“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

what’s so funny? TM’s statement to the police was not that he was attacked by AA and during a struggle for the gun the first shot was fired. TM said he shot AA in the chest because he squared up and looked like he was going to attack.,

why should we believe TM saying that AA squared up. Forensic experts will probably examine the chest wound and tell us If AA was squared up when he was shot..

But no matter what TM cannot use self defense to drop the charges because he was several minutes into committing a felony when he shot his victim in the chest.
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Couldn't happen at a distance because Bryan was behind Arbery and risked being shot.
Than he could have ran to a different angle,, and he didn’t
He didn't have time. It was only a matter of seconds when Arbery had reached his truck.
3 steps, a southerner with a shot gun would have nailed they boy East.. but there was NO INTENTION TO KILL . It was clear self defense
Travis forfeited his right to engage in lethal self-defense.
Why because he’s white?
No, because he provoked the attack.

Now stop being a racist.
Don’t be a criminal and you
Won’t get provoked
What did they see him commit?
Running from the dwelling he shouldn’t have been in

Can you provide the statute he violated?

God damned this board is over run with retards. Even if they had seem him trespassing , that's a MISDEMEANOR and Georgia law does NOT allow for citizen arrests for misdemeanors.
Where did you see an arrest attempt? They asked him to stop until the cops came.
A citizen's arrest is nothing more than detaining a suspect until police arrive. That's what they were trying to do.
Yes with WORDS! No one reached out to stop him.
Then why did they arm themselves before setting out to chase Arbery down if they only wanted to politely ask him to get on the ground and stay there until the police arrived?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Couldn't happen at a distance because Bryan was behind Arbery and risked being shot.
Than he could have ran to a different angle,, and he didn’t
He didn't have time. It was only a matter of seconds when Arbery had reached his truck.
3 steps, a southerner with a shot gun would have nailed they boy East.. but there was NO INTENTION TO KILL . It was clear self defense
Travis forfeited his right to engage in lethal self-defense.
Why because he’s white?
No, because he provoked the attack.

Now stop being a racist.
Don’t be a criminal and you
Won’t get provoked
What did they see him commit?
Running from the dwelling he shouldn’t have been in

Can you provide the statute he violated?

God damned this board is over run with retards. Even if they had seem him trespassing , that's a MISDEMEANOR and Georgia law does NOT allow for citizen arrests for misdemeanors.
Where did you see an arrest attempt? They asked him to stop until the cops came.

No, they pointed a weapon at him and insisted that he stop until the police came, otherwise known as "unlawful detainment"

You are dumb.
And that didn’t stop him from continuing to run,,, he knew he was 12 miles from home and these Two whites boys got his ass! He was mad!!! Wanted that shot gun and lost haha I love frontier justice
He was 1 mile from home, not 12. Stop lying.
2.5 miles away from home.. he was caught! He couldn’t run from FRONTIER JUSTICE !
1 mile, LyingNaziTrollBoi.

To get there it’s 2.5 lol it’s not a straight line unless he has a boat? Lol
Not if you jog straight to the apartment alone the edge of the water.

And you said that's 12 miles.

2.5 haha
Google maps says 1 mile and that you're a racist imbecile. Who are you to argue with Google?
The route you posted is 2.5 lol this is to easy haha

You prove again you're not right in the head. What I posted shows it's 1.8 miles by car on roads -- but only 1 mile if jogging directly to the Satilla Shores neighborhood.


... that you can look at that map and somehow see 2.5 miles does nothing but provide further evidence that you're insane -- which explains why you think Ahmaud Arbery was running in Timberland boots and carrying a hammer.

I have other sources
Retard, you actually said, "the route you posted is 2.5."

This is the route I posted...


... exactly how brain-damaged are you to think you see something in there indicating it's 2.5 miles to where he lived?? :ack-1:
It’s what ppl that have done it says.. when you do it let me know

Again, for the hard-of-reading ... I posted a map showing Arbery lived a mile away, 1.8 miles by road. You claimed what I posted showed he lived 2.5 miles away.

Consider this as evidence of your senility.
Getting information from
Ppl that live there.. these maps are never accurate ha

Again, dumbfuck, you said the map I posted shows he lived 2.5 miles away. Even if it;s wrong, and it's not, that's not what it shows.

Exactly how fucking demented are you??

It’s not one mile it’s 2.5
Prove it. .
You prove it lol I got my information from
Ppl on location.
I already did. Your "evidence," someone told me, is as worthless as it is refuted.
And is considered heresay.
Nope. I see a man running down a road at a truck, he runs around the truck and darts across the front of the truck at a man holding a gun. That's all I see.

