Trump and Harley-Davidson

Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

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Eh, let's see how the dust settles after negotiations...


Probably he'll offer then a load of money, and they'll leave anyway.
he has no worries, the country has his back. None of us rich conservatives will buy their foreign product.
If I remember correctly, President Trump did say that trade wars can be good.

His goal is to create trade agreements and practices that are fair and beneficial to the United States as well as the other countries.

Why do libs hate the idea of anything that benefits this country?
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
If I remember correctly, President Trump did say that trade wars can be good.

His goal is to create trade agreements and practices that are fair and beneficial to the United States as well as the other countries.

Why do libs hate the idea of anything that benefits this country?
Paying more for a new imported car benefits who???
Having a nobody wins trade war benefits who?? Trump is an AH a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself
Yeah...and you think this was never done by a politician before. LMFAO!

The demand made of me was to prove Obama attacked business, just as Donnie Tiny Hands is doing. I did that. Agreed?

How you change the topic every time you post.

Did I say politicians had never done this before? No. So.....

Basically you're trying to deflect.

The reality is this is TRUMP'S own policy and he's criticizing private companies because Trump has hurt their business.

Is that really making the US great?
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

I got your point. I'm just struggling to see how it's relevant to this topic.

Please, tell me how Obama is relevant to the topic of Trump making tariffs and then US companies going abroad.

Was Obama president when Trump made this tariffs? No.

I could bring up the superbowl in 1753, it's just as relevant as deflecting with Obama.

So, Trump's trade war is NOT making America great.

Thank you for saying so.
BO is relevant. He did much the same thing and few on the left ever criticized him. The DNC Media is attacking Trump non-stop and as a result is inflaming many Americans, yet he is not doing unprecedented things.

Must we go back to why I involved BO? Other posters in this thread (not you), demanded proof that Big Ears attacked private business like Trump has. I posted proof and then you came into the debate. So....there.

“But Obama” is completely irrelevant not just because he didn’t do this, but also because he’s not President. Your attempt at deflection is s failure.

Trump has attacked and threatened Amazon, and now Harley-Davidson. In all my adult life I have never seen a President threaten to destroy American corporations before.

I also note that since Trump started his trade war, the Dow Jones has lost nearly 2,000 points and stocks stoped rising. Jobs haven’t been effected yet because of the goosing of the tax cuts but now that tariffs are kicking in, they’re now at risk.

Job creation was down in 2017 over 2016. The stock market showed a steady increase from 2010 until Trump started talking tariffs. Now it’s stalled and declining.
so you missed obama selling chrysler to fiat and forcing loans on GM and getting pissed Ford didn't want to play.

you missed it when obama went after gibson guitars.

got it.
How you change the topic every time you post.

Did I say politicians had never done this before? No. So.....

Basically you're trying to deflect.

The reality is this is TRUMP'S own policy and he's criticizing private companies because Trump has hurt their business.

Is that really making the US great?
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

I got your point. I'm just struggling to see how it's relevant to this topic.

Please, tell me how Obama is relevant to the topic of Trump making tariffs and then US companies going abroad.

Was Obama president when Trump made this tariffs? No.

I could bring up the superbowl in 1753, it's just as relevant as deflecting with Obama.

So, Trump's trade war is NOT making America great.

Thank you for saying so.
BO is relevant. He did much the same thing and few on the left ever criticized him. The DNC Media is attacking Trump non-stop and as a result is inflaming many Americans, yet he is not doing unprecedented things.

Must we go back to why I involved BO? Other posters in this thread (not you), demanded proof that Big Ears attacked private business like Trump has. I posted proof and then you came into the debate. So....there.

“But Obama” is completely irrelevant not just because he didn’t do this, but also because he’s not President. Your attempt at deflection is s failure.

Trump has attacked and threatened Amazon, and now Harley-Davidson. In all my adult life I have never seen a President threaten to destroy American corporations before.

I also note that since Trump started his trade war, the Dow Jones has lost nearly 2,000 points and stocks stoped rising. Jobs haven’t been effected yet because of the goosing of the tax cuts but now that tariffs are kicking in, they’re now at risk.

Job creation was down in 2017 over 2016. The stock market showed a steady increase from 2010 until Trump started talking tariffs. Now it’s stalled and declining.
so you missed obama selling chrysler to fiat and forcing loans on GM and getting pissed Ford didn't want to play.

you missed it when obama went after gibson guitars.

got it.

