Travel between planets on horses


Apr 9, 2014
Horses are magic animals and these are very ancient animals.:D

Horses were created by designers of Life specially for Magicians. They were called by Riders. And trillions years ago Riders had horses.

How there is a travel? The rider gets onto a horse, then disperses before gallop, and then there is a teleportation from one place in another.

Movement is possible and in a planet, interstellar travel are an aerobatics.

How it works? Between a horse and the Rider the magic contract has to be signed. Such contracts are signed with horses of a certain breed, for example only with white horses or only with black or red horses.

It is necessary to tell that there are such intelligence services which are engaged in designing of Life of plants and animals. Them call the master of Life. Masters of life marked magic properties of fruit, vegetables and animals with color. So for example red apples have absolutely other magic properties than green apples. Or white vegetable marrows of a grade of Gribovskiye have absolutely other magic properties than green Tsukini.

With horses this rule work too - white horses strongly differ from the black ones.

It doesn't make to build spaceships any sense, it is possible as to travel simply on horses.

Masters of life specially changed a genotype of horses so that the horse had no wisdom teeth, on a place of these teeth at a horse are destiny which don't stir a horse is.

I have a contract with some breeds of horses - with black and red breeds.

It is necessary to tell that Riders existed during existence of Atlantis and They were at war with Atlases. Besides, Riders are far ancestors Lunarians
from the Moon.

The first short-sighted look Riders on horses are representatives of a primitive civilization. Actually is a far future of mankind.:D

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