Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy

Hillary conceded after the could not steal enough votes in key states. She screwed over her supporters by not showing up and was drugged up and drunk. She waited more than three hours before she conceded.

Three HOURS?

Trump hasn’t conceded in almost TWO YEARS
Crybaby Loser even attacked the Capitol to try to steal the election
Three HOURS?

Trump hasn’t conceded in almost TWO YEARS
Crybaby Loser even attacked the Capitol to try to steal the election
That is because it was stolen. Progs thought they stole it in 2016. Many will never trust you again, never. Only an insane society will have Stockholm Syndrome parents change the sex of their 5-year-old children by operation on a whim. How far do you go? 60 years of Great Society with the same percentage in poverty and one in seven still hungry after tens of trillions of dollars spent!
Biden was clear “not all, not even most” is what he said. Listen here and tell me the difference

Oh, and we're supposed to believe that. But when Trump said "Mexico is sending us their criminals and rapists; I'm sure there are some good people" you on left said Trump called all Mexicans rapists and criminals. Or when Trump said there are good people on both sides regarding the Charlottesville riot, the lying left said Trump praised the neo-Nazis.
Dipshit. Your fat ass wouldn't miss supper, and neither would your fellow Meal Team 6 members.
Yeah, I wouldn't miss supper either after I killed, gutted, skinned and butchered and cooked it.

Tendies boy. How the fuck are you gonna break bad, hmm? Never been in a fight in your life and probably gave up your lunch money to the bully in school.
Nah. Wasn't that long ago where Hillary referred to us as Deplorables. We all know how that worked out for her.

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results.

Well, you want Trump to be president again.
That is because it was stolen. Progs thought they stole it in 2016. Many will never trust you again, never. Only an insane society will have Stockholm Syndrome parents change the sex of their 5-year-old children by operation on a whim. How far do you go? 60 years of Great Society with the same percentage in poverty and one in seven still hungry after tens of trillions of dollars spent!

Trump is a liar who is using you.
Our President is taking off the gloves and making it clear what the November election is about

The right to an abortion
Clean air and water
Legitimate elections

He is drawing a line in the sand for Republicans

Abortion has never been a "right", nor will it ever be.
There's nothing wrong with your air and water
The education system works fine. If you don't like it, choose home-schooling
Hospitals never turn away anyone
The party of election thievery should be talking about "legitimate elections"
How did he "use" anyone? Did he profit from being in the White House?

Nope. Trump delivered far more than he promised. And don't bother bringing up the border wall, because he did address that issue. Unfortunately, a Democrat-held Congress made sure he didn't get it completed.

Yes he profited bigly. He killed the agreement with Iran, pulled out of the TPP, alienated our allies, wrecked South Carolina's soybean farmers....

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