Trump 2024

Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Massive fraud followed by a massive cover up. The guilt is obvious.
I think Biden and the democrats will fuck things up so bad that ANYBODY on the GOP side will win.
Yeah that’s likely. However, it won’t Trump. More likely it will be someone much smarter and more ruthless.
Trump outsmarted 17 intelligence agencies that failed to take him down. Trump outsmarted the media causing them to lose all credibility. Trump outsmarted the Democratic party that lost 2 impeachments. One after he left office. Trump made them look very stupid. They do not come much smarter than Trump.

As far as ruthless if he wins another term and does not have to worry about re-election I think we will see his ruthless side.
Trump is a dumb buffoon. The fool never realized the establishment was out to get him. He even put establishment assholes in his cabinet, who undermined him. Admit it. He’s a dumb fuck.
Yeah I could not believe how he put all those establishment assholes in his cabinet,Ron Paul would never have done that.yeah I never wanted him as president,I only was glad he got elected because the alternative of Hitlery would have been ten times worse. The fact he used criminal guliani as his defense lawyer made me question his senserity of America first.Hey gipper have you ever tried asking valid fair questions to Angelo how if Trump is really for us,why he is he using that criminal murderer as his defense lawyer?

He gets angry over fair questions like that and just insults you,were you aware of that? The thing that baffles me why he does that is he knows same as we do 9/11 was an inside job and what a criminal guliani is his involvement in it,so WHY does he get so angry over me asking him just a simple fair question like that? That’s pathetic. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:
I’m surprised these Trumpers still are so devoted to dumb Don. It’s mind boggling.
It is his policies we are devoted to.
Lol. You might be, but he isn’t.
Not if Cuomo has anything to say about it. He is coming after Trump's entire voting base (senior citizens)
You mean he has murdered part of Trump's voting base? around 15,000 died because of him. Please send him.
Impossible....the virus all just disappeared around last Easter.
Troll on wheels. Thanks for the drive by.
Yep one of USMBs biggest resident trolls indeed.
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Massive fraud followed by a massive cover up. The guilt is obvious.

Ghislaine Maxwell said Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and ...
Ghislaine Maxwell appeared to admit Jeffrey Epstein was taping his famous friends, including Donald Trump and the Clintons, during a 2016 meeting with former CBS producer Ira Rosen.
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Our corrupt history books will also of course leave out that detail as well of the biggest most massive vote fraud ever in the history of the world because the elite were afraid of him getting re-elected.hated him because he did not start any new wars for them.none of that will ever be mentioned.Heck just look how our history books are still lying about oswald killing jfk all these decades later.
I think Biden and the democrats will fuck things up so bad that ANYBODY on the GOP side will win.
Yeah that’s likely. However, it won’t Trump. More likely it will be someone much smarter and more ruthless.
Trump outsmarted 17 intelligence agencies that failed to take him down. Trump outsmarted the media causing them to lose all credibility. Trump outsmarted the Democratic party that lost 2 impeachments. One after he left office. Trump made them look very stupid. They do not come much smarter than Trump.

As far as ruthless if he wins another term and does not have to worry about re-election I think we will see his ruthless side.
Trump is a dumb buffoon. The fool never realized the establishment was out to get him. He even put establishment assholes in his cabinet, who undermined him. Admit it. He’s a dumb fuck.
Yeah I could not believe how he put all those establishment assholes in his cabinet,Ron Paul would never have done that.yeah I never wanted him as president,I only was glad he got elected because the alternative of Hitlery would have been ten times worse. The fact he used criminal guliani as his defense lawyer made me question his senserity of America first.Hey gipper have you ever tried asking valid fair questions to Angelo how if Trump is really for us,why he is he using that criminal murderer as his defense lawyer?

He gets angry over fair questions like that and just insults you,were you aware of that? The thing that baffles me why he does that is he knows same as we do 9/11 was an inside job and what a criminal guliani is his involvement in it,so WHY does he get so angry over me asking him just a simple fair question like that? That’s pathetic. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:
I’m surprised these Trumpers still are so devoted to dumb Don. It’s mind boggling.
you didn’t answer my question gipper have you ever witnessed it before how Angelo gets angry if I just ask him those valid fair questions that if trump was really for us,why did he use guliani who is a murderer involved in 9/11 as Angelo is very well aware of, :uhoh3: why did he use him as his defense lawyer and why did he not open up a new independent investigation into 9/11 if he was really for us and why did he not tell the media to stop wit their lies about oswald killing jfk if he was reallyfor us?

did you ever ask those questions to Angeloas well Gipper and have you ever seen how he gets angry at you just for asking thosevalid fair questions?:cuckoo: Have you by chance witnessed his juvenile behavior over just fair questions like that? He takes it so personal,have you seen him get all bent out of shape before just cause You ask him fair questions like that?:uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
No I haven’t noticed anything about Angelos, but I haven’t bothered to pay attention.

