Trump Admin Tells Minnesota Governor To Get Bent Over $16 Million Aid Request Following Riots

Jus more proof of Trump’s gangster-style presidency.
The "gangstas" are the vermin in BLM and the people who support him. That includes the governor.

Only an utter douchebag would claim that declining to pay for someone else's stupidity makes you a "gangsta."

You are off the scale when it comes to pure idiocy

Poor little moron snowflake. You missed the point. I guess being among the most stupid posters I expect nothing less.

View attachment 362433
Apparently the point is that mob violence should be rewarded and that innocent people should be made to pay for it.

You're a Marxist thug.
You Putinist fascist dolt, if you understood that disaster relief is routinely given in situations like this and not used for political purposes, you would rethink your posts but as you are a Russian useful idiot I expect nothing less from you.
The so called disaster was allowed to happen for political purposes, you idiot. The Mayor and Governor could have stopped it. Moron.
LOL...Nothing shows more ignorance or delusion more than when you post BS that violent riots were allowed to happen.
Hey dumbfuck, did cities burn while cops were TOLD by blue state asshole “leaders” to STAND DOWN? YES they did. Cops were not allowed to stop these savages. Keep it up. REAL Americans will stop you idiots cold.

You delusional dolt the national guard was called out to stop the rioting. Cops did what they had to do to control it the best they could. Now when Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo Op that was savage.
Trump didn't gas any peaceful protests.
Yeah he did.
As far as I know, president Trump is not the one who put his knee over the criminal neck.

Go and blame those vandals for the destruction in that city. I should confiscate all their goods to be sold and pay for the damage, plus prison with forced work to keep them paying what they have destroyed.

Remember, Officer Derek Chauvin was a RADICAL TRUMP HATER, a Johnlaw level pile of shit who has a long Facebook and Twitter history of vile Anti-Trump demagoguery. I wondered at first if he was fucking Camp because he is a total pile of shit with no redeeming qualities. Life long democrat and Hillary supporter.
Jus more proof of Trump’s gangster-style presidency.
The "gangstas" are the vermin in BLM and the people who support him. That includes the governor.

Only an utter douchebag would claim that declining to pay for someone else's stupidity makes you a "gangsta."

You are off the scale when it comes to pure idiocy

Poor little moron snowflake. You missed the point. I guess being among the most stupid posters I expect nothing less.

View attachment 362433
Apparently the point is that mob violence should be rewarded and that innocent people should be made to pay for it.

You're a Marxist thug.
You Putinist fascist dolt, if you understood that disaster relief is routinely given in situations like this and not used for political purposes, you would rethink your posts but as you are a Russian useful idiot I expect nothing less from you.
The so called disaster was allowed to happen for political purposes, you idiot. The Mayor and Governor could have stopped it. Moron.
LOL...Nothing shows more ignorance or delusion more than when you post BS that violent riots were allowed to happen.
Hey dumbfuck, did cities burn while cops were TOLD by blue state asshole “leaders” to STAND DOWN? YES they did. Cops were not allowed to stop these savages. Keep it up. REAL Americans will stop you idiots cold.

You delusional dolt the national guard was called out to stop the rioting. Cops did what they had to do to control it the best they could. Now when Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo Op that was savage.
Trump didn't gas any peaceful protests.
Yeah he did.
Nope. Pepper spray.
As far as I know, president Trump is not the one who put his knee over the criminal neck.

Go and blame those vandals for the destruction in that city. I should confiscate all their goods to be sold and pay for the damage, plus prison with forced work to keep them paying what they have destroyed.

Remember, Officer Derek Chauvin was a RADICAL TRUMP HATER, a Johnlaw level pile of shit who has a long Facebook and Twitter history of vile Anti-Trump demagoguery. I wondered at first if he was fucking Camp because he is a total pile of shit with no redeeming qualities. Life long democrat and Hillary supporter.
Hey dumbfuck Russian stooge, Chauvin was a Pro-Trumper who engaged in voter fraud to boot. He was fraud and liar just like you. He was probably a traitorous quisling POS again like yourself who bends the knee to our Russian adversaries.
You delusional dolt the national guard was called out to stop the rioting. Cops did what they had to do to control it the best they could. Now when Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo Op that was savage.

You mean the animals who "peacefully" torched St. Johns?

You scum are waging war against America.

What democrats offer America;

Hey dumbfuck Russian stooge, Chauvin was a Pro-Trumper who engaged in voter fraud to boot. He was fraud and liar just like you. He was probably a traitorous quisling POS again like yourself who bends the knee to our Russian adversaries.

Nope, you're a fucking liar.
You delusional dolt the national guard was called out to stop the rioting. Cops did what they had to do to control it the best they could. Now when Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo Op that was savage.

You mean the animals who "peacefully" torched St. Johns?

You scum are waging war against America.

What democrats offer America;

View attachment 363059
Yeah, the riots have dissipated no thanks to the likes of Trump and Trumpers who kept and keep throwing gas on the fire of racial division. There is no war on the USA as much as that disappoints you.
Hey dumbfuck Russian stooge, Chauvin was a Pro-Trumper who engaged in voter fraud to boot. He was fraud and liar just like you. He was probably a traitorous quisling POS again like yourself who bends the knee to our Russian adversaries.

