Trump and Harley-Davidson

Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?

She is/was and will always be a horrible candidate. Unfortunately we got far worse and time will tell that out for all.
I don't agree, but we will never know.

I suspect Cankles would have nuked some nation by now and gotten us in WWIII.

Be happy that the MSM is finally doing it's job rather than blowing the POTUS every day, which is exactly what they would be doing if the pantsuit were in the Oval Office.

No world wars, but we would and will continue to fight in these little skirmishes as long as the Military Industrial complex is in place. Think SPACE FORCE, the country is $ 22,000,000,000,000 in debt and the fat Orange Menace wants to put troops in space. He'll fucking ya.

Space Force isn't about soldiers in space, go do some research instead of just bitching. It's about protecting our military capability; GPS, spy satellites, cellphones and consumer satellites from hostile forces. Do you have a clue what an enemy nation with space capability could do to America (hell the world) if they went up there and started randomly shooting down satellites? Did you know that a typical man has made a space ship & launch rockets? - he's already booking for space tourism. And if random folks can now get into space... Yeah we need a Space Force, hell we should have had one already considering that China and Russia both know how to get weapons into orbit and trash our edge on the battlefield...
Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?

She is/was and will always be a horrible candidate. Unfortunately we got far worse and time will tell that out for all.
I don't agree, but we will never know.

I suspect Cankles would have nuked some nation by now and gotten us in WWIII.

Be happy that the MSM is finally doing it's job rather than blowing the POTUS every day, which is exactly what they would be doing if the pantsuit were in the Oval Office.

No world wars, but we would and will continue to fight in these little skirmishes as long as the Military Industrial complex is in place. Think SPACE FORCE, the country is $ 22,000,000,000,000 in debt and the fat Orange Menace wants to put troops in space. He'll fucking ya.

Space Force isn't about soldiers in space, go do some research instead of just bitching. It's about protecting our military capability; GPS, spy satellites, cellphones and consumer satellites from hostile forces. Do you have a clue what an enemy nation with space capability could do to America (hell the world) if they went up there and started randomly shooting down satellites? Did you know that a typical man has made a space ship & launch rockets? - he's already booking for space tourism. And if random folks can now get into space... Yeah we need a Space Force, hell we should have had one already considering that China and Russia both know how to get weapons into orbit and trash our edge on the battlefield...

So militarization of space. To bad there are treaties against such things, but please do carry on!
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself[/QUOTE]

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
… Chrysler and GM went bankrupt all on their own before Obama took office. The Trustees sold Chrysler to Fiat and saved the company.

GM begged Washington for a bailout. Unlike W, Obama refused to just give them bailout money, and made strict conditions to the aid. And he saved the company. …

An the German part of the story: Because GM was bankrupt Germany tried to save the company Opel. (Opel was founded in 1862 and grew to be the biggest European car manufacturer during the years 1898 to 1928. GM bought it in 1929.) They found a new way with another company and started to realize a new future for Opel as an independent car manufacturer again. But suddenly GM was not bankrupt any longer - thanks money from the taxpayers of the USA - and overtook Opel again (which was saved up to this moment with the money of the German taxpayers, which was lost now). In the next years they continued to lose hundreds and hundreds of millions of Dollars. Finally they sold Opel to Peugeot in 2017.

Opel is a very good example what's wrong with the automobile industry of the USA. While everywhere in Germany grew the automobile industry Opel became more and more unimportant because of the mismanagement of GM. Although they had the best chances they were not able to sell cars "made in Germany". But they are able to sell cars in the USA with the label "made in the USA", which are not made in the USA.

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Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?[/QUOTE]
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt[/QUOTE]

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Have you ever heard of an omelette and how one goes about making one?
Come on truck The guy is giving us one big beautiful trade war that'll more than wipe out your tax cuts Chinese are ready to play hardball and they're the largest holders of our debt

How does one solve the decades long UNFAIR trade practices utilized by other nations against the US?[/QUOTE]
Don't know gipper but shooting yourself in the foot is not the way
If I remember correctly, President Trump did say that trade wars can be good.

His goal is to create trade agreements and practices that are fair and beneficial to the United States as well as the other countries.

Why do libs hate the idea of anything that benefits this country?
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
manufacturing workers in the US. that's who.
President Trump warned Harley-Davidson on Tuesday that if the company follows through on moving production of motorcycles sold in Europe overseas, “it will be the beginning of the end” — while saying the American icon would not be able to “sell back into the U.S. without paying a big tax.”

