Trump ally and South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has vowed to fight President Biden to the “gates of hell” because of vaccine mandate

Pretend republicans are loons
Yet your thugs in DC just keep pushing. It kind of makes you wonder, or should, what they hope to achieve by harassing "loons" all the time. Why not just leave political dissenters the hell alone rather than keep coming at them, harder and harder? You have any thoughts on why they'd do that?
Yet your thugs in DC just keep pushing. It kind of makes you wonder, or should, what they hope to achieve by harassing "loons" all the time. Why not just leave political dissenters the hell alone rather than keep coming at them, harder and harder? You have any thoughts on why they'd do that?
Because they are killing people.

That's not ok.
Last hope of what? Dying?
Hell, Bones, we ALL die. Despite the 24/7/365 wall-to-wall fear-mongering over this virus, the rate of mortality hasn't increased at all. The exact same demographic that was dying in the greatest numbers in 2019, is still dying today. The biggest difference I've noticed is how that mask of "sympathy" and "well-meaning" has slipped from your ilk. You ghouls celebrate the deaths of other Americans whose only offense is to disagree with you on how trustworthy this vaccine is.

NOW you seem to be queueing up to go full Nazi on enforcing these vaccines. At this point, it just seems to be the destruction of the livelihood of those who refuse the vaccines. The pressure is always being turned up though. How long before we aren't allowed in public at all because we refuse a vaccine that not only has had a historically high adverse event tally but is even being proven to be ineffective in stopping transmission?

How far should the government be allowed to infringe on the freedoms of Americans? Should they be able to imprison those who refuse the vax? Refuse to sell them the means of life like food and medicine? It sure looks like that's the direction we're headed in. If you don't have your documents, you won't be allowed to "buy or sell". Now, where have we heard that phrase before?
Hell, Bones, we ALL die. Despite the 24/7/365 wall-to-wall fear-mongering over this virus, the rate of mortality hasn't increased at all. The exact same demographic that was dying in the greatest numbers in 2019, is still dying today. The biggest difference I've noticed is how that mask of "sympathy" and "well-meaning" has slipped from your ilk. You ghouls celebrate the deaths of other Americans whose only offense is to disagree with you on how trustworthy this vaccine is.

NOW you seem to be queueing up to go full Nazi on enforcing these vaccines. At this point, it just seems to be the destruction of the livelihood of those who refuse the vaccines. The pressure is always being turned up though. How long before we aren't allowed in public at all because we refuse a vaccine that not only has had a historically high adverse event tally but is even being proven to be ineffective in stopping transmission?

How far should the government be allowed to infringe on the freedoms of Americans? Should they be able to imprison those who refuse the vax? Refuse to sell them the means of life like food and medicine? It sure looks like that's the direction we're headed in. If you don't have your documents, you won't be allowed to "buy or sell". Now, where have we heard that phrase before?
Not true
Because they are killing people.
That is unfounded. We do not KNOW how these fatalities were exposed to the virus and the story that it's about the unvaccinated cannot be proven in light of the FACT that we know that fully vaxxed people are carrying just as much a viral load as the unvaxxed. If you don't believe it, have a look at Israel.

The people who are dying are primarily those who refuse the vaccine, or so we're told. I'd think it should be enough revenge for your ilk to see them pay the ultimate price for their choice but apparently, you'd like to be able to imprison those who choose no vaccine. The bottom line, as this story illustrates, is that the lines are being drawn and real resistance isn't far off. If your DC Nazi types begin grabbing people in public because they refuse masks or vaccines, eventually there is going to be violence. Once we start down THAT road, really, really bad outcomes are all we'll see.
There seems to be some bizarre intermingling between radical "Christian" religious sects and right-wing politicians. The rest of us have no patience to tolerate their whining any further.
There seems to be some bizarre intermingling between radical "Christian" religious sects and right-wing politicians. The rest of us have no patience to tolerate their whining any further.
Meanwhile, both are pushing alternative vaccines/remedies..................................for a nominal fee, of course.
Uncle Joe will be leaving them at the gates of hell too. So step right up and get the jab. That or find another freaking job. :)
Republicans like this one are our nation's last hope!

Maybe if he had fought the coronavirus to the gates of hell it would not have come to this. It shows how Republicans are more interested in playing politics than they are in protecting their constituents.

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