's no difference, TN.

They want Gorsuch in because leftists judges are activists. This is a perfect example of that. It's also my hope that the country sees what could happen if we made the mistake of electing Hillary to the presidency. She would be appointing clowns just like this guy to the Supreme Court.
Notice how no one wants to answer that? They won't even say whether national security is a secular or religious issue.

All is good despite the bad argument in the decision because they get to thwart trump. Or so they think

Point of order...

They are unable to "think". This is a pure emotional breakdown by people we all know weren't real stable to begin with. These aren't people walking around cognizant, analyzing their environment and processing the data logically. These are people who believe in utter nonsense at this point. They are in-effect insane. I'm talking bat shit crazy insane and I'm not even joking or making fun of them. We have a serious issue here. Some of these people need professional help.

Or to just get slapped around a little.

They want Gorsuch in because leftists judges are activists. This is a perfect example of that. It's also my hope that the country sees what could happen if we made the mistake of electing Hillary to the presidency. She would be appointing clowns just like this guy to the Supreme Court.

The 9th circus needs to be cleaned out. It's stacked with bed wetters who need to be hospitalized for their delusions or tried for treason.


None of those six countries has declared war on us. Had they done so, the presidents executive and c-in-c powers could prohibit those that wage war against us from entering the country. But in this case, there is no declared war from those countries.

Islam has, Comrade Brown Shirt.

Islam is not a nation-state. If the Vatican declared war on the United States, would that allow the president to round up every catholic, or refuse entry by any catholic from any country?
Actually, if the vatican were to declare war on the United states, it would be prudent to more tightly vet any catholics trying to immigrate to america. I would have no problem with a temporary ban until we figure out what the hell we are doing when it comes to vetting them.
Hell, if religion and the first ammendment cannot be used as a reason for christian bakers to not decorate a cake in such a way it celebrates same sex marriage, then it as sure as hell should not prevent screening people from entering the country that have too high of a probability of causing Americans harm.
They want Gorsuch in because leftists judges are activists. This is a perfect example of that. It's also my hope that the country sees what could happen if we made the mistake of electing Hillary to the presidency. She would be appointing clowns just like this guy to the Supreme Court.

The 9th circus needs to be cleaned out. It's stacked with bed wetters who need to be hospitalized for their delusions or tried for treason.

Correct, that's why they are the most overturned court in our country. Having judges that only have their rulings overturned all the time is a waste of taxpayer time and money. I would predict they will once again rule against Trump this time as well.
Correct, that's why they are the most overturned court in our country. Having judges that only have their rulings overturned all the time is a waste of taxpayer time and money. I would predict they will once again rule against Trump this time as well.

They consistently rule in spite of, not according to the Constitution.

That is the leftist agenda, destroy the fabric of the country.

Jesus Christ . You righties always talk big that you are pro constitution , but you'd have the giv wipe its ass wh any amendment that's not the 2nd .

Except it doesn't violate any amendment.

Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination | CRT | Department of Justice

Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination make it illegal to discriminate because of a person's birthplace, ancestry, culture or language. This means people cannot be denied equal opportunity because they or their family are from another country, because they have a name or accent associated with a national origin group, because they participate in certain customs associated with a national origin group, or because they are married to or associate with people of a certain national origin.

You think that is the Constitution, Comrade Brown Shirt?

Title VII deals with people who are in the nation, not those seeking to enter.

Doesn't matter . It's not about them. The con doesn't allow the targeting of religion .
Correct, that's why they are the most overturned court in our country. Having judges that only have their rulings overturned all the time is a waste of taxpayer time and money. I would predict they will once again rule against Trump this time as well.

They consistently rule in spite of, not according to the Constitution.

That is the leftist agenda, destroy the fabric of the country.

Yeah . Cause highly educated and experienced judges at the top of their field don't know the constitution.

You, a stupid rube, you know the constitution!!!!
Jesus Christ . You righties always talk big that you are pro constitution , but you'd have the giv wipe its ass wh any amendment that's not the 2nd .

Except it doesn't violate any amendment.

Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination | CRT | Department of Justice

Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination make it illegal to discriminate because of a person's birthplace, ancestry, culture or language. This means people cannot be denied equal opportunity because they or their family are from another country, because they have a name or accent associated with a national origin group, because they participate in certain customs associated with a national origin group, or because they are married to or associate with people of a certain national origin.

You think that is the Constitution, Comrade Brown Shirt?

Title VII deals with people who are in the nation, not those seeking to enter.

Doesn't matter . It's not about them. The con doesn't allow the targeting of religion .

And no religion was targeted

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