Chrysler and GM went bankrupt all on their own before Obama took office. The Trustees sold Chrysler to Fiat and saved the company.

GM begged Washington for a bailout. Unlike W, Obama refused to just give them bailout money, and made strict conditions to the aid. And he saved the company.

The IRS moved on Gibson for importing endangered woods from Madagascar, in violation of the Lacey Act. Their own CEO gave an interviewing saying they went to Madagascar to illegally source woods.

I know very well that you idiots on the right have tried to make claims that Gibson was targeted as Republican company, but that’s a lie. When your CEO publically admits to committing a crime, and evidence shows that they did indeed continue to import endangered woods from Madagascar, their political leanings have nothing to do with it.

They were warned to discontinue buying. They did it anyway. Their CEO publically admitted to illegally sourcing that wood. All other American guitar makers except Gibson, found other sources.

Why Gibson Guitar Was Raided By The Justice Department

Gibson asked why no charges were filed? Possibly because the whole exercise was more about getting them to stop, rather than punishing them.

How is that comparable to Trump threatening Amazon and now Harley? How is this not the government picking winners and losers and trying to destroy some of the most successful companies in America?
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

I got your point. I'm just struggling to see how it's relevant to this topic.

Please, tell me how Obama is relevant to the topic of Trump making tariffs and then US companies going abroad.

Was Obama president when Trump made this tariffs? No.

I could bring up the superbowl in 1753, it's just as relevant as deflecting with Obama.

So, Trump's trade war is NOT making America great.

Thank you for saying so.
BO is relevant. He did much the same thing and few on the left ever criticized him. The DNC Media is attacking Trump non-stop and as a result is inflaming many Americans, yet he is not doing unprecedented things.

Must we go back to why I involved BO? Other posters in this thread (not you), demanded proof that Big Ears attacked private business like Trump has. I posted proof and then you came into the debate. So....there.

“But Obama” is completely irrelevant not just because he didn’t do this, but also because he’s not President. Your attempt at deflection is s failure.

Trump has attacked and threatened Amazon, and now Harley-Davidson. In all my adult life I have never seen a President threaten to destroy American corporations before.

I also note that since Trump started his trade war, the Dow Jones has lost nearly 2,000 points and stocks stoped rising. Jobs haven’t been effected yet because of the goosing of the tax cuts but now that tariffs are kicking in, they’re now at risk.

Job creation was down in 2017 over 2016. The stock market showed a steady increase from 2010 until Trump started talking tariffs. Now it’s stalled and declining.
so you missed obama selling chrysler to fiat and forcing loans on GM and getting pissed Ford didn't want to play.

you missed it when obama went after gibson guitars.

got it.

Chrysler and GM went bankrupt all on their own before Obama took office. The Trustees sold Chrysler to Fiat and saved the company.

GM begged Washington for a bailout. Unlike W, Obama refused to just give them bailout money, and made strict conditions to the aid. And he saved the company.

The IRS moved on Gibson for importing endangered woods from Madagascar, in violation of the Lacey Act. Their own CEO gave an interviewing saying they went to Madagascar to illegally source woods.

I know very well that you idiots on the right have tried to make claims that Gibson was targeted as Republican company, but that’s a lie. When your CEO publically admits to committing a crime, and evidence shows that they did indeed continue to import endangered woods from Madagascar, their political leanings have nothing to do with it.

They were warned to discontinue buying. They did it anyway. Their CEO publically admitted to illegally sourcing that wood. All other American guitar makers except Gibson, found other sources.

Why Gibson Guitar Was Raided By The Justice Department

Gibson asked why no charges were filed? Possibly because the whole exercise was more about getting them to stop, rather than punishing them.

How is that comparable to Trump threatening Amazon and now Harley? How is this not the government picking winners and losers and trying to destroy some of the most successful companies in America?
my accountant worked for chrysler as their accountant for a decade+.

you're full of shit.

as for gibson:
The wood the Government seized on August 24 is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier and is FSC Controlled, meaning that the wood complies with the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an industry-recognized and independent, not-for-profit organization established to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC Controlled Wood standards require, among other things, that the wood not be illegally harvested and not be harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights. See for more information. Gibson has a long history of supporting sustainable and responsible sources of wood and has worked diligently with entities such as the Rainforest Alliance and Greenpeace to secure FSC certified supplies. The wood seized on August 24 satisfied FSC standards. (emphasis mine)

yet - it was seized.
Sorry, I didn't see this thread earlier.