Good points about Donald. Remember early on in his presidency he said he would release everything on the JFK murder, then he backed off. He tried to get the establishment to love him. He’s a fraud like all the rest, but dumber.
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Massive fraud followed by a massive cover up. The guilt is obvious.

Ghislaine Maxwell said Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and ...
Ghislaine Maxwell appeared to admit Jeffrey Epstein was taping his famous friends, including Donald Trump and the Clintons, during a 2016 meeting with former CBS producer Ira Rosen.
What does that have to do with massive fraud stealing an election?
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:

He wan't defrauded. He will get a few fewer votes than he did in 2020 and the same coalition will defeat him again.
An invisible coalition? Fraud won't be easy next time.
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Massive fraud followed by a massive cover up. The guilt is obvious.

Ghislaine Maxwell said Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and ...
Ghislaine Maxwell appeared to admit Jeffrey Epstein was taping his famous friends, including Donald Trump and the Clintons, during a 2016 meeting with former CBS producer Ira Rosen.
What does that have to do with massive fraud stealing an election?

Either put up or shut up.. You have zero evidence.
Trump to speak at Cpac next will be fun to see those ratings compared to Biden's CNN joke of a staged event last week....
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Our corrupt history books will also of course leave out that detail as well of the biggest most massive vote fraud ever in the history of the world because the elite were afraid of him getting re-elected.hated him because he did not start any new wars for them.none of that will ever be mentioned.Heck just look how our history books are still lying about oswald killing jfk all these decades later.
I think Biden and the democrats will fuck things up so bad that ANYBODY on the GOP side will win.
Yeah that’s likely. However, it won’t Trump. More likely it will be someone much smarter and more ruthless.
Trump outsmarted 17 intelligence agencies that failed to take him down. Trump outsmarted the media causing them to lose all credibility. Trump outsmarted the Democratic party that lost 2 impeachments. One after he left office. Trump made them look very stupid. They do not come much smarter than Trump.

As far as ruthless if he wins another term and does not have to worry about re-election I think we will see his ruthless side.
Trump is a dumb buffoon. The fool never realized the establishment was out to get him. He even put establishment assholes in his cabinet, who undermined him. Admit it. He’s a dumb fuck.
Yeah I could not believe how he put all those establishment assholes in his cabinet,Ron Paul would never have done that.yeah I never wanted him as president,I only was glad he got elected because the alternative of Hitlery would have been ten times worse. The fact he used criminal guliani as his defense lawyer made me question his senserity of America first.Hey gipper have you ever tried asking valid fair questions to Angelo how if Trump is really for us,why he is he using that criminal murderer as his defense lawyer?

He gets angry over fair questions like that and just insults you,were you aware of that? The thing that baffles me why he does that is he knows same as we do 9/11 was an inside job and what a criminal guliani is his involvement in it,so WHY does he get so angry over me asking him just a simple fair question like that? That’s pathetic. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:
I’m surprised these Trumpers still are so devoted to dumb Don. It’s mind boggling.
you didn’t answer my question gipper have you ever witnessed it before how Angelo gets angry if I just ask him those valid fair questions that if trump was really for us,why did he use guliani who is a murderer involved in 9/11 as Angelo is very well aware of, :uhoh3: why did he use him as his defense lawyer and why did he not open up a new independent investigation into 9/11 if he was really for us and why did he not tell the media to stop wit their lies about oswald killing jfk if he was reallyfor us?

did you ever ask those questions to Angeloas well Gipper and have you ever seen how he gets angry at you just for asking thosevalid fair questions?:cuckoo: Have you by chance witnessed his juvenile behavior over just fair questions like that? He takes it so personal,have you seen him get all bent out of shape before just cause You ask him fair questions like that?:uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
No I haven’t noticed anything about Angelos, but I haven’t bothered to pay attention.

