Trump and Harley-Davidson

"Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better." - President Trump just now

That's nice of them. They'll boycott the company, it'll then go bust (same as if it stays in the US) and then they can ride around on girly bikes.
"Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better." - President Trump just now

Did ever anyone see Trump drive a Harley? I guess no Harley driver lets dictate himself the will of Donald Fauntleroy Trump, who resided his whole life far in the sky over the dirty streets of NY. Real adventures are everywhere in the world.

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"Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better." - President Trump just now
/----/ And then when Trump negotiates ZERO tariffs what will HD do? They will be committed.
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video

Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength[/QUOTE]
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
"Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better." - President Trump just now
/----/ And then when Trump negotiates ZERO tariffs what will HD do? They will be committed.
you really believe trump will get zero tariffs deal with china and others ? If so you believe in the tooth fairy too
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video

Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.[/QUOTE]
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video

Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain[/QUOTE]
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...
… Trump is negotiating from a position of power …

What every idiot is able to do.

/----/ Yeah well Obozo never achieved this:
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video

Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...
Cut yes but zero?? No
Major tariffs do NOT work...period.

Don't believe me?

Ask the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and major CEO's. And they know a hell of a lot more about the economy than Trump does.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce blasts Trump’s handling of trade, says tariffs will badly hurt economy

Man, you know Trumpbots are little more than useless, ignorant, little minions when they believe Trump over both history and the brainboxes of the economy.

Man, I despise mindless devotion. People like that are worse than useless...because they will believe ANYTHING their leader tells them to think and do.
If Trump told them to go and kill Liberal children (with some elaborate, sick reason why)? I bet you at least a few of them would start murdering Liberal children. I shudder to think what would happen if Trump even hinted that illegal immigrants should be killed.
Major tariffs do NOT work...period.

Don't believe me?

Ask the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and major CEO's. And they know a hell of a lot more about the economy than Trump does.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce blasts Trump’s handling of trade, says tariffs will badly hurt economy

Man, you know Trumpbots are little more than useless, ignorant, little minions when they believe Trump over both history and the brainboxes of the economy.

Man, I despise mindless devotion. People like that are worse than useless...because they will believe ANYTHING their leader tells them to think and do.
If Trump told them to go and kill Liberal children (with some elaborate, sick reason why)? I bet you at least a few of them would start murdering Liberal children. I shudder to think what would happen if Trump even hinted that illegal immigrants should be killed.
/----/ "Major tariffs do NOT work...period." Well if tariffs don't work them how come almost every country in the world has them on our exported goods? Can you answer that puzzle?
Governments don’t pay tariffs. Companies and individuals do.

“Are US companies charged higher tariffs in other countries than companies from those other countries are charged by the US?”

Then the answer is, very often but not always, yes.

For just one example, look at automobiles. Every passenger car imported into the US is subject to a 2.5% tariff. That is Two Point Five percent.

US passenger vehicles imported into China are subject to a 25% tariff. That is Twenty Five percent. Ten times the US tariff.
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video

Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.
Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.
Americans Own Less Stuff, and That’s Reason to Be Nervous
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video

Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.[/QUOTE]

Well when you're paying more for EVERYTHING don't come back on here bitching about it dumbass.

We have lots of history regarding tariffs and what they do. They have never created a single job in this country, but are well noted for job loss's. The offended country will always respond with tariffs on American products driving the cost up on everything. Consumers cut back on their spending, and then the job loss's start across every sector of the economy. It's not rocket science.


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

The EU Is Preparing Enormous New Tariffs On U.S. Goods If Trump Follows Through On His Cars Threat
Canada begins imposing tariffs on U.S. goods from ketchup to lawn mowers
These Are All the Foods Being Affected by Trump’s Trade War
Trade Turbulence
Trump Threatens More Tariffs on US Trading Partners
Terms of Service Violation
China Threatens New Tariffs on $60 Billion of U.S. Goods


The irony of it all, is that the Trump voter will be hit the hardest. Those farmers, ranchers and people who live in rural areas across this country that supply the world with FOOD. Yes, Trump campaigned on tariff's but not many Republicans who voted for him, thought he was stupid enough to actually do it. As we see, he is stupid enough.

Last edited:
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.
Americans Own Less Stuff, and That’s Reason to Be Nervous

So your argument is, we are not wealthy because we have a kindle with a million books, but due to digital ownership rights, we don't technically own it, and therefore Europe is better.... or something? Because I'm sure no one in Europe has e-books........ right?

What exactly is your point....?

The bottom line is, we have vastly more stuff than the average European. We have larger homes. We have larger cars. We have multiple cars. We have RVs and sports cars. Even the poorest working people, have multiple cars, air conditioning, microwaves, dishwashers, clothes driers, and the list goes on and on.

In many places in Europe, you would shocked at how little they have relative to US people.... but they have free health care, with a higher chance of dying while being treated.