I agree that HD is just using the threat of trade war and taxes as an excuse because they had planned to move regardless. Libs just using it to attack Trump.

My take is let Harley Davidson move. They make some of the world's worst motorcycles today.

It's one of the worst motorcycles one can buy according to Consumer Reports.

Listen to the outlaw bikers...

Here is how Sonny Barger, one of the original California Hells Angels, explains it:

In terms of pure workmanship, personally I don't like Harleys. I ride them because I'm in the club, and that's the image, but if I could I would seriously consider riding a Honda ST1100 or a BMW. We really missed the boat not switching over to the Japanese models when they began building bigger bikes. I'll usually say "F*ck Harley-Davidson."

Barger now rides a Victory.

Let HD move overseas and tax their products mightily.

Ignorant much?

HD has plants in three other countries.

They are NOT building a new plant.

If they sell into the EU from the US plant, they will get hit with a tariff that will n=make them not competitive. If they continued in that practice, HD would lose that business & the profits.

HD will sell into EU from their other plants like the one in Thailand. They will avoid the tariffs & maintain business ( other than losses due to EU people no longer wanting an American product due to Trump being such an insulting asshole.

The US market will still be serviced by the US factory.

The net result is jobs lost here & gained there. Thank you Trump.

It is so sad to see how quick you morons will attack US companies just because your orange buddy has one of his tantrums. How easily you are duped.

To the contrary, I know exactly what is going on while you know squat. And Harley Davidson is the least of our problems. Certainly, I won't be buying HD products for some time. Instead, I'll go for made in USA Hondas and BMWs.

What is more important is steel prices will come down for Made in USA. It will cost more for imported steel due to tariffs. What you're missing is the trade has been lopsided as US manufacturers moved abroad due to globalization. What Trump is doing is tilting the playing field back towards the US so it will have a manufacturing sector again.

This is a trade war and Trump has the candidates to make it happen. Things won't be fair for other countries' manufacturers in order to favor Made in USA products.

What HD is complaining about has nothing to do with the USA. They were going to move overseas anyway. What people forget is HD was bailed out with help from government loans when they were going bankrupt in 2008. If this is the way HD repays the US, then they might as well go bankrupt this time around. Their products are cheaply made and overpriced and have been for some time. This is why US citizens' opinion of their products is important as people want to know if their companies are for the USA. The people who are HD's customers aren't young anymore. They're older riders who think a loud motorcycle is important. To me, performance, quality build, engineering and safety is important, so I'd buy a Honda or BMW made in USA bike. Will have to see if other manufacturers build in the USA. For outlaw bikers, they can get these or a Victory bike.

Moreover, this isn't Trump vs Democrats so much (unless you count people like Paul Ryan, McCain and Romney), but Trump vs the Republican conservative base for globalization. The Trump base has had their candidates beat the incumbent far right and RINO candidates. This is why Trump can call for a trade war and get what he wants.

As for the leftists, who cares? They're willing to use the government for their own purposes such as higher taxes on the rich and socialism/communism. Let people like Nancy Pelosi get kicked out by their own party.
Overall, we have found out the hard way that FREE TRADE was bullshat. It really was about globalization and this is why companies like Harley continue to close factories here and move overseas. This is the base of the conservative right. This is how their precious corporations make money and excessive profits. The USA manufacturing worker can compete with anybody in the world and beat them. What they could not beat were wealthy people in their own country who wanted to move manufacturing overseas. They do not care about manufacturing in the USA. All they cared about is profits. Thus, I hate Harley Davidsson and won't be buying any of their products in the near future. They represent what is wrong with America today. They do not care about the American worker. They just care about maximizing corporate profits. Thus, we need populist candidates like Trump to run this country and vote the weird-o's who do not want MAGA to be voted out. A TRADE WAR IS A TRADE WAR until we can right the playing field once more and have a manufacturing sector in the USA!!!
Yeah...and you think this was never done by a politician before. LMFAO!

The demand made of me was to prove Obama attacked business, just as Donnie Tiny Hands is doing. I did that. Agreed?

How you change the topic every time you post.

Did I say politicians had never done this before? No. So.....

Basically you're trying to deflect.

The reality is this is TRUMP'S own policy and he's criticizing private companies because Trump has hurt their business.

