Truly corrupt Government what you must know

Biden still molests little girls. Put him in jail and keep him there


Why would Biden's children take their children to their grandfather's house if he's a pedophile. The Bidens are always surrounded by children and grandchildren. Family events, family photos.


The Biden's always look happy to be together. The Trump's look like they can't get away quick enough.

See? I know these people.

It's them against the world. They have all the answers. This is a cult.

I just wish I knew if they understood what they're pushing for.
Talking shit again, hack? Give it a rest. You have nothing to say.
Of course we have representative democracy
So, let's say you need to buy a watermelon. So your representative spends your cash on aspirins instead. Can you truly be pleased? He is your representative.

Why would Biden's children take their children to their grandfather's house if he's a pedophile. The Bidens are always surrounded by children and grandchildren. Family events, family photos.

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The Biden's always look happy to be together. The Trump's look like they can't get away quick enough.

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We are discussing other families little girls. Biden can't stop sniffing the girls.
In a just society the government wouldn't get away with acting like a Banana Republic but when the mainstream media, the primary source of information, becomes the willing propaganda arm of a corrupt regime anything is possible.
That is communism and you are brainwashed. socialism won in all foreign speaking countries in the modern world.
I did not mention communism. What makes you claim I am brainwashed? I say I am educated. Not Brainwashed. When I was brainwashed, in my earlier life, I voted for Democrats.
In a just society the government wouldn't get away with acting like a Banana Republic but when the mainstream media, the primary source of information, becomes the willing propaganda arm of a corrupt regime anything is possible.
For a fact the media of the USA is corrupt. Watch Jim Acosta for proof. Watch the MSM for proof. Watch CNN for proof. For an example that is current, watch the MSM promote the Palestinians that waged war against Israel. The reports on this totally favor the palestinians.
Like Germany duhhh
I lived in Germany for about 16 months but in the early 1960s. Back then, things were different for Germany since they had communism next door to them in Berlin. They were not grateful for being defeated but were eager to get past the days of Hitler. I doubt today they even mention him. I therefore am not current on conditions of the politics of Germany.

Why would Biden's children take their children to their grandfather's house if he's a pedophile. The Bidens are always surrounded by children and grandchildren. Family events, family photos.

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The Biden's always look happy to be together. The Trump's look like they can't get away quick enough.

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I saw no children of the correct range for Pedophiles. I in fact never claim Biden is a pedophile. But perhaps he really is one. He sure sniffs strangers girls all the time.

Australia even talks about it.

Dems want French etç social policy. They ARE socialists, want FAIR capitalism.
With some terming this as a “hybrid model,” it would be possible to term this as a social democratic form of governance. That being said, the French model has more socialist elements than many other nations that may be described similarly.

The Economic Freedom World Index, a metric by which the freedom of the market within a nation may be adjudged, gives France an overall score of 65.9.

This places it as the 52nd nation in terms of market freedom in the world.

This would thereby show that while the economy may indeed be called capitalist, it has a heavy indent of socialist policies.

Capitalism is actually free trade policies. Socialism promotes Government is number 1 and freedom is behind that. For example you will be treated by state doctors. You will purchase food approved by the state. You may live in a building controlled in rent by the state.
A good example here in America is Biden has taken charge of the products allowed by automakers. Biden took charge of oil drilling.
See? I know these people.

It's them against the world. They have all the answers. This is a cult.

I just wish I knew if they understood what they're pushing for.
Can you honestly claim Biden supports freedom? Look at his record. Wide open Southern Border, even though states and Mayors of cities are against that. He took punishing action against the oil industry, and of course the courts batted him back, but he was attempting to control your oil supply. Cars is another major issue in America. Due to Biden's iron fist over cars, he demands your car be powered by electricity. Even though America does not want to do that. Biden has a long list of being authoritarian.
So, there's corruption all around US politics. What are you going to do about it?
Great question. Well perhaps the Americans will wake up and take some sort of action. Frankly this form of Government by Biden and his crime family just might have us all by the short hairs where we can't do much except act as they did on January 6. Biden operates as a Dictator. Congress sent a bill to support Israel. Biden does not seem inclined to sign this into law.
Can you honestly claim Biden supports freedom? Look at his record. Wide open Southern Border, even though states and Mayors of cities are against that. He took punishing action against the oil industry, and of course the courts batted him back, but he was attempting to control your oil supply. Cars is another major issue in America. Due to Biden's iron fist over cars, he demands your car be powered by electricity. Even though America does not want to do that. Biden has a long list of being authoritarian.
Deflection noted and appreciated as always.

He's not the one refusing to accept election results, calling our most critical institutions corrupt, suggesting that we suspend the Constitution and considering using the military on domestic ground.

I know you're not allowed to question your holy orange savior, but maybe you should. I don't give two shits about the too-old-to-be-President and spectacularly mediocre Biden. Your cult leader is mentally ill, as all cult leaders are.
Deflection noted and appreciated as always.

He's not the one refusing to accept election results, calling our most critical institutions corrupt, suggesting that we suspend the Constitution and considering using the military on domestic ground.

I know you're not allowed to question your holy orange savior, but maybe you should. I don't give two shits about the too-old-to-be-President and spectacularly mediocre Biden. Your cult leader is mentally ill, as all cult leaders are.
Deflection also noted.
This is now, not the past. You admit to some flaws by Biden yet did not discuss the flaws I pointed out and deflected to Trump.
Deflection also noted.
This is now, not the past. You admit to some flaws by Biden yet did not discuss the flaws I pointed out and deflected to Trump.
I don't care about Biden. He's just another politician, and I don't like them.

But this cult is different. I know that, being in it, you don't see its dangers.
I don't care about Biden. He's just another politician, and I don't like them.

But this cult is different. I know that, being in it, you don't see its dangers.
Well how about that. You do not like Biden and yet you don't see the dangers of him being president. Can it be you are also part of the Biden cult and don't see that danger?

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