Truly corrupt Government what you must know

I thank Trump for warp speed that got the approval time of vaccines shortened to under a year. I bet you also thank Trump.

Trump will be our 47th president. Count on it.
Any idiot get the vaccines as fast as possible, but he is the only fool that would screw it up with all the talk about the dangers and lies of the vaccine and leading the conservative world into not getting vaccinated, thus causing a world depression. Good job. World Depression is Always caused by the Republicans corrupt deregulation and stupidity.
Bologna total. This is because Trump's crimes are real- we all watched him do it, and Biden's crimes are pure crap GOP propaganda like everything else you know, brainwashed functional morons.... You idiots don't even know Nazis are right wing. You know, nationalist racist swine who love aristocrats and corporations and confrontations and screwing the regular people....
I am curious now that you told us you have a Masters in history.
Why can't you write well?
If you actually have a masters degree in history, surely you know the views of the great economist Friedrich Hayek. Socialism gives citizens a national health care, as did the Nazis, paid vacations for citizens, as our Democrats love, And foster a love affair with their leader, as did Hitler and his citizens.
They have no resemblance to the GOP. Even Goebbels brought up that the Nazis were socialists and wanted to give more to their citizens who were not jews. Come to think of it, the Nazis hatred of Jews reminds me and surely you, of the Democrats hatred of Republicans.
So you believe all garbage right wing propaganda, even from the Nazis. Real socialists every socialist and every socialist party ever wants democracy. Both the Nazis and the Communists said they were socialists but a very pure screwed up socialism, dictatorships. Everyone who knows what a socialist is loves them. You are brainwashed by Savage capitalist UK and American propaganda that conflates socialism and Communism and even Nazism. BS.
I am curious now that you told us you have a Masters in history.
Why can't you write well?
I can write better but no one is paying me to I am slumming with you rural types As I enjoy doing . Where I live is 72% trump voters in western New York and they are great people but totally misinformed. More cows than people, same population as 1950. Utopia or it could be.. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again cheapp college and training great infrastructure and vacations. I am extremely retired myself.
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So you believe all garbage right wing propaganda, even from the Nazis. Real socialists every socialist and every socialist party ever wants democracy. Both the Nazis and the Communists said they were socialists but a very pure screwed up socialism, dictatorships. Everyone who knows what a socialist is loves them. You are brainwashed by Savage capitalist UK and American propaganda that conflates socialism and Communism and even Nazism. BS.
You are frantically working your ass off to defend Socialism. So you and FDR were both socialists.
I was able to learn a hell of a lot about the Germans and the Nazis when I lived there in the 1960s. Want to know why the Germans loved Hitler? Because as you say, the love of socialism is why. Democrats are socialists. Clearly they are.
You are frantically working your ass off to defend Socialism. So you and FDR were both socialists.
I was able to learn a hell of a lot about the Germans and the Nazis when I lived there in the 1960s. Want to know why the Germans loved Hitler? Because as you say, the love of socialism is why. Democrats are socialists. Clearly they are.
You ever notice that those who claim to be the most educated on this board are also the ones that can't spell, complete a cognizant sentence and have no grasp of history, recent or otherwise? FrancoHFW and Winco are two of the biggest offenders.
I can write better but no one is paying me to I am slumming with you rural types As I enjoy doing . Where I live is 72% trump voters in western New York and they are great people but totally misinformed.
OK, I will not make more of it than I have. I admit that I was born in a rural area. I believe where you live is also rural. Bear this in mine when you think of me, I am a natural born Democrat who spent 42 years among them and it was difficult but I reformed. And what caused me to reform? I really took a deep dive into our history, other countries historys so I learned of the mistakes made by FDR and his group. YES, the teaching industry has misinformed Americans as you prove by your history major.

