Trump and Teddy Roosevelt, Very Similar and Great Presidents

TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Trump is an outsider who has fought the Washington D.C. establishment typified by people like Nancy Pelosi. He fights for American workers everyday. Democratic Party only concerned with "social justice " issues like a transgender being able to to use the restroom of their choice. Boy there's a vote getter with working class Americans! :lmao:
RATFLMAO!! When are you idiots going to realise that the only person the Orange Buffoon cares about is himself. He cares more about the piece of dog shit he stood on as he headed to McDonalds for his double cheese burger.
He loves our shows...and Democratic Party better begin to remember 1972 and stop trying to replicate 1974.
Trump is an outsider who has fought the Washington D.C. establishment typified by people like Nancy Pelosi. He fights for American workers everyday. Democratic Party only concerned with "social justice " issues like a transgender being able to to use the restroom of their choice. Boy there's a vote getter with working class Americans! :lmao:
RATFLMAO!! When are you idiots going to realise that the only person the Orange Buffoon cares about is himself. He cares more about the piece of dog shit he stood on as he headed to McDonalds for his double cheese burger.

Only a TDS ramble, above....
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Roosevelt Corollary is a good thing. Our hemisphere,our backyard. We should act in the best interest of the United States. Castro family in Cuba must go.
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Roosevelt Corollary is a good thing. Our hemisphere,our backyard. We should act in the best interest of the United States. Castro family in Cuba must go.


Didn't the modern Dimms embrace the Castro's?
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Roosevelt Corollary is a good thing. Our hemisphere,our backyard. We should act in the best interest of the United States. Castro family in Cuba must go.
Bullshit....He was Wilson's butt buddy....His sticking his nose into the 1912 election is the source of the total state of fuckery that the nation is in today.
Can't help but draw correlation between the two personalities. President Trump's visit to Daytona 500 is classic TR. Hit the small play button to watch video.
Theodore Roosevelt: Personality | Season 1 | The Roosevelts
As Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite president, I would have to vehemently disagree on the concept he and Trump being very similar.
Theodore Roosevelt was directly responsible for the creation of our nation's National Parks and National Forests. Trump looks at what wildlands remain and sees only resources for development and dollars. When Trump looks at threatened wildlife, he sees only creatures in the way of business development. Trump only looks at this continent in the form of resources and money to be made. Teddy looked at the wild places and saw that businessmen would sell off every tree and develop on every tract of land, in order to make a buck.
Theodore Roosevelt wanted to bring in Social Security for the elderly, but was thwarted by Conservative Republicans. It took his successor to actually get it implemented.
Trump would like nothing better than to see Social Security to sink and his only solution is for people to set up a retirement savings account, even though it takes two people working to keep a household going these days and most live paycheck to paycheck.
Theodore Roosevelt owned multiple firearms, strongly believing in the Second Amendment and its purpose.
It would appear that Trump only gives lip service to supporting the Second Amendment, which is under attack. If he actually believed in the Second Amendment, there would be an Executive Order by now, ceasing any more restrictions on the types of firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens.
Theodore Roosevelt was what we would call today, a Progressive Republican.
Trump is a Conservative Republican.
About the only similarity I can see is that Theodore Roosevelt was very pro-military, which Trump is also.
Having said all that, I will still be voting for Trump, because he supports strong borders and vetting those attempting to come into the US, as well as free speech and also because the left has gotten so evil, it's sickening. They are clearly going Marxist-Leninist on us.
Can't help but draw correlation between the two personalities. President Trump's visit to Daytona 500 is classic TR. Hit the small play button to watch video.
Theodore Roosevelt: Personality | Season 1 | The Roosevelts
Dude, I just shot iced tea outta my nose!

That's on of the funniest things I've ever heard!

The directly attacked the consentration of wealth at the top. He taxed the shit outta inherited wealth, the busted big companies up into smaller ones, and that's just the tip.of the iceberg!

