Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy

Americans should be afraid of someone who has stolen classified secrets and is posed to sell them to our foreign adversaries.

Be more afraid of somebody selling his paint by numbers art work for a half-mil and what the anonymous buyers are really getting for their money.
Not a President but one running for President. Her name was Hillary, and we all seen the end results of that one.
Plain and simple it was a democrat stump speech in which Biden used his position as president and American taxpayer dollars to illegally stump for midterm candidates on the democrat ticket.
“They do not respect the Constitution, the will of We the People
They spread lies to overturn a fair election”

The Constitution? You mean the one that says a search can only be conducted with a warrant that specifies what is to be searched and the articles to be seized? The one that says all Americans have a right to a speedy trial and judged by an unbiased jury?

Then tell me in the warrant where it says they are to search Malenia's bra cups, and where it says items to be seized include Donald Trump's passports or attorney/ client papers. Tell me why some of the 1/6 rioters are still sitting in prison with no ability to talk to an attorney or have bail set.
Plain and simple it was a democrat stump speech in which Biden used his position as president and American taxpayer dollars to illegally stump for midterm candidates on the democrat ticket.

I waited for evil right-wing talk shows to point out the highlights. It sure sounded like a desperation speech to me. He couldn't talk about anything positive he did. So he resorted to telling us how bad Trump is.

As he gave his speech more leftist cities were getting more violent, more kids died from fentanyl that he's allowing into the country, more Americans having a hard time choosing between gasoline and food, more illegals crossing the border.
Closed border, low inflation, energy independent, low gas prices, and low food prices. Oh and low power bills. Back in the Trump days, now everything has doubled under the pedophile you support. So fuck off.
Refrigerator trailers full of dead people.
Biden Mocks “Brave” 2A Supporters: “To Fight Against a Country You Need an F-15"

To fight against the US Military, you need an F-15 and more
To fight against Biden's military you need a nail file and lip gloss.
I'm trying to watch Joe but I have to stop every ten minutes or i'll hurl.
What a joke of a speech,he's doing the standard dem projection blaming others for what they're doing.
While I knew it was coming it still nauseates me seeing him acting self righteous.
There's never been a threat of this type in America and I hope everyone sees through it.
And repeating himself over and over. Who ever wrote this speech is an idiot.
He mentioned "rightwingers" who support the 2A... does he think there are no left wingers that support the 2A? Like Beto O'Rourke, he will lose his ass if he pushes this line. Thanks Brandon.
Stupid democrats convinced lefties to arm themselves when they unleashed BLM and ANTIFA on everyone with no police protection. Yeah. They aren’t going to win that battle now..
Stupid democrats convinced lefties to arm themselves when they unleashed BLM and ANTIFA on everyone with no police protection. Yeah. They aren’t going to win that battle now..

Given the fact that they replaced racism with fascism tells me they are trying to rile up people like ANTIFA once again. They've been fairly quiet since the end of the riots. They are probably thinking that ANTIFA helped them win the election and they have nothing to lose at this point.
Maybe, but after November at least we can put some of the damage to a stop.

So what do you mean by moving forward, inflation at 16%, 4 million illegals crossing our border a year, $7.00 per gallon of gasoline, 160,000 new IRS agents to torture Americans, giving the Taliban 160 billion dollars of US military weapons, is that moving forward to you?
Not a single thing you posted was accurate. What exactly is the Republican plan to address anything you poorly enumerated?
Not a single thing you posted was accurate. What exactly is the Republican plan to address anything you poorly enumerated?
Trump had the plan. Then the agents of fear and chaos took over and released a virus, riots and questionable voting in the general election.
So did this POS succeed in "healing the soul of the nation" or did he further DIVIDE the nation. Be honest for once in your miserable lives, tards

We are motivated to throw out ANYONE who belongs to the Vegetables Party
Nah. Wasn't that long ago where Hillary referred to us as Deplorables. We all know how that worked out for her.

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results.

Except now we've had six years of you Wingnuts acting in deplorable ways, Welfare Ray.

Here's another one, sits at home all day collecting a government check, complains about the government.

With MAGA Republicans there are only two outcomes to an election
Either you win or you were cheated
My notes:
Thanks for your answers. I'll address your points.
MAGA republicans as extremists. Not all of them he says.
MAGA republicans are different than establishment Republicans, that's true. But, Biden's plan to turn the establishment against Trump with a speech so they'll be on his side won't work. Establishment Republicans already hate Trump just as much as Democrats do, but they won't hold hands with Biden, not the way he's left the border open and crashed the value of the dollar.

There are plenty of establishment Republicans in the Senate and Congress. But while Trump is alive, they hold their tongues about him so they don't lose their voters. They don't care that the DNC prefers for Trump-backed candidates to win primaries. Each one wants to win his own primary and not run against one of those Trump/DNC-backed candidates.

Republican voters who prefer establishment Republicans over Trump are a very, very low percentage, so they can't help Biden, even if they wanted to.
MAGA republicans do not respect the constitution. Refuse to accept to accept the free elections.
The presidential elections (in some swing states) of 2016 were a travesty. But most Republican voters have moved on, and are focusing on stopping the flow of gangs, human traffickers, and deadly drugs over our border, and stopping the plummet of the dollar. It's the media and the Dems who keep bringing that election up.

We need a clear and well-enforced law that no changes to election law or procedure can be made after January 1st of an election year. Another year like 2016, and people will lose confidence in American democracy as anything other than a vehicle for cheaters to roll over voters in. That could get ugly fast.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. No right to body autonomy,
Will appeal to the pro-abortion base, which always vote Dem anyway. Others understand that body autonomy that doesn't include the right to refuse vaccines that don't vaccinate isn't "body autonomy" but something else entirely. Y'all should drop that phrase and go back to "women's rights," after agreeing on the definition of both words.
contraception, marry who you want.
Those are good issues for the Dem base and also for the undecideds/moderates. That's a good point for Biden to work on.
Biden is done ignoring Trump and the MAGAs.
I dint catch that part. That is pretty laughable. Dems have been obsessing over Trump and the MAGA's for seven years now.

I have to say that repeating the MA-GA over and over in the speech was a particularly bad idea, from the standpoint of changing anyone's mind. Trump supporters see "MAGA" and we hear in our minds ear "Make America Great Again," and how that is sorely needed. We don't hear Maah-Guh with the sheep-like bleating that Biden was doing. Non-Dems have thought of Dems as sheep long before Trump came along, so no need to reinforce that.
America must chose to move forward or move backwards. A nation of hope and optimism or fear and lies.
Standard for any politician to say.
Biden: MAGA republicans only accept 2 results, they either win or they were cheated.
Not a bad line. A good line for the base.
Biden : we passed the most important climate initiative ever ever ever.
Working people, hearing Dems talk about climate change as the number one issue, do not fear melting polar ice, they fear huge new taxes, more jobs sent overseas to worse polluters than the U.S., being forced to live in a 78 degree home, and loss of American autonomy to the U.N. Actual alarmists already vote exclusively Democrat.
The future will be made in America!

Biden goes off script to addresses hecklers. Kills them with love. What a guy.
Overall, he did as well as he could given the state of the nation. Someone messed up on the lighting, but he made it through without a major Gaffe. Credit where credit is due, he made a good showing and it will help with the midterms.

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