Trudeau Sends His Support to Iranian Freedom Protesters After Trampling Peaceful Canadian Seniors on Horseback


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Justin again shows how out of touch he is as he sends a text supporting demonstrations in Iran where the people are demanding freedom from totalitarian rule.
His lack of self awareness about his own tyrannical actions in his former free, liberal country is something to behold.
You usually need to go into a psychiatric setting to see the this level of delusional cognitive dissonance.

Of course, the people of Canada called him out for being a duplicitous tyrant that has no problem trampling his own citizens rights to freedom whenever he feels like it.

Out of ALL the sources you could've mentioned, you seriously decided to use "The Gateway Pundit"? Seriously?

Nice attempt at ad hominem deflection.
You should bring some progjection & this guy to your next reply rookie

View attachment 701353

Definition of "ad hominem":
This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument.
I simply questioned his choice of source. If that's ad hominem then we're screwed...

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