You couldn't make a dumber comparison if you tried!
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
He wanted lots of things but he knew one thing for sure, extreme concentrated wealth is a threat to democracy and a drag on overall prosperity. You'll never hear such a sentiment from any republican. That's Bernie territory.
Roosevelt believed nothing of the sort. He disagreed with monopolies because that destroy's competition and competition makes the free-market turn. Roosevelt was 100% capitalist from one of the richest families in America. If you earned it...he felt you should keep it. Don't confuse Eugene V. Debs with TR. Roosevelt was no socialist like Sanders. If TR were alive today he would endorse Trump.
Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller were the unchallenged masters of the American economy at the time. They had a combined wealth well in excess of the US government while wages had been going down for decades. Plutocracy was right in everyone's face. It was so bad that it birthed socialism itself in response.
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Roosevelt Corollary is a good thing. Our hemisphere,our backyard. We should act in the best interest of the United States. Castro family in Cuba must go.
Bullshit....He was Wilson's butt buddy....His sticking his nose into the 1912 election is the source of the total state of fuckery that the nation is in today.
Nonsense. Roosevelt loved a good political fight. The party bosses in New York got rid of him twice by having McKinely offer him the undersecretary of Navy job (you couldn't refuse the President in those days...lack of proper patriotsic behavior) and the bosses promised McKinely New Yorks electoral votes if he would offer Roosevelt the Vice-Presidency and get him out of the Governors mansion in Albany. TR was pissed when the bosses got Taft nominated in Chicago in 1912. Taft didn't even want to be fucking President and hated the job. Roosevelt talking to a reporter in private on his last day in the White House said, "Taft means well...but he is weak."
Donald Trump will never be honored with a memorial like Mt. Rushmore. He will never be viewed as a great or even good President. Anyone who thinks history will be kind to Donald Trump is delusional.
Trump is an outsider who has fought the Washington D.C. establishment typified by people like Nancy Pelosi. He fights for American workers everyday. Democratic Party only concerned with "social justice " issues like a transgender being able to to use the restroom of their choice. Boy there's a vote getter with working class Americans! :lmao:
RATFLMAO!! When are you idiots going to realise that the only person the Orange Buffoon cares about is himself. He cares more about the piece of dog shit he stood on as he headed to McDonalds for his double cheese burger.

Only a TDS ramble, above....