Is that really making the US great?
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

Well finally a but, but, but, but Obama sighting. Way to go ungripped, I knew you wouldn't let us down!

Trump is doing things Lefties don't like...well duh?

Obama did things righties didn't like...well duh?

Weren't we told elections have consequences?

Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?
How you change the topic every time you post.

Did I say politicians had never done this before? No. So.....

Basically you're trying to deflect.

The reality is this is TRUMP'S own policy and he's criticizing private companies because Trump has hurt their business.

Is that really making the US great?
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

I got your point. I'm just struggling to see how it's relevant to this topic.

Please, tell me how Obama is relevant to the topic of Trump making tariffs and then US companies going abroad.

Was Obama president when Trump made this tariffs? No.

I could bring up the superbowl in 1753, it's just as relevant as deflecting with Obama.

So, Trump's trade war is NOT making America great.

Thank you for saying so.
BO is relevant. He did much the same thing and few on the left ever criticized him. The DNC Media is attacking Trump non-stop and as a result is inflaming many Americans, yet he is not doing unprecedented things.

Must we go back to why I involved BO? Other posters in this thread (not you), demanded proof that Big Ears attacked private business like Trump has. I posted proof and then you came into the debate. So....there.

“But Obama” is completely irrelevant not just because he didn’t do this, but also because he’s not President. Your attempt at deflection is s failure.

Trump has attacked and threatened Amazon, and now Harley-Davidson. In all my adult life I have never seen a President threaten to destroy American corporations before.

I also note that since Trump started his trade war, the Dow Jones has lost nearly 2,000 points and stocks stoped rising. Jobs haven’t been effected yet because of the goosing of the tax cuts but now that tariffs are kicking in, they’re now at risk.

Job creation was down in 2017 over 2016. The stock market showed a steady increase from 2010 until Trump started talking tariffs. Now it’s stalled and declining.
so you missed obama selling chrysler to fiat and forcing loans on GM and getting pissed Ford didn't want to play.

you missed it when obama went after gibson guitars.

got it.
How the Hell can these people show their faces around here? They readily admit not knowing anything about Obama's actions...WTF!
How you change the topic every time you post.

Did I say politicians had never done this before? No. So.....

Basically you're trying to deflect.

The reality is this is TRUMP'S own policy and he's criticizing private companies because Trump has hurt their business.

Is that really making the US great?
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

Well finally a but, but, but, but Obama sighting. Way to go ungripped, I knew you wouldn't let us down!

Trump is doing things Lefties don't like...well duh?

Obama did things righties didn't like...well duh?

Weren't we told elections have consequences?

Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?

She is/was and will always be a horrible candidate. Unfortunately we got far worse and time will tell that out for all.
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

Well finally a but, but, but, but Obama sighting. Way to go ungripped, I knew you wouldn't let us down!

Trump is doing things Lefties don't like...well duh?

Obama did things righties didn't like...well duh?

Weren't we told elections have consequences?

Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?

She is/was and will always be a horrible candidate. Unfortunately we got far worse and time will tell that out for all.
I don't agree, but we will never know.

I suspect Cankles would have nuked some nation by now and gotten us in WWIII.

Be happy that the MSM is finally doing it's job rather than blowing the POTUS every day, which is exactly what they would be doing if the pantsuit were in the Oval Office...and what they did for eight long years with Big EARs.
Sorry, I didn't see this thread earlier.

I agree that HD is just using the threat of trade war and taxes as an excuse because they had planned to move regardless. Libs just using it to attack Trump.

My take is let Harley Davidson move. They make some of the world's worst motorcycles today.

It's one of the worst motorcycles one can buy according to Consumer Reports.

Listen to the outlaw bikers...

Here is how Sonny Barger, one of the original California Hells Angels, explains it:

In terms of pure workmanship, personally I don't like Harleys. I ride them because I'm in the club, and that's the image, but if I could I would seriously consider riding a Honda ST1100 or a BMW. We really missed the boat not switching over to the Japanese models when they began building bigger bikes. I'll usually say "F*ck Harley-Davidson."

Barger now rides a Victory.

Let HD move overseas and tax their products mightily.

Ignorant much?

HD has plants in three other countries.

They are NOT building a new plant.

If they sell into the EU from the US plant, they will get hit with a tariff that will n=make them not competitive. If they continued in that practice, HD would lose that business & the profits.