Actually you should see a man running down a road at a truck, he runs around the truck, HE IS SHOT IN THE CHEST by one of three white men who were chasing him and darts across the front of the truck at a man holding a gun.
Why did he run at the gun?
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Couldn't happen at a distance because Bryan was behind Arbery and risked being shot.
Than he could have ran to a different angle,, and he didn’t
He didn't have time. It was only a matter of seconds when Arbery had reached his truck.
3 steps, a southerner with a shot gun would have nailed they boy East.. but there was NO INTENTION TO KILL . It was clear self defense
Travis forfeited his right to engage in lethal self-defense.
Why because he’s white?
No, because he provoked the attack.

Now stop being a racist.
Don’t be a criminal and you
Won’t get provoked
What did they see him commit?
Running from the dwelling he shouldn’t have been in

Can you provide the statute he violated?

God damned this board is over run with retards. Even if they had seem him trespassing , that's a MISDEMEANOR and Georgia law does NOT allow for citizen arrests for misdemeanors.
Where did you see an arrest attempt? They asked him to stop until the cops came.
A citizen's arrest is nothing more than detaining a suspect until police arrive. That's what they were trying to do.
Yes with WORDS! No one reached out to stop him.
Then why did they arm themselves before setting out to chase Arbery down if they only wanted to politely ask him to get on the ground and stay there until the police arrived?
Who cares?
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
Says who?

making it up as you go along huh?
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Couldn't happen at a distance because Bryan was behind Arbery and risked being shot.
Than he could have ran to a different angle,, and he didn’t
He didn't have time. It was only a matter of seconds when Arbery had reached his truck.
3 steps, a southerner with a shot gun would have nailed they boy East.. but there was NO INTENTION TO KILL . It was clear self defense
Travis forfeited his right to engage in lethal self-defense.
Why because he’s white?
No, because he provoked the attack.

Now stop being a racist.
Don’t be a criminal and you
Won’t get provoked
What did they see him commit?
Running from the dwelling he shouldn’t have been in

Can you provide the statute he violated?

God damned this board is over run with retards. Even if they had seem him trespassing , that's a MISDEMEANOR and Georgia law does NOT allow for citizen arrests for misdemeanors.
Where did you see an arrest attempt? They asked him to stop until the cops came.
A citizen's arrest is nothing more than detaining a suspect until police arrive. That's what they were trying to do.
Yes with WORDS! No one reached out to stop him.
Then why did they arm themselves before setting out to chase Arbery down if they only wanted to politely ask him to get on the ground and stay there until the police arrived?
Who cares?
Oh I'm sure the trier of fact will care.
trier of fact
: the judge in a bench trial or jury in a jury trial that carries the responsibility of determining the issues of fact in a case
— called also factfinder, finder of fact, trier
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
Says who?

making it up as you go along huh?
Well I could explain it to you but then you and Jits will just dismiss it as you've done every single other fact presented, not just here but elsewhere on this site, that doesn't conform to your fantasy scenarios.
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got

Tge man fearing for his life after the armed people had already struck him with the truck and had chased him for minutes in an act of desperation attempted to attack to save his own life. Classic cornered rat self defense. That is why the armed men are facing life without parole. Actually any sentence for Greg is life without parole at his age.

What I do not understand is why you won’t watch the videos.
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
So fine him
Are you pointing it at a violent criminal until the police come? Person B

what violent crime did TM see AA commit that day?
Savage physical attack
Self defense against someone threatening someone else's life with a lethal weapon is often savage. It's self preservation.
No one told arbery to attack him he was just holding a gun asking him to stop, if he was going to shoot it would have happened at a distance
Couldn't happen at a distance because Bryan was behind Arbery and risked being shot.
Than he could have ran to a different angle,, and he didn’t
He didn't have time. It was only a matter of seconds when Arbery had reached his truck.
3 steps, a southerner with a shot gun would have nailed they boy East.. but there was NO INTENTION TO KILL . It was clear self defense
Travis forfeited his right to engage in lethal self-defense.
Why because he’s white?
No, because he provoked the attack.

Now stop being a racist.
Don’t be a criminal and you
Won’t get provoked
What did they see him commit?
Running from the dwelling he shouldn’t have been in

Can you provide the statute he violated?

God damned this board is over run with retards. Even if they had seem him trespassing , that's a MISDEMEANOR and Georgia law does NOT allow for citizen arrests for misdemeanors.
Where did you see an arrest attempt? They asked him to stop until the cops came.
A citizen's arrest is nothing more than detaining a suspect until police arrive. That's what they were trying to do.
Yes with WORDS! No one reached out to stop him.
Then why did they arm themselves before setting out to chase Arbery down if they only wanted to politely ask him to get on the ground and stay there until the police arrived?
Because they were obviously following a dangerous criminal,, which turned out the my the right thing to do
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.

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