You're working class and poor Kidd. What has he done for you?
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Roosevelt Corollary is a good thing. Our hemisphere,our backyard. We should act in the best interest of the United States. Castro family in Cuba must go.
Bullshit....He was Wilson's butt buddy....His sticking his nose into the 1912 election is the source of the total state of fuckery that the nation is in today.
Nonsense. Roosevelt loved a good political fight. The party bosses in New York got rid of him twice by having McKinely offer him the undersecretary of Navy job (you couldn't refuse the President in those days...lack of proper patriotsic behavior) and the bosses promised McKinely New Yorks electoral votes if he would offer Roosevelt the Vice-Presidency and get him out of the Governors mansion in Albany. TR was pissed when the bosses got Taft nominated in Chicago in 1912. Taft didn't even want to be fucking President and hated the job. Roosevelt talking to a reporter in private on his last day in the White House said, "Taft means well...but he is weak."
You're out of your mind...TR hated Taft for rolling back his authoritarian overreach....But it's no surprise that someone who venerates Poppy Bush also idolizes the original progressive neocon douchewagon.
Can't help but draw correlation between the two personalities. President Trump's visit to Daytona 500 is classic TR. Hit the small play button to watch video.
Theodore Roosevelt: Personality | Season 1 | The Roosevelts
As Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite president, I would have to vehemently disagree on the concept he and Trump being very similar.
Theodore Roosevelt was directly responsible for the creation of our nation's National Parks and National Forests. Trump looks at what wildlands remain and sees only resources for development and dollars. When Trump looks at threatened wildlife, he sees only creatures in the way of business development. Trump only looks at this continent in the form of resources and money to be made. Teddy looked at the wild places and saw that businessmen would sell off every tree and develop on every tract of land, in order to make a buck.
Theodore Roosevelt wanted to bring in Social Security for the elderly, but was thwarted by Conservative Republicans. It took his successor to actually get it implemented.
Trump would like nothing better than to see Social Security to sink and his only solution is for people to set up a retirement savings account, even though it takes two people working to keep a household going these days and most live paycheck to paycheck.
Theodore Roosevelt owned multiple firearms, strongly believing in the Second Amendment and its purpose.
It would appear that Trump only gives lip service to supporting the Second Amendment, which is under attack. If he actually believed in the Second Amendment, there would be an Executive Order by now, ceasing any more restrictions on the types of firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens.
Theodore Roosevelt was what we would call today, a Progressive Republican.
Trump is a Conservative Republican.
About the only similarity I can see is that Theodore Roosevelt was very pro-military, which Trump is also.
Having said all that, I will still be voting for Trump, because he supports strong borders and vetting those attempting to come into the US, as well as free speech and also because the left has gotten so evil, it's sickening. They are clearly going Marxist-Leninist on us.
What public land has Trump turned over to private industry? Didn't TR force the coal mine owners to negotiate with the miners, and he used his office to act as an arbitrator? Did not President Trump take the side of mine workers? Hasn't Trump negotiated trade deals that are favorable to American workers and "level the playing field" like TR always talked about? How has Trump diminished the 2nd Amendment? Can't find an issue like that in TR's day. Didn't TR dig the Panama canal in spite of screaming from the Senate? Didn't Trump pull out of Paris Agreement and Iran Nuclear Deal despite screaming Democrats in the Congress? Didn't TR invite Booker T. Washington to the White House despite complaints of many in power? Hasn't Trump reached out to black voters as a Republican and may very well get the largest % of their vote in 2020 since Eisenhower? No,no,no...I see many similarities.
Donald Trump will never be honored with a memorial like Mt. Rushmore. He will never be viewed as a great or even good President. Anyone who thinks history will be kind to Donald Trump is delusional.
He will be ranked above Carter, Clinton, and Obama...that's for sure.
Roosevelt directly attacked the power of the plutocrats. As soon as Trump gets started on that you may compare the two without looking like an idiot.
Trump is an outsider who has fought the Washington D.C. establishment typified by people like Nancy Pelosi. He fights for American workers everyday. Democratic Party only concerned with "social justice " issues like a transgender being able to to use the restroom of their choice. Boy there's a vote getter with working class Americans! :lmao:
He has not done shit for anyone that actually works for a living. In spite of all his outsider talk he is just another trickle down plutocrat looking to enrich his rich friends. Theodore Roosevelt would despise him for his fake populism.
Keep trying to convince yourself of that. I double dare ya!
TR was no socialist. Wilson had 16th Amendment passed. Teddy said that every American should have the ability in our free-market system to rise as far as hard work and talent could take them. He wanted fair opportunity. Not government dependency.
TR was a progressive....Like Wilson, he loved him some interventionist foreign wars.
Roosevelt Corollary is a good thing. Our hemisphere,our backyard. We should act in the best interest of the United States. Castro family in Cuba must go.
Bullshit....He was Wilson's butt buddy....His sticking his nose into the 1912 election is the source of the total state of fuckery that the nation is in today.
Nonsense. Roosevelt loved a good political fight. The party bosses in New York got rid of him twice by having McKinely offer him the undersecretary of Navy job (you couldn't refuse the President in those days...lack of proper patriotsic behavior) and the bosses promised McKinely New Yorks electoral votes if he would offer Roosevelt the Vice-Presidency and get him out of the Governors mansion in Albany. TR was pissed when the bosses got Taft nominated in Chicago in 1912. Taft didn't even want to be fucking President and hated the job. Roosevelt talking to a reporter in private on his last day in the White House said, "Taft means well...but he is weak."
You're out of your mind...TR hated Taft for rolling back his authoritarian overreach....But it's no surprise that someone who venerates Poppy Bush also idolizes the original progressive neocon douchewagon.
He felt Taft was diminishing the strength of the Executive Branch that TR had restored. Before Roosevelt we had a series of weak President's after Lincoln assassination.
Hear that rumble?

It's TR rolling over in his grave
If the "American Lion" rolled over in his grave it would be a rumble. So do you think if he were alive today he would endorse Trump or Bernie Sanders? Do you think he would put up with Nancy Pelosi's shit?

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