Now when I say this, people freak out. Keep your panties on. I am not saying people in Europe are "poor". Europe is a wealthy utopia compared to the vast majority of the world. There is a clear reason people flock to Europe from around the world, to escape poverty. People even flock to Greece, as much as disaster that place is, because it is still a wealthy utopia compared to the destitute countries of the world.

I'm simply saying that relative to the US, we are more wealthy. Only the ignorant and foolish would deny that.

By the way, you do realize that we never owned the written text anyway? Even if you purchased a book, you didn't own the text ever. That's what copy right laws are about. And if you damaged the book, or lost it, you simply lost everything. If I buy an E-book, and my Kindle is destroyed, I simply buy another, and all my books are right back. Compare the cost of replacing one kindle, with the cost of replacing a library of books. Are we more wealthy, or less wealthy now?
Sorry, but the problem is they already shipped them overseas.
If it weren't for that, they would be unaffected by tariffs.
Do you need me to explain how tariffs work???
How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.

Trump campaigned on everyone is screwing us over on trade. There is no such thing as a TRADE DEFICIT. A trade deficit is a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries such as Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers and dryers, and 5 American cars per family. We buy more because we have a bigger population. The ONLY country we should have a trade surplus with is China as they have a larger population. Henceforth every sale or export of any American product is a TRADE SURPLUS.

Right now Trump is threatening our Number 1, Number 2 & Number 3 largest purchasers of American products with tariffs, who will respond in kind with tariffs on American goods. They are China, Canada & Mexico.

Click this link on this thread to see all the others that are threatening us with tariffs right now.
Trump and Harley-Davidson

There is absolutely NOTHING to stop any of these countries forming an alliance with each other to obtain their needs while telling us to fuck off.


/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.
Americans Own Less Stuff, and That’s Reason to Be Nervous

So your argument is, we are not wealthy because we have a kindle with a million books, but due to digital ownership rights, we don't technically own it, and therefore Europe is better.... or something? Because I'm sure no one in Europe has e-books........ right?

What exactly is your point....?

The bottom line is, we have vastly more stuff than the average European. We have larger homes. We have larger cars. We have multiple cars. We have RVs and sports cars. Even the poorest working people, have multiple cars, air conditioning, microwaves, dishwashers, clothes driers, and the list goes on and on.

In many places in Europe, you would shocked at how little they have relative to US people.... but they have free health care, with a higher chance of dying while being treated.

Now when I say this, people freak out. Keep your panties on. I am not saying people in Europe are "poor". Europe is a wealthy utopia compared to the vast majority of the world. There is a clear reason people flock to Europe from around the world, to escape poverty. People even flock to Greece, as much as disaster that place is, because it is still a wealthy utopia compared to the destitute countries of the world.

I'm simply saying that relative to the US, we are more wealthy. Only the ignorant and foolish would deny that.

By the way, you do realize that we never owned the written text anyway? Even if you purchased a book, you didn't own the text ever. That's what copy right laws are about. And if you damaged the book, or lost it, you simply lost everything. If I buy an E-book, and my Kindle is destroyed, I simply buy another, and all my books are right back. Compare the cost of replacing one kindle, with the cost of replacing a library of books. Are we more wealthy, or less wealthy now?
Who has their panties in an uproar? I just posted that because I thought you might be interested Sorry
You start by uniting with EU ,NOT distancing yourself from them ,and approach China with strength
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.

Trump campaigned on everyone is screwing us over on trade. There is no such thing as a TRADE DEFICIT. A trade deficit is a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries such as Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers and dryers, and 5 American cars per family. We buy more because we have a bigger population. The ONLY country we should have a trade surplus with is China as they have a larger population. Henceforth every sale or export of any American product is a TRADE SURPLUS.

Right now Trump is threatening our Number 1, Number 2 & Number 3 largest purchasers of American products with tariffs, who will respond in kind with tariffs on American goods. They are China, Canada & Mexico.

Click this link on this thread to see all the others that are threatening us with tariffs right now.
Trump and Harley-Davidson

There is absolutely NOTHING to stop any of these countries forming an alliance with each other to obtain their needs while telling us to fuck off.


Um.... no. That is not correct. The EU has a 1/3 more people than we do, and yet we still have a large trade deficit with the EU.

And your argument about we can't expect Canada to buy 5 American cars is ridiculous. That isn't how it works.

If Canada was a vastly more wealthy country than the US, they wouldn't be buying 5 American Cars per family, they would buy one expensive luxury car per family.

They would be importing Tesla Roadsters, and Hennessey Venom, Vipers, and other high end super expensive cars.

One super wealthy person, can easily have a trade deficit to 5 poorer people, when they buy a $200K car, verses five $20K cars.

When you consider the average monthly wage in Beijing is $980 a month, and that's the 'average'..... compared to the US which is easily double that, it shouldn't surprise you that most of that money goes to cost of living goods, rather than quality of life goods that could be imported.