Trump Warns Harley-Davidson of ‘Big Tax’ If It Sells Back to US

Well if they don't do it fk uhmm hopefully them trying to be smartasses and prove their loyal devotions to being anti american pricks screw them too.
If you refuse to lose a hundred million dollars a year you are anti American?

Republicans don't even want to pay their taxes.
If I remember correctly, President Trump did say that trade wars can be good.

His goal is to create trade agreements and practices that are fair and beneficial to the United States as well as the other countries.

Why do libs hate the idea of anything that benefits this country?
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself
again, it is quite simple, the country affected can remove the tariff in the US by taking their tariff off of our products into their country. it is easy. why are you for another country putting fellow americans out of jobs? I don't get you idiots on the left. just don't. You all want to give jobs to foreigners in this country illegally and you want other nations to destroy all the other jobs. Is your goal to kill off america?
President Trump warned Harley-Davidson on Tuesday that if the company follows through on moving production of motorcycles sold in Europe overseas, “it will be the beginning of the end” — while saying the American icon would not be able to “sell back into the U.S. without paying a big tax.”

Trump Warns Harley-Davidson of ‘Big Tax’ If It Sells Back to US

Well if they don't do it fk uhmm hopefully them trying to be smartasses and prove their loyal devotions to being anti american pricks screw them too.
If you refuse to lose a hundred million dollars a year you are anti American?

Republicans don't even want to pay their taxes.
which republicans you speaking of? We know the left don't pay. Ask Al Sharpton!

here, read up. See I provide links to debate with.

5 Prominent Democrats With Big-Time Tax Problems Who Didn’t Get Loads of Media Attention
President Trump warned Harley-Davidson on Tuesday that if the company follows through on moving production of motorcycles sold in Europe overseas, “it will be the beginning of the end” — while saying the American icon would not be able to “sell back into the U.S. without paying a big tax.”

Trump Warns Harley-Davidson of ‘Big Tax’ If It Sells Back to US

Well if they don't do it fk uhmm hopefully them trying to be smartasses and prove their loyal devotions to being anti american pricks screw them too.
If you refuse to lose a hundred million dollars a year you are anti American?

Republicans don't even want to pay their taxes.
which republicans you speaking of? We know the left don't pay. Ask Al Sharpton!

here, read up. See I provide links to debate with.

5 Prominent Democrats With Big-Time Tax Problems Who Didn’t Get Loads of Media Attention
I'm worried about one right now. He's the president.

Trump Foundation being referred for State and Federal Criminal charges

I posted a thread about Trump's potential 4 felony charges from his illegal foundation but it was closed down.

Even the referral letters are posted:

New York Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation After 2-Year Investigation
Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

/----/ Well then Fridge - this should make you happy: I'm sure you'll waste no time in congratulating Jared and the President for a job well done.
Trump’s No. 1 deal maker, Jared Kushner, takes winning streak to Wisconsin for 13,000 jobs
Trump’s No. 1 deal maker, Jared Kushner, takes winning streak to Wisconsin for 13,000 jobs
Fresh from a whirlwind peace mission through the Middle East, the administration’s top deal maker, Jared Kushner, is heading to Wisconsin with President Trump to celebrate the biggest jobs deal of his young White House career, the groundbreaking of the massive Foxconn Technology Group project.

While Trump will likely be the focus of the event to highlight the $10 billion investment from FoxConn, the Taiwanese manufacturer best known for making Apple’s iPhones, it will also be a crowning moment for Kushner who helped negotiate the deal, his biggest in the U.S. and set to create 13,000 jobs.

It joins a growing list of deals administration officials credit to Trump’s son-in-law

More embarrassment from Trump.

Trump to Harley Davidson: ‘Don’t get cute with us’

President Donald Trump on Thursday had a message for Harley-Davidson: “Don’t get cute with us.”

The president’s comments, which were made at a groundbreaking in Wisconsin for a Foxconn plant, were the latest attacks he‘s made on the motorcycle company after it announced it would move some of its manufacturing to Thailand to avoid expensive tariffs on bikes sold in the European Union.
There's nothing like the sound of a Harley Davidson that says made in America. But Harley Davidson is very concerned about the blowback of the Trump trade war, and has decided it will be shipping some manufacuring overseas to avoid the incoming retaliation missle of Trump's trade war.
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’
Canada hits $13 billion of US goods with new tariffs
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