CDZ 'Tribal' Analysis of USA Political spectrum and Collapse of the Bernays Celebrity Leader System


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
When WW2 ended, the elite Oligarchs were afraid of having our own National populist Hitler arise from the back hills and run everything as Hitler did; to catastrophe.

So they consulted with a certain Edward Bernays who helped them to put in place an elaborate scheme of smoke, mirrors and key-holders that would guarrantee that that could never happen here.

the three key elements were:
1) The Media, whose news coverage would be from an internationalist and multicultural perspective. The nightly news would have anchors like Walter Cronkite who would always subtley weave a multicultural international perspective into the news and slowly what had been a non-interventionist population came to favor international solutions to 'crisis' by 1960, and exemplified by JFK.

2) The Donor Class would act as key-holders to the system, dropping support for candidates that ran afoul of the internationalist media, and fall behind those whome the internationalist media supported.

3) The Celebrity 'Third Person Endorser' was very key to this system as they supposedly represented the best among the general population. Initially these were admirable people who had multiple skill sets, most often WW2 veterans, and accomplished in a number of fields aside from Kardashian celebrity based on a void of skills. These people were admired as much off screen as on screen. For example, many of the TV Western stars were actually accomplished horsemen, speed draw shootists and rugged individualists many young Americans dreamed of emulating.

What the Bernays system was defending was a Burkean Centrism that sought a balance of views. Progressives led us to new frontiers of can-do optimism, while conservatives worked the brakes to keep the whole thing from turning into a 'run away train'.

But it all started to breakdown when our news industry turned into another entertainment industry, and shows that had once been informative became show peices ofhot argument, shouting and degenerate name calling.

this happened because we lost our three undisputed foundations of our culture:
1) The Bible
2) Shakespearean plays
3) Blacks Book of Common Law

With those three central pillars 'debunked' the shouting only escalated as we had zero common ground after that on what words and symbolism meant.

Not only has the Central cultural foundations been obliterated in our upper classes, but we have abandoned the Burkean Balance to our political philosophy and discourse. The other is no longer a fellow American traveling by a different road to 'Scotland',
they are now the enemy to be completely eradicated from the landscape of American thought and expression.

We are now divided into seven different political 'tribes' as illustrated here.


That slowly came about over the last 40 years, and now we are seeing the complete disintegration of the Bernays system of public manipulation. Three three legged stool of manipulation is shattered.

1) Education is far too expensive to form a stable upper educated leadership in society, thus our media elites are witless Blunderdogs of incompetence and shallowness. If they dont have the facts, they just make up crap, and the public has caught on, consequently our media is among the lowest institutions rated for trust in the nation.

2) Our political leaders are corrupt and devoid of fresh ideas. They fear disruptive technology because they do not understand it at all.

3) The Donor Class has lost its monopoly of campaign donations. The internet and self made wealthy people are able to finance their own campaigns and appeal to voters directly via the internet again.

4) Our Celebrity endorsers are a bunch of nitwits who herd to gether in fear of anyone discovering whjat complete idiots they really are.

Some videos here by a single pod caster Tim Pool, who is a Classic Liberal who has been Red Pilled over the last 6 months, and he illustrates, with his friends, how all this Bernays system has fallen appart without addressing Bernays himself..

Have fun, enjoy the videos as much as I did and always remember, Dont let THEM Emanetize the Eschaton! Bill Buckley reference there for Old Timers, lol


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I think Moderates should be placed to the left of Politically Disengaged, since they have been the enablers of the creeping socialism now coming to full fruition.
There's a lot here to digest. :) I think your analysis is pretty spot on. I'm not familiar with Bernay's works but there's little doubt that most of the news industry has devolved into...

... another entertainment industry, and shows that had once been informative became show peices ofhot argument, shouting and degenerate name calling.'

and our relationships with fellow Americans into this...

The other is no longer a fellow American traveling by a different road to 'Scotland',
they are now the enemy to be completely eradicated from the landscape of American thought and expression.

This is a dangerous trend and will not end well. It was chilling to hear Obama refer to Republicans as 'the enemy', Hillary to dismiss half the country as 'deplorables', Biden to pronounce judgment on blackness while the chattering class laughs and the chattel class picks up sticks and stones.

Some videos here by a single pod caster Tim Pool, who is a Classic Liberal who has been Red Pilled over the last 6 months, and he illustrates, with his friends, how all this Bernays system has fallen appart without addressing Bernays himself..

I am heartened to find that Tim Pool and I, despite a disparity in age, gender and experience share similar views. His remarks on the contrast between Trump's actual speeches and the media portrayal is something I first discovered during the Bush years. It is ominous that so many, in this most enlightened day and age, allow 'news-tainment' to do their thinking for them. As Tim relates - some refuse to even listen to another point of view - vigorously clinging to a (tribal) opinion that isn't even their own.

Trump has given folks plenty of reasons to dislike him on a personal level - but I wish the animosity directed toward him as president was at least based on the 'whole story' - not on a talking heads biased interpretation.

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