It would be almost impossible as things stand, for China to import more than it exports. Now that will change.... unless their government ruins them... Because eventually the more they move towards capitalism, and away from socialism, they'll end up out spending us because we're moving more toward socialism.
/---/ "You start by uniting with EU" We've been united with them since we saved their collective asses in WWII. EU put the screws to us on tariffs. What's wrong with a level playing field? Trump is negotiating from a position of power unlike every other president who rolled over and played dead.
No allies no power What you say about uniting is right on BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now When they start trading among themselves America will feel the pain
/----/ "BUT trump abusing all our allies makes that a difficult task now" Telling them let's end tariffs is abuse?
Look at the imbalance. Why do Trump haters prefer the US getting soaked?
2018 : U.S. trade in goods with European Union
NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with European Union

And you think EU is going to find another market for their goods?
The five largest country suppliers of imports are: Germany ($114.1 billion), United Kingdom ($54.3 billion), France ($46.7 billion), Ireland ($45.5 billion), and Italy ($45.3 billion).

And did you miss this?
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers' shares ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Germany's chancellor said Thursday she's willing to back lower tariffs on U.S. auto imports as a potential European Union (EU) concession to ...

Two things. First, as far as Germany and other countries willing to have equal tariffs, then that still isn't best, but I'll go for it. Better than than a trade war.

Second, do not think that any trade war will result in balanced trade, or an economic benefit to the US.

It won't.

The reason we have a trade imbalance is because Americans are wealthy, and Europeans are not as wealthy.

That's really all there is to it.

The reason a trade imbalance exists, is really simple. If I make $25,000 a year, and you make $50,000 a year, which of us is going to be able to buy more goods and services from the other? You will be able to buy twice as much from me, as I can from you. As a result between us, there will be a trade imbalance.

This is unavoidable. It is not possible for me to buy from you, as much as you buy from me. It can't be done mathematically.

The reason there is a trade imbalance between Americans and Chinese, or Americans and Europeans, is simply because Americans have more money. It's that simple.

You say, wait wait, Europeans are not poor!.... well yes they are. They might make almost as much in gross income, but they pay most of that difference in taxes. An American makes $50K and keeps most of it. A European, makes $50K and loses half in taxes.

Just remember that when Democraps start talking about free housing, free health care, free education, and free everything else.

Trump campaigned on everyone is screwing us over on trade. There is no such thing as a TRADE DEFICIT. A trade deficit is a paper deficit. We can't expect smaller populated countries such as Canada & Mexico to buy 2 washers and dryers, and 5 American cars per family. We buy more because we have a bigger population. The ONLY country we should have a trade surplus with is China as they have a larger population. Henceforth every sale or export of any American product is a TRADE SURPLUS.

Right now Trump is threatening our Number 1, Number 2 & Number 3 largest purchasers of American products with tariffs, who will respond in kind with tariffs on American goods. They are China, Canada & Mexico.

Click this link on this thread to see all the others that are threatening us with tariffs right now.
Trump and Harley-Davidson

There is absolutely NOTHING to stop any of these countries forming an alliance with each other to obtain their needs while telling us to fuck off.


Um.... no. That is not correct. The EU has a 1/3 more people than we do, and yet we still have a large trade deficit with the EU.

And your argument about we can't expect Canada to buy 5 American cars is ridiculous. That isn't how it works.

If Canada was a vastly more wealthy country than the US, they wouldn't be buying 5 American Cars per family, they would buy one expensive luxury car per family.

They would be importing Tesla Roadsters, and Hennessey Venom, Vipers, and other high end super expensive cars.

One super wealthy person, can easily have a trade deficit to 5 poorer people, when they buy a $200K car, verses five $20K cars.

When you consider the average monthly wage in Beijing is $980 a month, and that's the 'average'..... compared to the US which is easily double that, it shouldn't surprise you that most of that money goes to cost of living goods, rather than quality of life goods that could be imported.

It would be almost impossible as things stand, for China to import more than it exports. Now that will change.... unless their government ruins them... Because eventually the more they move towards capitalism, and away from socialism, they'll end up out spending us because we're moving more toward socialism.

When I refer to the EU--I am speaking about several different individual countries--that each have their own personal trade agreements with us, not one. Therefore they are not a larger population than the United States.

Trump is going to kill the economy wiith his trade war. PERIOD. No one survives a trade war. Everyone LOSES. You bought into his bullshit and now you own it.


No other U.S. President would have done this. Did you ever consider that this is what Vladimir Putin wants Trump to do. Alienate our allies and trading partners?

There's enough collusion here to choke an elephant. Click this link on this board to read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago. You can watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


The classified information that Trump has already given to Putin, click this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

How Putin actually changed the outcome of the election click on this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For those that are interested in who is going to get hit the worst in this country by the retaliation of Trump's tariffs click this link.
Trump and Harley-Davidson
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