HD will sell into EU from their other plants like the one in Thailand. They will avoid the tariffs & maintain business ( other than losses due to EU people no longer wanting an American product due to Trump being such an insulting asshole.

The US market will still be serviced by the US factory.

The net result is jobs lost here & gained there. Thank you Trump.

It is so sad to see how quick you morons will attack US companies just because your orange buddy has one of his tantrums. How easily you are duped.

To the contrary, I know exactly what is going on while you know squat. And Harley Davidson is the least of our problems. Certainly, I won't be buying HD products for some time. Instead, I'll go for made in USA Hondas and BMWs.

What is more important is steel prices will come down for Made in USA. It will cost more for imported steel due to tariffs. What you're missing is the trade has been lopsided as US manufacturers moved abroad due to globalization. What Trump is doing is tilting the playing field back towards the US so it will have a manufacturing sector again.

This is a trade war and Trump has the candidates to make it happen. Things won't be fair for other countries' manufacturers in order to favor Made in USA products.

What HD is complaining about has nothing to do with the USA. They were going to move overseas anyway. What people forget is HD was bailed out with help from government loans when they were going bankrupt in 2008. If this is the way HD repays the US, then they might as well go bankrupt this time around. Their products are cheaply made and overpriced and have been for some time. This is why US citizens' opinion of their products is important as people want to know if their companies are for the USA. The people who are HD's customers aren't young anymore. They're older riders who think a loud motorcycle is important. To me, performance, quality build, engineering and safety is important, so I'd buy a Honda or BMW made in USA bike. Will have to see if other manufacturers build in the USA. For outlaw bikers, they can get these or a Victory bike.

Moreover, this isn't Trump vs Democrats so much (unless you count people like Paul Ryan, McCain and Romney), but Trump vs the Republican conservative base for globalization. The Trump base has had their candidates beat the incumbent far right and RINO candidates. This is why Trump can call for a trade war and get what he wants.

As for the leftists, who cares? They're willing to use the government for their own purposes such as higher taxes on the rich and socialism/communism. Let people like Nancy Pelosi get kicked out by their own party.

So you know, good like with that USA made Honda motorcycle.

But hry, be a good little Trumpetre & trash talk the same US manufacturer Trump claimed to love a couple weeks ago.

So you expected HD to do nothing & just lose that EU business. Why? Because your orange buddy said so?

Everyone in the world knew Trump's tariffs would bring retaliatory tariffs. Everyone but Trump & dumbass you.

I love it. "We love US manufacting" Then here you are hoping they go bankrupt. why?

Here you are going into a meltdown because HD will send EU requirements to Thailand. Why? If they don't that business is just lost & those jobs lost. At least by using their Thailand facility, they can keep the profits.

You asshoes HATE everything Trump tells you to hate. How stupid can you get.
No it is not making the US great but my point which you consistently ignore, is Obama did much the same.

I got your point. I'm just struggling to see how it's relevant to this topic.

Please, tell me how Obama is relevant to the topic of Trump making tariffs and then US companies going abroad.

Was Obama president when Trump made this tariffs? No.

I could bring up the superbowl in 1753, it's just as relevant as deflecting with Obama.

So, Trump's trade war is NOT making America great.

Thank you for saying so.
BO is relevant. He did much the same thing and few on the left ever criticized him. The DNC Media is attacking Trump non-stop and as a result is inflaming many Americans, yet he is not doing unprecedented things.

Must we go back to why I involved BO? Other posters in this thread (not you), demanded proof that Big Ears attacked private business like Trump has. I posted proof and then you came into the debate. So....there.

“But Obama” is completely irrelevant not just because he didn’t do this, but also because he’s not President. Your attempt at deflection is s failure.

Trump has attacked and threatened Amazon, and now Harley-Davidson. In all my adult life I have never seen a President threaten to destroy American corporations before.

I also note that since Trump started his trade war, the Dow Jones has lost nearly 2,000 points and stocks stoped rising. Jobs haven’t been effected yet because of the goosing of the tax cuts but now that tariffs are kicking in, they’re now at risk.

Job creation was down in 2017 over 2016. The stock market showed a steady increase from 2010 until Trump started talking tariffs. Now it’s stalled and declining.
so you missed obama selling chrysler to fiat and forcing loans on GM and getting pissed Ford didn't want to play.

you missed it when obama went after gibson guitars.

got it.
How the Hell can these people show their faces around here? They readily admit not knowing anything about Obama's actions...WTF!