Good points about Donald. Remember early on in his presidency he said he would release everything on the JFK murder, then he backed off. He tried to get the establishment to love him. He’s a fraud like all the rest, but dumber.
Yeah when he backed down from that I knew he was a fraud and no differerent from the rest.consider yourself lucky that you have never seen Angelos temper tantrums when you ask him those fair questions.if you want to see what I am talking about,go bring that point up to him how he backed down from releasing eveything on the jfk murder and you’ll see what I mean. :biggrin: Post it on one of his jfk

the other thing about donald that speaks volumes that he is no differerent from the rest thst had I known this before he got elected,I would not have got my hopes up that he was differerent is the day when 9/11 happened,he came out and spilled the beans he knew the truth on what really happened with the towers saying that from the way they collapsed that bombs must have been planted in the towers yet a couple days later he changed his tune and tooted the governments version that the fires caused them to collapse,pretty clear cut that he was not for us.the elite obviously told him if you want to become president in the future,you go out and change your story that the fires caused the collapse or you can forget being in the White House in the future.
Democrats would LOVE to face Trump again in 2024
Not likely, after they spent more that 4 years trying to bury him. They are scared stiff of Trump and We The People because we have threatened their DC fifedom.
That would be three times in a row you tried to ram Trump down our throats
Trump should be able to secure 100 million votes by the next election. Good luck defrauding him again. :mm:
He lost last time, he'll lose this time.
He was defrauded.
Our corrupt history books will also of course leave out that detail as well of the biggest most massive vote fraud ever in the history of the world because the elite were afraid of him getting re-elected.hated him because he did not start any new wars for them.none of that will ever be mentioned.Heck just look how our history books are still lying about oswald killing jfk all these decades later.
I think Biden and the democrats will fuck things up so bad that ANYBODY on the GOP side will win.
Yeah that’s likely. However, it won’t Trump. More likely it will be someone much smarter and more ruthless.
Trump outsmarted 17 intelligence agencies that failed to take him down. Trump outsmarted the media causing them to lose all credibility. Trump outsmarted the Democratic party that lost 2 impeachments. One after he left office. Trump made them look very stupid. They do not come much smarter than Trump.

As far as ruthless if he wins another term and does not have to worry about re-election I think we will see his ruthless side.
Trump is a dumb buffoon. The fool never realized the establishment was out to get him. He even put establishment assholes in his cabinet, who undermined him. Admit it. He’s a dumb fuck.
Yeah I could not believe how he put all those establishment assholes in his cabinet,Ron Paul would never have done that.yeah I never wanted him as president,I only was glad he got elected because the alternative of Hitlery would have been ten times worse. The fact he used criminal guliani as his defense lawyer made me question his senserity of America first.Hey gipper have you ever tried asking valid fair questions to Angelo how if Trump is really for us,why he is he using that criminal murderer as his defense lawyer?

He gets angry over fair questions like that and just insults you,were you aware of that? The thing that baffles me why he does that is he knows same as we do 9/11 was an inside job and what a criminal guliani is his involvement in it,so WHY does he get so angry over me asking him just a simple fair question like that? That’s pathetic. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:
I’m surprised these Trumpers still are so devoted to dumb Don. It’s mind boggling.
you didn’t answer my question gipper have you ever witnessed it before how Angelo gets angry if I just ask him those valid fair questions that if trump was really for us,why did he use guliani who is a murderer involved in 9/11 as Angelo is very well aware of, :uhoh3: why did he use him as his defense lawyer and why did he not open up a new independent investigation into 9/11 if he was really for us and why did he not tell the media to stop wit their lies about oswald killing jfk if he was reallyfor us?

did you ever ask those questions to Angeloas well Gipper and have you ever seen how he gets angry at you just for asking thosevalid fair questions?:cuckoo: Have you by chance witnessed his juvenile behavior over just fair questions like that? He takes it so personal,have you seen him get all bent out of shape before just cause You ask him fair questions like that?:uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
No I haven’t noticed anything about Angelos, but I haven’t bothered to pay attention.

Good points about Donald. Remember early on in his presidency he said he would release everything on the JFK murder, then he backed off. He tried to get the establishment to love him. He’s a fraud like all the rest, but dumber.
Yeah when he backed down from that I knew he was a fraud and no differerent from the rest.consider yourself lucky that you have never seen Angelos temper tantrums when you ask him those fair questions.if you want to see what I am talking about,go bring that point up to him how he backed down from releasing eveything on the jfk murder and you’ll see what I mean. :biggrin: Post it on one of his jfk

the other thing about donald that speaks volumes that he is no differerent from the rest thst had I known this before he got elected,I would not have got my hopes up that he was differerent is the day when 9/11 happened,he came out and spilled the beans he knew the truth on what really happened with the towers saying that from the way they collapsed that bombs must have been planted in the towers yet a couple days later he changed his tune and tooted the governments version that the fires caused them to collapse,pretty clear cut that he was not for us.the elite obviously told him if you want to become president in the future,you go out and change your story that the fires caused the collapse or you can forget being in the White House in the future.

Trump just isn't very bright and he loves spreading conspiracy theories.

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