True women March for Life

oh bullshit. it's ALL relative dummy. there is NO single issue here when it comes to reproductive rights.


Contraception was what was being argued.

Someone's reproductive rights doesn't mean another person should be forced to fund it.

did i say anything about 'free' contraception? low cost or 'no' cost is how insurance companies work with group insurance.coverage & that's what comprehensive care is. that's what keeps premium costs down for everybody. but it is never truly 'free'. even with medicaid coverage.... i bet you call yourself a 'conservative'. real conservatives see the benefit of up front low cost remedies now to prevent high cost outcomes in the end; whether it is for reproduction control or cancer screenings.

you are ridiculous living in a vacuum with this issue. they are all tied together & no matter how you think i am arguing - it matters not because you are using faulty logic from the get go.

You've argue that what a woman does with her body is her choice yet when that choice produces a result the woman can't or doesn't want to pay for, you support the government mandating it. If the government mandates that insurance companies include it, there's no difference between that and the government instituting a tax to fund it. Either way, those demanding that the choice be theirs alone expect others to fund it for them.

Same with women having kids they can't afford to support. They proclaim that what I do with my body is my choice and others should butt out. That is, until many of them make a choice that produces a child they can't financially support. Suddenly, they expect the government they told to stay out of their uterus to force the people they told to butt out to be a part of her choice. Not my responsibility to feed, house, clothe, provide medical care, etc. to someone else's kids. It's simple to explain. If I didn't get the pussy it came out of, it's not my responsibility to support it.


Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".
Contraception was what was being argued.

Someone's reproductive rights doesn't mean another person should be forced to fund it.

did i say anything about 'free' contraception? low cost or 'no' cost is how insurance companies work with group insurance.coverage & that's what comprehensive care is. that's what keeps premium costs down for everybody. but it is never truly 'free'. even with medicaid coverage.... i bet you call yourself a 'conservative'. real conservatives see the benefit of up front low cost remedies now to prevent high cost outcomes in the end; whether it is for reproduction control or cancer screenings.

you are ridiculous living in a vacuum with this issue. they are all tied together & no matter how you think i am arguing - it matters not because you are using faulty logic from the get go.

You've argue that what a woman does with her body is her choice yet when that choice produces a result the woman can't or doesn't want to pay for, you support the government mandating it. If the government mandates that insurance companies include it, there's no difference between that and the government instituting a tax to fund it. Either way, those demanding that the choice be theirs alone expect others to fund it for them.

Same with women having kids they can't afford to support. They proclaim that what I do with my body is my choice and others should butt out. That is, until many of them make a choice that produces a child they can't financially support. Suddenly, they expect the government they told to stay out of their uterus to force the people they told to butt out to be a part of her choice. Not my responsibility to feed, house, clothe, provide medical care, etc. to someone else's kids. It's simple to explain. If I didn't get the pussy it came out of, it's not my responsibility to support it.


Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?
did i say anything about 'free' contraception? low cost or 'no' cost is how insurance companies work with group insurance.coverage & that's what comprehensive care is. that's what keeps premium costs down for everybody. but it is never truly 'free'. even with medicaid coverage.... i bet you call yourself a 'conservative'. real conservatives see the benefit of up front low cost remedies now to prevent high cost outcomes in the end; whether it is for reproduction control or cancer screenings.

you are ridiculous living in a vacuum with this issue. they are all tied together & no matter how you think i am arguing - it matters not because you are using faulty logic from the get go.

You've argue that what a woman does with her body is her choice yet when that choice produces a result the woman can't or doesn't want to pay for, you support the government mandating it. If the government mandates that insurance companies include it, there's no difference between that and the government instituting a tax to fund it. Either way, those demanding that the choice be theirs alone expect others to fund it for them.

Same with women having kids they can't afford to support. They proclaim that what I do with my body is my choice and others should butt out. That is, until many of them make a choice that produces a child they can't financially support. Suddenly, they expect the government they told to stay out of their uterus to force the people they told to butt out to be a part of her choice. Not my responsibility to feed, house, clothe, provide medical care, etc. to someone else's kids. It's simple to explain. If I didn't get the pussy it came out of, it's not my responsibility to support it.


Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?
You've argue that what a woman does with her body is her choice yet when that choice produces a result the woman can't or doesn't want to pay for, you support the government mandating it. If the government mandates that insurance companies include it, there's no difference between that and the government instituting a tax to fund it. Either way, those demanding that the choice be theirs alone expect others to fund it for them.

Same with women having kids they can't afford to support. They proclaim that what I do with my body is my choice and others should butt out. That is, until many of them make a choice that produces a child they can't financially support. Suddenly, they expect the government they told to stay out of their uterus to force the people they told to butt out to be a part of her choice. Not my responsibility to feed, house, clothe, provide medical care, etc. to someone else's kids. It's simple to explain. If I didn't get the pussy it came out of, it's not my responsibility to support it.


Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?
Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?

I am sure that you want affordable medications when it is time for you to need them, or affordable healthcare..
Why should we pay for you when you only care about you...

Now most women are able to take care of themselves, but the ones you are whining about are dirt poor and have a choice of feeding their family or buy the expensive birth control...
Which would you rather take on ? Because your taxes will pay for the welfare..
Wow that picture say's it all....

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?

It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?

I am sure that you want affordable medications when it is time for you to need them, or affordable healthcare..
Why should we pay for you when you only care about you...

Now most women are able to take care of themselves, but the ones you are whining about are dirt poor and have a choice of feeding their family or buy the expensive birth control...
Which would you rather take on ? Because your taxes will pay for the welfare..

I'm paying the premiums for the healthcare I get. You're not paying for me. Before you scream "you don't know how insurance works", save your breathe. Those of us in the group to which I belong voluntarily accept that being part of the group means we accept how insurance works. That's the difference. Those to whom I refer aren't paying for a damn thing while telling the rest of us to butt out of the choice that produces the results they later demand we pay for.

Most women are able to do so. Never said they weren't. That's why they aren't part of what I say. If a woman chooses to have 10 kids and can support all 10, go for it. However, if a woman has just 1 kid for which she said having it was none of anyone else's business then demands others pay to support that kid when she can't, it becomes my business.

It's not whining when I point out the hypocrisy exhibited by women that tell others to butt out of choices they make with their bodies then demand those told to butt out pay for the results of those choice when the one making them can't do so on their own. If the choice is none of my business, then it's not my responsibility to help pay for a choice I was told was none of my business.

You pose it as a an either/or. I pose it as a neither/nor. Taxes should't be used to fund social welfare to support the results of a choice the one making it said wasn't the business of those now expected to pay those taxes. Why are you opposed to personal responsibility? Would you want me to make a choice to buy a house I knew I couldn't afford then demand you pay more taxes when I can't make the payment?
It left out a few things. On the left, it didn't include the pregnant woman claiming "it's my body and my choice". On the right, it didn't include the woman with the baby saying "I can't afford my choice so you have to help me although I told you to butt out of it when I made it".

then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?


Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.
then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?


Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?


Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.


You've already proven you support irresponsible behavior. No need to continue to doing it. I fully understand what you believe.
uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?


Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.


You've already proven you support irresponsible behavior. No need to continue to doing it. I fully understand what you believe.

that's quite a bubble you live in tready. you think you know - but bubble thinking is faulty at it's core.
then why aren't you all for abortion? that would save all kinds of money wouldn't it?

I don't support murder. I support personal responsibility. The pregnant woman on the left, unless it's a crime that resulted in her pregnancy, made the CHOICE to do what it took to get pregnant knowing that's what could happen. When it does, because she doesn't like the results, she thinks it's OK to kill those results. That's the equivalent of someone buying a house that they can't afford, insuring it, then burning it down in order to no longer have the payments. Is that OK with you?

uh-huh. you are so concerned enough to deny the very things a post born human needs to survive.

Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?

I am sure that you want affordable medications when it is time for you to need them, or affordable healthcare..
Why should we pay for you when you only care about you...

Now most women are able to take care of themselves, but the ones you are whining about are dirt poor and have a choice of feeding their family or buy the expensive birth control...
Which would you rather take on ? Because your taxes will pay for the welfare..

I'm paying the premiums for the healthcare I get. You're not paying for me. Before you scream "you don't know how insurance works", save your breathe. Those of us in the group to which I belong voluntarily accept that being part of the group means we accept how insurance works. That's the difference. Those to whom I refer aren't paying for a damn thing while telling the rest of us to butt out of the choice that produces the results they later demand we pay for.

Most women are able to do so. Never said they weren't. That's why they aren't part of what I say. If a woman chooses to have 10 kids and can support all 10, go for it. However, if a woman has just 1 kid for which she said having it was none of anyone else's business then demands others pay to support that kid when she can't, it becomes my business.

It's not whining when I point out the hypocrisy exhibited by women that tell others to butt out of choices they make with their bodies then demand those told to butt out pay for the results of those choice when the one making them can't do so on their own. If the choice is none of my business, then it's not my responsibility to help pay for a choice I was told was none of my business.

You pose it as a an either/or. I pose it as a neither/nor. Taxes should't be used to fund social welfare to support the results of a choice the one making it said wasn't the business of those now expected to pay those taxes. Why are you opposed to personal responsibility? Would you want me to make a choice to buy a house I knew I couldn't afford then demand you pay more taxes when I can't make the payment?