Nope, you're a fucking liar.
It is the absolute truth.

You delusional dolt the national guard was called out to stop the rioting. Cops did what they had to do to control it the best they could. Now when Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo Op that was savage.

You mean the animals who "peacefully" torched St. Johns?

You scum are waging war against America.

What democrats offer America;

View attachment 363059
Yeah, the riots have dissipated no thanks to the likes of Trump and Trumpers who kept and keep throwing gas on the fire of racial division. There is no war on the USA as much as that disappoints you.

The fuck they have, traitor.

You're just a fucking liar. I can't believe you lied about Chauvin, you fucking pile of shit.
Hey dumbfuck Russian stooge, Chauvin was a Pro-Trumper who engaged in voter fraud to boot. He was fraud and liar just like you. He was probably a traitorous quisling POS again like yourself who bends the knee to our Russian adversaries.

Nope, you're a fucking liar.
It is the absolute truth.

Nope, you're a fucking liar. He has a LONG social media record of Trump hating - he could be you with his insane TDS.
Critics and opponents of Trump are punished and supporters, no matter how corrupt, are taken care of. America is now officially a banana republic.

Idiots, like you, must learn that actions have consequences. You want to riot and destroy? Fine...YOU pay for it you lazy prick.
So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.
You delusional dolt the national guard was called out to stop the rioting. Cops did what they had to do to control it the best they could. Now when Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo Op that was savage.

You mean the animals who "peacefully" torched St. Johns?

You scum are waging war against America.

What democrats offer America;

View attachment 363059
Yeah, the riots have dissipated no thanks to the likes of Trump and Trumpers who kept and keep throwing gas on the fire of racial division. There is no war on the USA as much as that disappoints you.

The fuck they have, traitor.

You're just a fucking liar. I can't believe you lied about Chauvin, you fucking pile of shit.
Wrong again dumbfuck. Here is the link again as you are too much of a moron to go and find it yourself.

Hey dumbfuck Russian stooge, Chauvin was a Pro-Trumper who engaged in voter fraud to boot. He was fraud and liar just like you. He was probably a traitorous quisling POS again like yourself who bends the knee to our Russian adversaries.

Nope, you're a fucking liar.
It is the absolute truth.

Nope, you're a fucking liar. He has a LONG social media record of Trump hating - he could be you with his insane TDS.
Wrong again. Stop getting your news from RT. You are coming across like an idiot.
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So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.

Fucking coward.

A recession is two consecutive quarters with negative GDP.

That NEVER occurred in 2019 - QUITE THE OPPOSITE, WAPOST are fucking liars who spewed shit to smear a political enemy.

FURTHER, in order for there to be a recession in March, there would have needed to be negative GDP growth in November and December, which is laughable. IN FACT the first quarter of 2020 was (just barely) positive for GDP, so there has been NO RECESSION UNDER TRUMP at all.

But you and our filthy demagogue press are shameless liars.
So we are capitalists when things are good and socialists when things aren't? (kinda the point many have been making).

Ah, you Communists are such fucking cowards.

What does the term "recession" mean, Comrade?

Were we in a recession in 2019, or are the Washington Post fucking liars?

IN FACT, was there a recession in 2020? The little Goebbels kept talking of one in March and April, was their one or did the party press lie through their fucking teeth to smear their political enemy?

What difference does the economy have? You either practice capitalism during the good and the bad or you don't. We don't.

Fucking coward.

A recession is two consecutive quarters with negative GDP.

That NEVER occurred in 2019 - QUITE THE OPPOSITE, WAPOST are fucking liars who spewed shit to smear a political enemy.

FURTHER, in order for there to be a recession in March, there would have needed to be negative GDP growth in November and December, which is laughable. IN FACT the first quarter of 2020 was (just barely) positive for GDP, so there has been NO RECESSION UNDER TRUMP at all.

But you and our filthy demagogue press are shameless liars.

We have had negative growth for years without the socialist actions from the federal reserve. All the same, that is not what was being discussed. What was being discussed was how we are not a capitalist economy.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
Riots are as American as apple pie? Jesus, that's've totally lost your freakin' mind!

Peaceful protests are what have always been as American as apple pie! Riots are what the left do when they don't get their way!

God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion.1 The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

And once again we will note, when some tried to protest peacefully Trump called them a SOB and called for them to be fired.

Pence turned his back and walked out on them.
You want a rebellion, turdboy? We are not English Tories here, we're the ones that kicked their asses. Bring on the Commie rebellion! All of America is definitely ready. The people left will be good people. You can hardly find a gun to buy these days. A supermajority of America is mad as hell about this Commie bullshit AND the MSM that fosters it.
All Americans are angry at these commie shenanigans.

Nobody is impressed with internet cowboys.
Americans are less impressed with internet commies that threaten their way of life and freedom.
In fact, you just might say they aren't going to go for that and it just may turn out super-bad for commies.
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