Wow, the kettle calling the pot black.
Well finally a but, but, but, but Obama sighting. Way to go ungripped, I knew you wouldn't let us down!

Trump is doing things Lefties don't like...well duh?

Obama did things righties didn't like...well duh?

Weren't we told elections have consequences?

Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?

She is/was and will always be a horrible candidate. Unfortunately we got far worse and time will tell that out for all.
I don't agree, but we will never know.

I suspect Cankles would have nuked some nation by now and gotten us in WWIII.

Be happy that the MSM is finally doing it's job rather than blowing the POTUS every day, which is exactly what they would be doing if the pantsuit were in the Oval Office.

No world wars, but we would and will continue to fight in these little skirmishes as long as the Military Industrial complex is in place. Think SPACE FORCE, the country is $ 22,000,000,000,000 in debt and the fat Orange Menace wants to put troops in space. He'll fucking ya.
Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

That isn't exactly what I've read. Harley was planning this plant in Europe, long before the Tariffs. Harley has a larger market there, than here.

As for why is Trump Criticizing... did you miss the memo? That's what he does.
Sorry, I didn't see this thread earlier.

I agree that HD is just using the threat of trade war and taxes as an excuse because they had planned to move regardless. Libs just using it to attack Trump.

My take is let Harley Davidson move. They make some of the world's worst motorcycles today.

It's one of the worst motorcycles one can buy according to Consumer Reports.

Listen to the outlaw bikers...

Here is how Sonny Barger, one of the original California Hells Angels, explains it:

In terms of pure workmanship, personally I don't like Harleys. I ride them because I'm in the club, and that's the image, but if I could I would seriously consider riding a Honda ST1100 or a BMW. We really missed the boat not switching over to the Japanese models when they began building bigger bikes. I'll usually say "F*ck Harley-Davidson."

Barger now rides a Victory.

Let HD move overseas and tax their products mightily.

Ignorant much?

HD has plants in three other countries.

They are NOT building a new plant.

If they sell into the EU from the US plant, they will get hit with a tariff that will n=make them not competitive. If they continued in that practice, HD would lose that business & the profits.

HD will sell into EU from their other plants like the one in Thailand. They will avoid the tariffs & maintain business ( other than losses due to EU people no longer wanting an American product due to Trump being such an insulting asshole.

The US market will still be serviced by the US factory.

The net result is jobs lost here & gained there. Thank you Trump.

It is so sad to see how quick you morons will attack US companies just because your orange buddy has one of his tantrums. How easily you are duped.

To the contrary, I know exactly what is going on while you know squat. And Harley Davidson is the least of our problems. Certainly, I won't be buying HD products for some time. Instead, I'll go for made in USA Hondas and BMWs.

What is more important is steel prices will come down for Made in USA. It will cost more for imported steel due to tariffs. What you're missing is the trade has been lopsided as US manufacturers moved abroad due to globalization. What Trump is doing is tilting the playing field back towards the US so it will have a manufacturing sector again.

This is a trade war and Trump has the candidates to make it happen. Things won't be fair for other countries' manufacturers in order to favor Made in USA products.

What HD is complaining about has nothing to do with the USA. They were going to move overseas anyway. What people forget is HD was bailed out with help from government loans when they were going bankrupt in 2008. If this is the way HD repays the US, then they might as well go bankrupt this time around. Their products are cheaply made and overpriced and have been for some time. This is why US citizens' opinion of their products is important as people want to know if their companies are for the USA. The people who are HD's customers aren't young anymore. They're older riders who think a loud motorcycle is important. To me, performance, quality build, engineering and safety is important, so I'd buy a Honda or BMW made in USA bike. Will have to see if other manufacturers build in the USA. For outlaw bikers, they can get these or a Victory bike.

Moreover, this isn't Trump vs Democrats so much (unless you count people like Paul Ryan, McCain and Romney), but Trump vs the Republican conservative base for globalization. The Trump base has had their candidates beat the incumbent far right and RINO candidates. This is why Trump can call for a trade war and get what he wants.

As for the leftists, who cares? They're willing to use the government for their own purposes such as higher taxes on the rich and socialism/communism. Let people like Nancy Pelosi get kicked out by their own party.

So you know, good like with that USA made Honda motorcycle.

