Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy

The crazies here think the Vegetable killed it, but lets see how WAPO's left-wing readers felt.

Only 1.8k likes and the dislikes are hidden. Pretty pathetic


Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy​

1 Sep 2022 ~~ By Charlie Spierling

President Joe Biden is preparing to deliver a major speech on Thursday promising to heal the “soul of the nation” even as he continues stoking fears about supporters of former President Donald Trump as “semi-fascist.”
“It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something — it’s like semi-fascism,” Biden said last week at a fundraiser criticizing the “extreme MAGA philosophy” driving the Republican Party.
Biden continues stoking fears about the dangers of Trump supporters, despite tacit calls for unity during his 2020 campaign.
“Instead of treating each other’s party as the opposition, we treat them as the enemy. This must end,” Biden said during his October 2020 speech at Gettysburg.
The president plans to deliver his new “soul of the nation” speech on Thursday evening at 8:00 pm near Independence Hall in Pennsylvania.


Personnaly, I will be skipping Joe Biden's speech. I plan on watching grass grow in my backyard instead.
As for some of his recent comments
The only “ASSAULT weapon” in this country that needs to be REMOVED is Biden and his fraudulent administration. He is “assaulting” everything this country was founded on along with our economy, energy, food supplies, borders/national defense, the military, our children (molested his own daughter, now enables the molesting of OUR kids), destroying our standing in the world with his feckless foreign policy, and is rapidly reducing us to a 3rd world country. He is a demented, sick (morally & physically), totally corrupt, traitorous, lying old man who has no business in the WH. He got 81 million ballots, not votes and is illegitimate.
I suggest that Joe Biden look at history before claiming Americans need F-15's to fight a modern civil war.
Please note that Biden recently and ignominiously retreated from a 20-year war against primitive Afghanistan. A country that had not one plane.
Surely if Americans decided to begin a Civil War in the 21st Century their know how and skills would and could defeat anything Biden could throw at them.

Hillary called me a deplorable and now Joe Biden is calling me a “enemy of democracy.” Plus the Democrat running for Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, say he doesn’t want my vote if I support the Republican DeSantis.

That merely convinces me that it will be a cold day in hell when I vote for another Democrat at the state or national level.

hatred for Trump and not positive feelings about Biden, the speech focused on Trump, and Trump supporters.
That is the democrat platform this election. It is backfiring. Smear campaigns only work when you have someone to smear--Trump ain't running--neither are his supporters. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) has tried the same tactic. First she tried lumping all republicans to J6. That didn't work so she started trying to smear her first-time political opponent with pictures of Smiley with Trump. ROFLMAO, Smiley countered with a pic of Smiley with Murray. These fucking democrats are dumber than a whole box of hammers. I haven't seen any of them running on democrat accomplishments because there have been NONE. Oh, look the vegetable and the globalist democrats have started a dumpster fire with a train wreck. LOL--I love it.
Me too, I've been reveling in it every time I hear a democrat say, "We've got him now. We have evidence."
You think the phrase 'we got him/her now' is a trait limited to Dems. I don't understand why, when magaturds adopted the same behavior too, and even some Republicans and Independents.
Enjoyed every minute of the two scam impeachments and the Mueller investigation
The look on Schiff, Nadler, and Piglosi's faces when they exited the capital covered in shit was priceless.
The trials were a sham because the outcome was predetermined. Republican Senators (many magaturds themselves) were more interested in keeping power than doing the decent thing and impeach and convict his dumbass during the first one.

Now the chickens are about to get ready to head home, and the pressure on those involved (magaturds) is getting thicker due to fears the justice hammer will pounce upon them.

That about right, magaturd? :113:
were more interested in keeping power than doing the decent thing and impeach and convict his dumbass during the first one.
Oh, out of one side of your mouth, you want to denounce election deniers and out of the other side you want to deny the results of a duly performed legal proceeding that you disagree with--you're dismissed hypocrite. Is that about right commie fuck?
Can anyone point to ANY American president demonizing half the population any time in our history? Has there Ever been a greater DIVIDER?

It’s not half. That’s why Trump lost.
Protesters were outside, one of which was yelling "F*ck Joe Biden" through a megaphone...

Isn't it interesting that MAGA-cultists are so upset about:

"We the people are burning inside of each of us. The flame of liberty that was led here in Independence Hall. The flame the lit our way through abolition, the Civil War, suffrage, the Great Depression. World Wars, civil rights.

"That sacred flame still burns.

Now in our time—as we build an America that is more prosperous, free and just—that is the work of my presidency. A mission I believe in with my whole soul.
You are Pathetic.
More like a needy Karen. Imagine them being such a slave to the fat former guy that they had to be upset about President Biden saying this:

"With three simple words, "we the people ... we the people." These two documents and the ideas embody equality and democracy ... [and] are the rock upon which this nation is built. They are how we became the greatest nation on earth.
He made it through with no major gaffes, that's always a relief.

It was just an extended version of Hillary's "basket of deplorables," speech. It won't change anyone's mind about him or about "MAGA Republicans."

His handlers knew that. They are gambling that it will galvanize his supporters more than it will galvanize Trump's. Since "his supporters" are only his supporters out of hatred for Trump and not positive feelings about Biden, the speech focused on Trump, and Trump supporters. Actually, almost entirely on Trump supporters with little about Trump.

That was unique in history last election. We had never before then had a campaign in which the main talking points were demonizing the supporters of the opponent rather than the opponent. That they DNC did that was amazing. That the media joined in was astounding.

Anyway, not much to talk about in the speech. He said nothing at all about the main impetus behind it, which was the raid and the reaction to the raid.

Bidenistas, could you quote me some of the parts you found particularly good?

My notes:

MAGA republicans as extremists. Not all of them he says.

MAGA republicans do not respect the constitution. Refuse to accept to accept the free elections.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. No right to body autonomy, contraception, marry who you want.

Biden is done ignoring Trump and the MAGAs.

America must chose to move forward or move backwards. A nation of hope and optimism or fear and lies.

Biden: MAGA republicans only accept 2 results, they either win or they were cheated.

Biden : we passed the most important climate initiative ever ever ever.

The future will be made in America!

Biden goes off script to addresses hecklers. Kills them with love. What a guy.
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It no longer stands for that...thanks to orange cultists.
Closed border, low inflation, energy independent, low gas prices, and low food prices. Oh and low power bills. Back in the Trump days, now everything has doubled under the pedophile you support. So fuck off.
I know. But you can’t democratically so you’re forced to make a choice. Your move.

Maybe, but after November at least we can put some of the damage to a stop.

So what do you mean by moving forward, inflation at 16%, 4 million illegals crossing our border a year, $7.00 per gallon of gasoline, 160,000 new IRS agents to torture Americans, giving the Taliban 160 billion dollars of US military weapons, is that moving forward to you?
Protesters were outside, one of which was yelling "F*ck Joe Biden" through a megaphone...

I tried to listen, but there was so much divisive bullshit and outright lies that I had stop and go puke. I was especially amused when this incompetent vegetable referenced laws being passed "in this chamber behind me." The stupid POS doesn't even know where he is when he reads a teleprompter. Also was comical that all fifteen of his supporters came out and applauded his points. LOL SMFH.

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