Trump and GOP Governors Should Hold a Rally and Announce Red States Open for Business

You dumb fucking conservatives cant remember shit. 2 weeks fool. After 2-3 weeks from opening you are going to see a spike if there is a problem. If not you may be in the clear.
America will get moving again and conservatives will lead the way! Right now, how many blue states are shut down vs. red states that are rocking the economy!
Yeah. Red states will lead the way to death. HINT: this awful virus does not know between red states and blue states. To any of you who wish to spread this disease among Americans, like you and trump and pigpence and your families, I will not help you or pray for you if you get it or spread it. If trump or pigpence or their families and sycophants get it, I will laugh.
Wouldnt it be great if they were right though? Unfortunately I dont see how thats going to be possible without killing a lot more people. I guess all that bullshit about saving lives is just that.....bullshit.

A virus that kills less than 1% of those infected and that's with the leftists counting heart attacks and strokes as covid deaths.
Aint it weird how 1% and 75k lives gone is the same thing?

Did you miss the part where the leftists are claiming everything as a covid death?
You dumb fucking conservatives cant remember shit. 2 weeks fool. After 2-3 weeks from opening you are going to see a spike if there is a problem. If not you may be in the clear.
America will get moving again and conservatives will lead the way! Right now, how many blue states are shut down vs. red states that are rocking the economy!
Yeah. Red states will lead the way to death. HINT: this awful virus does not know between red states and blue states. To any of you who wish to spread this disease among Americans, like you and trump and pigpence and your families, I will not help you or pray for you if you get it or spread it. If trump or pigpence or their families and sycophants get it, I will laugh.
Wouldnt it be great if they were right though? Unfortunately I dont see how thats going to be possible without killing a lot more people. I guess all that bullshit about saving lives is just that.....bullshit.

A virus that kills less than 1% of those infected and that's with the leftists counting heart attacks and strokes as covid deaths.
Aint it weird how 1% and 75k lives gone is the same thing?

Did you miss the part where the leftists are claiming everything as a covid death?
Any proof yet?
You dumb fucking conservatives cant remember shit. 2 weeks fool. After 2-3 weeks from opening you are going to see a spike if there is a problem. If not you may be in the clear.

I live in Pennsylvania, a state with a Marxist Governor and a She-Male as Health Secretary. They are going to drag this out. But in a few weeks, the Great State of West Virginia will be wide open for business. That's not so far away, only an hour from here. That will put pressure on the marxists in Harrisburg to do the same here.

BTW, West Virginia has had ZERO Wuhan deaths in the northern Panhandle sector of the state. None in any of the major cities of Weirton, Newell or Wheeling
You dumb fucking conservatives cant remember shit. 2 weeks fool. After 2-3 weeks from opening you are going to see a spike if there is a problem. If not you may be in the clear.
America will get moving again and conservatives will lead the way! Right now, how many blue states are shut down vs. red states that are rocking the economy!
Red states lead only in welfare recipients. Hopefully people are smart and dont cause a spike but with so many red states already fucking up I think a spike is coming to visit you.

Could it be that the Red States lead in Welfare because 53% of all the Coons live in the South?
You dumb fucking conservatives cant remember shit. 2 weeks fool. After 2-3 weeks from opening you are going to see a spike if there is a problem. If not you may be in the clear.
America will get moving again and conservatives will lead the way! Right now, how many blue states are shut down vs. red states that are rocking the economy!
Yeah. Red states will lead the way to death. HINT: this awful virus does not know between red states and blue states. To any of you who wish to spread this disease among Americans, like you and trump and pigpence and your families, I will not help you or pray for you if you get it or spread it. If trump or pigpence or their families and sycophants get it, I will laugh.
Wouldnt it be great if they were right though? Unfortunately I dont see how thats going to be possible without killing a lot more people. I guess all that bullshit about saving lives is just that.....bullshit.

A virus that kills less than 1% of those infected and that's with the leftists counting heart attacks and strokes as covid deaths.
Aint it weird how 1% and 75k lives gone is the same thing?

You don't really have any idea of how many people have been infected with this virus, so its premature to put any percentage on it

Particularly, when you really don't know how many people actually died of COVID. There is a lot of gaming the numbers there too.
Let the country know that pro business red states and their Republican governors are leading the way "Bringing America Back Again" from the shut-down and the anti-business blue states and their Democratic governors want to keep their citizens oppressed. While blue states wither on the vine, Republican states are ready to go forward.Remind busineses in blue states that they can move to red states and away from socialism. Big rally! Big event!

Here in this red state of Texass we have the sheriff shutting down a bar and infringing on the 2nd amendment..He is following Republican governor Greg Abbott's orders, this happened yesterday.
After watching you may of course still brag about them red states like Mississippi still on a stay at home order....What is it with these communist leaders in the red states that Bushed is bragging about?

The comments in that second video were gold. Thanks for that.
It's pretty obvious the leftists want to keep the country shut down just to improve the sleep masters election chances. To call these people opportunistic and political would be an understatement.

But then, their lives depend on leeching welfare dollars so it's understandable. Fuck them at every chance you get.
Exactly. Here is another red state governor opening up her state. Lakota will go ballistic over this. Lol.
Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

Trump then turned and looked at Dr. Birx.

And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?” he asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

A camera panned on Birx. Her face turned blank. It was obvious she couldn't believe what she was hearing from the President.

Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

The Friday morning figures were head-spinning, showing 20.5 million jobs lost in April, the worst month since the government began tracking the data in 1939.

What was Trump's response? He crawled into his paranoid shell, concerned Americans would blame him.

"We created the greatest economy in the history of the world," Trump said as Friday's numbers were washing over a nation gripped by anxiety and fear. "Best employment numbers, best stock markets, best number of jobs in every way, the best economy in the history of the world. We were blowing away China. We were blowing away everybody. We were the envy of the world, and then they came in and they explained it, and they said 'Sir, you have to turn it off. We have to close the country.'"

Of course, Trump did nothing to close the economy. That was done by the various state governors, and Trump has admitted that reopening the economy is in the hands of the governors.

Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post
In mid-April Trump announced that he was halting funding to the World Health Organization during a world-wide pandemic.

On Tuesday, Trump confirmed that the White House coronavirus task force would be disbanded.

On Wednesday, Trump said the White House task force on coronavirus will "continue on indefinitely." Trump said he didn't know how popular it was.

Also on Wednesday, in the face of a pandemic with 19,858 new cases and 1,895 new deaths in one day in the U.S. alone, Trump told reporters, “We want to terminate health care under Obamacare.”

This man is sick.

The enormous tragedy of all this: This is the worst crisis facing Earth since World War Two and Trump is the American President!

Former President Barack Obama delivered a blistering critique of the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus crisis, describing it as "an absolute chaotic disaster" during a private call Friday night with people who worked for him in the White House and across his administration.

"This election that's coming up -- on every level -- is so important because what we're going to be battling is not just a particular individual or a political party," Obama said. "What we're fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy has become a stronger impulse in American life."
What does any of your ignorant diatribe have to do with the fact red states are opening up and blue states staying shutdown?
Untrue, they all plan on opening back up...
Sure they do.
With a declaration of an emergency a contingency plan has to be created and the dates of actions must be clear and concise or they may be brought under charges of violation of civil rights and abuse of power..
"Civil rights and abuse of power" that's all the crybaby left whines about. Fuck playing that race card shit in 2020. You people need to stop screaming about how unfair life is and start doing something to move our nation forward. We can't hold our national economy down over a few fucking crybaby liberals.

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