But hry, be a good little Trumpetre & trash talk the same US manufacturer Trump claimed to love a couple weeks ago.

So you expected HD to do nothing & just lose that EU business. Why? Because your orange buddy said so?

Everyone in the world knew Trump's tariffs would bring retaliatory tariffs. Everyone but Trump & dumbass you.

I love it. "We love US manufacting" Then here you are hoping they go bankrupt. why?

Here you are going into a meltdown because HD will send EU requirements to Thailand. Why? If they don't that business is just lost & those jobs lost. At least by using their Thailand facility, they can keep the profits.

You asshoes HATE everything Trump tells you to hate. How stupid can you get.
you funny.
Trump is doing things Lefties don't like...well duh?

Obama did things righties didn't like...well duh?

Weren't we told elections have consequences?

Can you give us a bbbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary now?
Sure....I sure am glad she aint POTUS!!!

We do have something to be thankful for ....right?

She is/was and will always be a horrible candidate. Unfortunately we got far worse and time will tell that out for all.
I don't agree, but we will never know.

I suspect Cankles would have nuked some nation by now and gotten us in WWIII.

Be happy that the MSM is finally doing it's job rather than blowing the POTUS every day, which is exactly what they would be doing if the pantsuit were in the Oval Office.

No world wars, but we would and will continue to fight in these little skirmishes as long as the Military Industrial complex is in place. Think SPACE FORCE, the country is $ 22,000,000,000,000 in debt and the fat Orange Menace wants to put troops in space. He'll fucking ya.

Space Force isn't about soldiers in space, go do some research instead of just bitching. It's about protecting our military capability; GPS, spy satellites, cellphones and consumer satellites from hostile forces. Do you have a clue what an enemy nation with space capability could do to America (hell the world) if they went up there and started randomly shooting down satellites? Did you know that a typical man has made a space ship & launch rockets? - he's already booking for space tourism. And if random folks can now get into space... Yeah we need a Space Force, hell we should have had one already considering that China and Russia both know how to get weapons into orbit and trash our edge on the battlefield...
Did Obama put tariffs on goods and then have a country put tariffs back and then he then attacked those companies that left the US?

If so, which tariffs and which companies?

"So....there"? Like a fucking little child.
Oh brother.

So now you get specific. You think because Obama did not place tariffs, that what Trump is doing is unprecedented. I think you might want to research history. Tariffs have been used by many presidents.

Do you think BO did only great things for the economy? If so, think again.

Do you really understand what I'm asking you? Or do you read the first three words then type a response?

I'm asking you to show evidence of where Obama did BOTH things. First he put tariffs that then had tariffs come back in response. Then the companies that got impacted by those tariffs said they'd leave and then Obama attacked them for leaving.

This is what we're talking about here. Do you get that? This is the ONLY thing we're talking about here. We're talking about Trump being an idiot for attacking a company for saying they'd move some production because of TRUMP'S policies.

Do you understand.

Now, you're the one who brought up Obama and said it was the same.

So if you're going to say it's the same, PROVE IT. If you've already proven it, it shouldn't be so fucking hard to prove it again, should it?

Me thinks you're trying to be pedantic.

"But, but, but Obama put up tariffs." So the fuck what? This is NOT what is being spoken about here.

"But, but, but Obama criticized companies" So the fuck what? This is NOT what is being spoken about here.

What we're talking about is what I've already explained.

Let's try a simple yes/no question for you.

Did Obama put tariffs on goods, then see other countries put tariffs on US goods, and the at least one company said it would move production away from the US and Obama criticized this company?

Yes or no?
Means nothing. You seem to think since Big Ears didn't do tariffs, he is somehow acceptable. That is silly. Just because Trump imposes tariffs, you and many on the left go off the rails. Well my son, Obama did much to harm American business, but yeah...he didn't impose tariffs.

Where did I post Obama used tariffs?

He did harm American business with his actions. Read my post where I list some of those things and the article backing it up.

I didn't say any of that stuff. You just make stuff up to attack people with. How difficult is it to stick to the topic at hand?

This isn't about Trump imposing tariffs. If he imposes tariffs and then stands by his decision, then fine, but he's not. He's attack HIS OWN FUCKING DECISION.
So it is about Trump, yet you say it isn't. I am confused.

Quite clearly you are confused. Or maybe it's just that you try and avoid certain things because it's inconvenient for your "view of things".

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