Truly corrupt Government what you must know

Every respected journalistic media in the world agrees that there is no actual evidence of any election fraud
Who respects the media? Not me.

And you show no respect for the many media sources who accurately report that the election is a fraud.
Watch OAN if you want real news.
They only go off the rails on 20% or so of the stories... Adds up. I watch them all except for the Internet ****. I also watch the BBC France 24 DW and Google News which has both sides. Meanwhile Fox admits they are lying propaganda and should not be believed, that's how they win their court cases LOL. People who believe that crap are a joke.... and make us look bad around the world .....
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he sure loves smelling young girls.

What's your point?
Spit it out.

Granddaughters always smell good (post diaper-phase).
You against sugar and spice?


Name any law enforcement agency that took time to investigate?

Well, the FBI, the DOJ investigated the 2020 election, and informed their boss, Wm. Barr, they found no hankypanky sufficient to alter the election......who dutifully and patriotically informed his boss, Trump. (as did a whole handful of other advisors)

And then, many states did investigations in their jurisdictions. Michigan, for one.
Another case in point, Georgia, both the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the FBI, looked into the election in Georgia. They found no evidence of hanky-panky of such a degree that it would impact any election in the State (ps....we will see more of those investigations in the Georgia trials of Trump, and of Rudy, and other enablers. Betcha.)

Who respects the media? Not me.
Thus you read no informed sources, listen to no informed sources, watch no informed sources.
You present yourself as a really informed poster. Eh?

Get your news-skinny from the regulars at the DewDropIn
Well, the FBI, the DOJ investigated the 2020 election, and informed their boss, Wm. Barr, they found no hankypanky sufficient to alter the election......who dutifully and patriotically informed his boss, Trump. (as did a whole handful of other advisors)

And then, many states did investigations in their jurisdictions. Michigan, for one.
Another case in point, Georgia, both the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the FBI, looked into the election in Georgia. They found no evidence of hanky-panky of such a degree that it would impact any election in the State (ps....we will see more of those investigations in the Georgia trials of Trump, and of Rudy, and other enablers. Betcha.)
Say, why wasn't the investigations of Trump done so lightning fast?
You act as if there was truly a short term election that nails Trump.
Not a chance, the Nazis are exactly like trump with martial law and concentration camps. Big on capitalism and aristocrats of biz And stupid wars no doubt
You can't truly believe what you said. I don't think you mean a word of it. The Nazis were pals of FDR until they declared war against the US. And the Nazis programs were pretty much like Democrats programs. FDR created concentration camps. Obama had them as well. Biden simply allows the illegals to be a pain in the ass to many American cities, with your approval.
Biden sure loves smelling little girls

What's your point?
Spit it out.

Granddaughters always smell good (post diaper-phase).
You against sugar and spice?
They are not his grandchildren. Being president does not make him the girls family. He simply refuses to stop smelling young girls. But it is okay with you ?
Not a chance, it's unamerican and stupid and Anti American like all your crap about vaccine election GW fraud. duhhhhh
I thank Trump for warp speed that got the approval time of vaccines shortened to under a year. I bet you also thank Trump.

Trump will be our 47th president. Count on it.
You are trying too hard, Bob.
Settle down, son,..... and make your points calmly, succinctly, and in a credibly informed manner.
Well daddy, I am very good at making my points yet for some reason you chose not to make any but to try to make hay at my expense. Sorry daddy, it did not work.
You can't truly believe what you said. I don't think you mean a word of it. The Nazis were pals of FDR until they declared war against the US. And the Nazis programs were pretty much like Democrats programs. FDR created concentration camps. Obama had them as well. Biden simply allows the illegals to be a pain in the ass to many American cities, with your approval.
I have a masters in history mainly about that. And I can tell you that FDR HATED the Nazis and their racism and dictators. yes Hitler was made possible by that GOP World Depression and promised jobs etcetera and came through but it was a war economy and a Ponzi scheme. They had to start a war of conquest to pay for it. They also used Jewish assets. They are a total disgrace and the biggest liars in history along with communists and the GOP of today.

Not illegals they get asylum 80% and have relatives here already and the reason they get asylum is because the Republicans have destroyed their economies. Great job
I have a masters in history mainly about that. And I can tell you that FDR HATED the Nazis and their racism and dictators. yes Hitler was made possible by that GOP World Depression and promised jobs etcetera and came through but it was a war economy and a Ponzi scheme. They had to start a war of conquest to pay for it. They also used Jewish assets. They are a total disgrace and the biggest liars in history along with communists and the GOP of today. asylum 80% and have relatives here already and the reason they get asylum is because the Republicans have destroyed their economies. Great job
If you actually have a masters degree in history, surely you know the views of the great economist Friedrich Hayek. Socialism gives citizens a national health care, as did the Nazis, paid vacations for citizens, as our Democrats love, And foster a love affair with their leader, as did Hitler and his citizens.
They have no resemblance to the GOP. Even Goebbels brought up that the Nazis were socialists and wanted to give more to their citizens who were not jews. Come to think of it, the Nazis hatred of Jews reminds me and surely you, of the Democrats hatred of Republicans.

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