There is no doubt at all since you said you love socialisms, that you want to defend it no matter what evil it has done.
You ever notice that those who claim to be the most educated on this board are also the ones that can't spell, complete a cognizant sentence and have no grasp of history, recent or otherwise? FrancoHFW and Winco are two of the biggest offenders.
YES I have seen it here and on other forums. They are died in the wool socialists and proud they are. This is why they do not want to admit that Hitler was one too.
I can write better but no one is paying me to I am slumming with you rural types As I enjoy doing . Where I live is 72% trump voters in western New York and they are great people but totally misinformed. More cows than people, same population as 1950. Utopia or it could be.. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again cheapp college and training great infrastructure and vacations. I am extremely retired myself.
I have myself been in Western NY so I know that territory. Frankly the way it looks to me the people are pretty well off and in no danger of being socialists.
You are frantically working your ass off to defend Socialism. So you and FDR were both socialists.
I was able to learn a hell of a lot about the Germans and the Nazis when I lived there in the 1960s. Want to know why the Germans loved Hitler? Because as you say, the love of socialism is why. Democrats are socialists. Clearly they are.
Socialists want always democratic always Democratic always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like they have in France Germany Italy Scandinavia Germany Etcetera Etcetera and even in the UK Canada New Zealand and Australia, but the English speakers can't call it socialism because that's communism my **** BSBSBS . Nazis are nationalist socialist and communists are Soviet Socialists, not socialists at all. Do you want a diagram?
OK, I will not make more of it than I have. I admit that I was born in a rural area. I believe where you live is also rural. Bear this in mine when you think of me, I am a natural born Democrat who spent 42 years among them and it was difficult but I reformed. And what caused me to reform? I really took a deep dive into our history, other countries historys so I learned of the mistakes made by FDR and his group. YES, the teaching industry has misinformed Americans as you prove by your history major.

There is no doubt at all since you said you love socialisms, that you want to defend it no matter what evil it has done.
I am a French Socialist and only for socialism that is democratic, true socialism. Not what the Nazis and the communists and the damn GOP says it is. English speakers are so brainwashed- the socialists in Europe beat the communists in ELECTIONS. that's why they have socialism. The first thing the Nazis and communists both did was to kill all the Socialists.. Too bad your sources for your history study were all garbage right wing liberal fascism crap. Try history books OMG.....
The Feds never can investigate an election fraud in a month.

On the other hand.....Georgia's investigation took months.
Got the same conclusion.
Michigan's ....same.

Reported at the time re: Wm. Barr, the DOJ, and the FBI.

"It's been almost a month since Election Day. And today Attorney General William Barr weighed in on the integrity of the vote. Barr said in an interview with the Associated Press that the Justice Department has found no evidence of fraud that would change the outcome of the election. That is a message that directly contradicts President Trump's baseless claims of election fraud. NPR justice correspondent Ryan Lucas is here.

Hey, Ryan.

RYAN LUCAS, BYLINE: Hello there.

KELLY: So that's quite something - the attorney general directly contradicting his boss. What else did Barr say?

So Barr told the Associated Press that federal prosecutors and the FBI had looked into specific allegations and information regarding the integrity of the vote. And he said quite bluntly they have not found any evidence of widespread fraud. The AP quotes Barr as saying, quote, "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election." In particular, Barr mentioned one claim made by the president's supporters that voting machines were programmed somehow to skew the results. Barr said the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security looked into those allegations and said they had not found anything to substantiate them.

KELLY: Which is striking coming from Barr - he has been such a close ally of the president.

LUCAS: It really is striking. Barr is directly contradicting the president's repeated claims and, we should say, baseless claims that the election was stolen. And it's all the more striking because in the run up to the election, Barr was right alongside Trump, pushing unsubstantiated claims that mail-in voting was ripe for abuse and ripe for fraud. Barr repeatedly said such things publicly.

KELLY: I remember.

LUCAS: And now here he is saying that the Justice Department, the FBI, has found no evidence of widespread fraud in this election.
On the other hand.....Georgia's investigation took months.
Got the same conclusion.
Michigan's ....same.