First off I am not saying that you should pay for BC. the legislators can make it affordable..and it is the babies that need help until they are full grown..but you support even taking away their free freaken school lunches..

I have paid very high prices for insurance, but being a small business owner they can cut you off and find a way to not put you on the next year. until Obamacare

We all think that we are covered but let me give you a true scenario which happens all of the time, I personally saw it myself..

If you were to find out today that you had cancer ( I was in shock with how many crowd the chemo rooms, with people waiting too )
You would work throughout your treatment because of the insurance... some people are very very sick even after the time of leave if they are lucky to get that. You end up losing your job, and in one year found the cancer back... the insurance is gone now.
So you start selling off your savings and sell your home keeping in mind that the treatment costs over $50, 000 or more per treatment...not to mention doctors, surgery and tests
Everything is gone , and you have no way of paying...guess what they stop your treatment and die..
This is how it was before Obamacare and pre-existing laws would also make millions die every year after their savings was gone.
These Big Pharma's are ripping us off, no one says a word about our congress being paid off too...
Until we address that, you are still paying them

Please do not say that you would just die,because you have no idea unless it is in your body..

Now Obamacare had many flaws, and I think that many have felt better after the mandatory was lifted..
My brother was one of the biggest complainers of Obamacare and didn't have insurance ( he had his own thrift shop and was doing well )
His gut burst open one day ( inside ) from not dealing with a appendicitis...He had surgery, and was in the hospital for a week..

I can't imagine what that bill was...he will not talk about it..but I am sure that they will not take the small amount he can afford and went after him..

Guess who pays that bill...we do.
Not only do you oppose personal responsibility about choices women make with their bodies, you're admit you'd commit the crime of arson to avoid that responsibility.

It's not my responsibility to provide a woman with things to prevent her from getting pregnant. It's her body, it's her responsibility. It's not my responsibility to provide a pregnant woman with anything related to her pregnancy. She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. It's not my responsibility to provide to the results of a woman choosing to have a child when she can't afford it. She made the choice to do what it took to get pregnant and to have the child. If it is her body and her choice, it's HER responsibility from start to finish. When she told me to butt out of her choices, she told me it wasn't my concern. Why should I be concerned with something for which I was told to have no concern? Should I feel sorry for someone and the results of a choice of someone telling me it was none of my business if she can't provide for herself and that result?


Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.


You've already proven you support irresponsible behavior. No need to continue to doing it. I fully understand what you believe.

that's quite a bubble you live in tready. you think you know - but bubble thinking is faulty at it's core.

It's not a bubble. It's the same people demanding to be left alone when they make choices with their bodies that expect others to support their choices when they can't do it. If a woman tells me to butt out of the choices she makes with her body and I do, what happens to her and the results of that choice at a later date are none of my concern or responsibility.

Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.


You've already proven you support irresponsible behavior. No need to continue to doing it. I fully understand what you believe.

that's quite a bubble you live in tready. you think you know - but bubble thinking is faulty at it's core.

It's not a bubble. It's the same people demanding to be left alone when they make choices with their bodies that expect others to support their choices when they can't do it. If a woman tells me to butt out of the choices she makes with her body and I do, what happens to her and the results of that choice at a later date are none of my concern or responsibility.

you can't have it both ways. you say you think abortion is murder & therefore don't condone it... but won't - if given the real choice - provide some sort of nourishment thru taxes to make sure that post born baby thrives & lives. either that or you condone a slower death for it because of extreme poverty & lack of healthcare etc...
Thanks for proving you support irresponsible behavior by women.


You've already proven you support irresponsible behavior. No need to continue to doing it. I fully understand what you believe.

that's quite a bubble you live in tready. you think you know - but bubble thinking is faulty at it's core.

It's not a bubble. It's the same people demanding to be left alone when they make choices with their bodies that expect others to support their choices when they can't do it. If a woman tells me to butt out of the choices she makes with her body and I do, what happens to her and the results of that choice at a later date are none of my concern or responsibility.

you can't have it both ways. you say you think abortion is murder & therefore don't condone it... but won't - if given the real choice - provide some sort of nourishment thru taxes to make sure that post born baby thrives & lives. either that or you condone a slower death for it because of extreme poverty & lack of healthcare etc...

What I condone or not condone is irrelevant in this matter. Since abortion is legal, if a child is born, the woman to whom it is born made the choice to have it and the choice NOT to have an abortion. No one took a damn thing away from her either way. She still had options. Ultimately it came down to HER choosing what to do. Since that is what she wants and that is what she got, the responsibility of it lies solely with the one that made the choice.

You pick the point in time where the woman makes the choice of abort or not abort. The choice that produces that is where it really starts and that is where she chose to do what it took to get to that point.

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