Truck Driver Tesla Truck Opinions


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Some good points made by truck drivers about the Tesla semi truck. The first thing I noticed was the driver position. It is in the middle of the cab, which could be a pain when pulling up to a gatehouse. According to this article Tesla failed to get driver input on the design.

"It's pretty surprising that Tesla didn't speak with industry experts who drive trucks for a living"

Additionally, some social media users came to the conclusion that Tesla failed miserably because it didn't involve, in its research and development phase, workers who spent most of their lives in truck cabs.

Quite common with business.
Some good points made by truck drivers about the Tesla semi truck. The first thing I noticed was the driver position. It is in the middle of the cab, which could be a pain when pulling up to a gatehouse. According to this article Tesla failed to get driver input on the design.

"It's pretty surprising that Tesla didn't speak with industry experts who drive trucks for a living"

Not surprise they don't like it. Center seating is indeed stupid, but on long haul, they really ought to get off their ass for a few minutes after driving for 5 hours.
What Elon Musk talks about:
1. Acceleration
2. Self-driving

What a fleet operator cares about:
1. Cargo capacity
2. Range

Where the Tesla Semi falls short:
1. Cargo capacity
2. Range

The Tesla semi only makes sense for local routes with light cargo. And for such things, there are already cheaper electric trucks out there.
What Elon Musk talks about:
1. Acceleration
2. Self-driving

What a fleet operator cares about:
1. Cargo capacity
2. Range

Where the Tesla Semi falls short:
1. Cargo capacity
2. Range

The Tesla semi only makes sense for local routes with light cargo. And for such things, there are already cheaper electric trucks out there.

Don't worry, Progressives will make sure these are mandatory well before all the bugs have been worked out. Or there is enough mined minerals to make them, or there is enough grid capacity to charge them all, you know at the same time personal ICE vehicle sales will be banned.
Oh!!! the bashing by the Left ever since Elon decided free speech was important.
Gosh how the LEFT hates free speech !!

He's far more a leftist than he is a righty, yet full compliance is demanded.

This is about _your_ new messiah, Elon Musk.

Are you daring to contradict TheParty about the divinity of Elon Musk?

Have you gotten PartyApproval to do that?

Only your side shows slavish devotion to your High Priests and Dogmas, lemming.

Is anyone being forced to drive a Tesla Truck? If he wants to sell them, he will fix the issue. Just like SpaceX has worked, and Twitter is working.
Oh!!! the bashing by the Left ever since Elon decided free speech was important.
Gosh how the LEFT hates free speech !!
Wait. You're actually _defending_ Musk's rabid censorship of everything he doesn't like?

I knew you hated free speech and the Constitution, but come on, put some limits on your censorship-lust. Defending Musk is like painting "I HATE FREE SPEECH!!!!" on your forehead.
Wait. You're actually _defending_ Musk's rabid censorship of everything he doesn't like?

I knew you hated free speech and the Constitution, but come on, put some limits on your censorship-lust. Defending Musk is like painting "I HATE FREE SPEECH!!!!" on your forehead.

So far he has banned people from tracking his movements, and a deranged black Nazi.

That doesn't compare to banning people just for saying things like "women can't have penises", Muslim Jihadis are violent scum" and "Homosexuality is sinful"
Only your side shows slavish devotion to your High Priests and Dogmas, lemming.
I'm sorry. Did I blaspheme against GODKINGELON? My bad. I know how much that upsets his followers.

So far he has banned people from tracking his movements, and a deranged black Nazi.

That doesn't compare to banning people just for saying things like "women can't have penises", Muslim Jihadis are violent scum" and "Homosexuality is sinful"

It's fascinating, how you live in this reality that's nothing like our own. The cult fed you the weird propaganda, and you BELIEVE.
I'm sorry. Did I blaspheme against GODKINGELON? My bad. I know how much that upsets his followers.

It's fascinating, how you live in this reality that's nothing like our own. The cult fed you the weird propaganda, and you BELIEVE.

Nice non-answer, dippy.

Another useless statement.

Just continuing the tradition of animal avatar idiots, like the Derp Lord, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Wait. You're actually _defending_ Musk's rabid censorship of everything he doesn't like?

I knew you hated free speech and the Constitution, but come on, put some limits on your censorship-lust. Defending Musk is like painting "I HATE FREE SPEECH!!!!" on your forehead.
Except that Constitutional free speech doesn't apply to a private company. It didn't apply to Twitter before Musk bought it and it doesn't apply now. The fact that people applaud one or the other is irrelevant.
Except that Constitutional free speech doesn't apply to a private company. It didn't apply to Twitter before Musk bought it and it doesn't apply now. The fact that people applaud one or the other is irrelevant.
Kee-rect, but Musk is still a dickhead.
And all because he allows more people to speak more freely. Odd.
No, because he censors everyone who disagrees with hin.

Being hardcore Stalinists, his conservative followers love Musk even more for that.

Being always consistent, liberals point out that Musk has the right to censor anyone who disagrees with him. We also point out what hypocrites that makes him and his followers. They apparently only back free speech for themselves.

Having the right to free speech does not protect someone from being criticized for being such a turd of a human being.

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