Reported at the time re: Wm. Barr, the DOJ, and the FBI.

"It's been almost a month since Election Day. And today Attorney General William Barr weighed in on the integrity of the vote. Barr said in an interview with the Associated Press that the Justice Department has found no evidence of fraud that would change the outcome of the election. That is a message that directly contradicts President Trump's baseless claims of election fraud. NPR justice correspondent Ryan Lucas is here.

Hey, Ryan.

RYAN LUCAS, BYLINE: Hello there.

KELLY: So that's quite something - the attorney general directly contradicting his boss. What else did Barr say?

So Barr told the Associated Press that federal prosecutors and the FBI had looked into specific allegations and information regarding the integrity of the vote. And he said quite bluntly they have not found any evidence of widespread fraud. The AP quotes Barr as saying, quote, "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election." In particular, Barr mentioned one claim made by the president's supporters that voting machines were programmed somehow to skew the results. Barr said the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security looked into those allegations and said they had not found anything to substantiate them.

KELLY: Which is striking coming from Barr - he has been such a close ally of the president.

LUCAS: It really is striking. Barr is directly contradicting the president's repeated claims and, we should say, baseless claims that the election was stolen. And it's all the more striking because in the run up to the election, Barr was right alongside Trump, pushing unsubstantiated claims that mail-in voting was ripe for abuse and ripe for fraud. Barr repeatedly said such things publicly.

KELLY: I remember.

LUCAS: And now here he is saying that the Justice Department, the FBI, has found no evidence of widespread fraud in this election.
Frankly it takes months upon months to collect the true information. By the way did you read Barr's book. I have it.
I am a French Socialist and only for socialism that is democratic, true socialism. Not what the Nazis and the communists and the damn GOP says it is. English speakers are so brainwashed- the socialists in Europe beat the communists in ELECTIONS. that's why they have socialism. The first thing the Nazis and communists both did was to kill all the Socialists.. Too bad your sources for your history study were all garbage right wing liberal fascism crap. Try history books OMG.....
I get it why you might support France but have no clue why you support American Democrats. Democracy has a ring to it that most Democrats love. It makes it seem they partake in Government when the actual rulers of most countries are not allowing the citizens to vote on issues of the day. They will only allow citizens to pick their ruler. Oh I have read many many history books.
Sure, OK.
I read that on the internet too.
But, you know, is the internet, so you can be whatever you wanna be.
Good luck.
One can spend a lifetime trying to educate you and learn what a waste of time it really is.
I am a French Socialist and only for socialism that is democratic, true socialism. Not what the Nazis and the communists and the damn GOP says it is. English speakers are so brainwashed- the socialists in Europe beat the communists in ELECTIONS. that's why they have socialism. The first thing the Nazis and communists both did was to kill all the Socialists.. Too bad your sources for your history study were all garbage right wing liberal fascism crap. Try history books OMG.....
In a true Democracy, they do not elect leaders. They in fact do not do as socialists do, which is pick their leaders and by that I mean actual leaders who then lead them around by their noses.
Socialists want always democratic always Democratic always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like they have in France Germany Italy Scandinavia Germany Etcetera Etcetera and even in the UK Canada New Zealand and Australia, but the English speakers can't call it socialism because that's communism my **** BSBSBS . Nazis are nationalist socialist and communists are Soviet Socialists, not socialists at all. Do you want a diagram?
No thanks.
One can spend a lifetime trying to educate you
Better hurry, Bob, I'm really quite old.

But, given the tone, and word choices on other nearby threads that also have MAGA's and QAnon'ers posting to 'em, well, I wanna give you a hat-tip.

I've admiringly noticed in your recent postings that you seldom....if ever.....resort to the misogyny and over-use of the f-bomb in an attempt to sound forcefully so many of the MAGA's and QAnon'rs do.

Kudos 2 u!

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