Trump asked Pelosi to 'work something out' on whistleblower complaint


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
President Trump asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if there was any way to "work something out" hours before she announced that she supports a formal impeachment inquiry.

The two shared a phone call Tuesday, while Trump was attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. At an event afterward, Pelosi divulged that Trump called initially to talk about gun violence but the conversation then "segued into other things."

According to NBC News' Heidi Przybyla, the California Democrat later told fellow Democrats in a closed-door meeting that she and Trump talked about the Ukraine controversy.

"I got a readout on that — that the president actually said to Nancy Pelosi, 'Hey can we do something about this whistleblower complaint? Can we work something out?' And she said 'Yes, you can tell your people to obey the law,'" Przybyla reported on MSNBC.

"So she quickly swatted that down and made it clear that it is full steam ahead," Przybyla said. She also noted that Trump "used language that we've heard before."

Trump asked Pelosi to 'work something out' on whistleblower complaint

Speaker Pelosi nipped that in the bud. What do you think?
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So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.
So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.

You really are a biased idiot. The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.

Pelousy won't take anyone down. Hell she'll be lucky to hold the house and deal with dingbat AOC and the two racist death cult members in Congress.

Oh and you can blow your biased bullshit out your biased ass.
Just imagine what is gong to happen to this country if the Democrats ever control both the House and the Senate. Any President they do not like will be impeached and removed from offfice. They can always come up with some convoluted reason to do so. It is ridiclous. In this case, the Senate will not vote for impeachment so he will not be removed. We can only hope the American voters can see the danger in letting this kind of partisan politics continue.
President Trump asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if there was any way to "work something out" hours before she announced that she supports a formal impeachment inquiry.

The two shared a phone call Tuesday, while Trump was attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. At an event afterward, Pelosi divulged that Trump called initially to talk about gun violence but the conversation then "segued into other things."

According to NBC News' Heidi Przybyla, the California Democrat later told fellow Democrats in a closed-door meeting that she and Trump talked about the Ukraine controversy.

"I got a readout on that — that the president actually said to Nancy Pelosi, 'Hey can we do something about this whistleblower complaint? Can we work something out?' And she said 'Yes, you can tell your people to obey the law,'" Przybyla reported on MSNBC.

"So she quickly swatted that down and made it clear that it is full steam ahead," Przybyla said. She also noted that Trump "used language that we've heard before."

Trump asked Pelosi to 'work something out' on whistleblower complaint

Speaker Pelosi nipped that in the bud. What do you think?

She's a lying ****.
Instead of going to the floor of the house and beginning proceedings she's announced another formal impeachment inquiry.
Before it was an unofficial that has been going on since before Trump took office with the Russian Collusion investigation. Now she claims it's official.....even though it's not. She just claims it's official....but by the rules of congress they have to hold a vote to begin the process.....and every time they've done that the vote failed.
Democrats are perpetrating yet another hoax on the American people:

September 25, 2019
The Realities of Impeachment
By Taylor Lewis
I won’t say that impeachment is back in the news, because the removal of the President never left and has been a headline grabber since before Trump took the oath. Back then, desperate cable commentators tried in vain to convince Electoral College electors to throw the purple prize to, among others, a morose Paul Ryan.

#NeverTrump Republicans have mostly given up their quixotic quest to cashier Trump (with the exception of a red-faced Bill Weld floating the crackers idea of executing the President for treason). Hardline Democrats, however, aren’t deterred. The more progressive sort continue to call for impeachment, citing transgressions ranging from mean tweets to an abstruse constitutional clause that nobody heard of between the years of 1830 and 2016. “At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior -- it is the Democratic Party’s refusal to impeach him for it,” the young Stalinist star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, upping the pressure on Democrat leadership.

Now, something about Ukraine and Trump asking Volodymr Zelensky to look into Joe Biden’s sleazy son’s skullduggery in the former Soviet satellite has rekindled calls for impeachment. Never mind that the source of the allegation wasn’t present for the classified conversation. We’re also supposed to believe that, in the history of our republic, no other president quietly asked another world leader for dirt on their opponent. And you’ve already forgotten about that other business with a British foreign agent feeding factitious dirt to President Obama about Trump’s predilection for Muscovite strumpets, right?

If you listen to the media’s play-by-play of the Democratic dynamic, you’ll think Trump is in trouble as Speaker Nancy Pelosi gives into the progressive angst by promising a “formal inquiry” into impeachment. But, it’s hard to see how this piecemeal effort will ultimately satisfy the intransigents of her caucus who keep clamoring for more, baying for nacarat blood. Seven freshman Democrats just paid a bundle to a PR agency to run a Washington Post op-ed demanding impeachment.

Until now, Pelosi’s approach -- tugging the leash on her more salivating members, while allowing just a little give to keep them loyal -- was seen as wise, even canny, by political junkies who watch “Morning Joe” for fun. And in some ways, it was: playing footsie with impeachment while not actually going forward with the long, grueling process was expected to hold the Democrat base together, if only temporarily. At the same time, it was supposed to stave off the Trumpian core of the GOP, who, in the haughty minds of Beltway burghers, will lash out like starved curs should Democrats actually attempt to defenestrate Trump from the Oval Office.

For all of Pelosi’s supposed political acumen, her hand was forced by the progressive rabble-rousers. This makes for a dramatic coup de théâtre, but it’s still only that: theater. Pelosi lost face, yes. But the humiliation will be downplayed by her media backers, who treat statecraft like so many three-act plays. And we already know the coming ending.

The Washington wisdom behind Trump’s impeachment makes sense until you venture three feet outside I-495. Within the DC groupthink bubble, impeachment is treated as a galvanizing force among voters not plugged in, Matrix-like, to the political scene. Michael Oakeshott was right when he wrote that “[p]olitics is a suitable subject for conversation -- perhaps that is all it is suitable for.” Politics holds the general imagination insomuch as it provides practical benefit to people. Sometimes it’s chatted about over coffee or a cigarette. Otherwise, it’s a bore, or, worse, a duplicitous farce. Impeachment is no different–just useless footler to tear off a sliver of a margin of undecided voters.

But not to Potomac clerisy. The political class and their media retainers want the drama. The substance of impeachment, the letter of the Constitution, is secondary. They want the gladiatorial fight, the historic weight it brings to the everyday folderol of our shallow politics. The headlines, the MSNBC chyrons, the front page of the New York Times, the overpaid college historians nattering about the significance of C-SPAN -- these are the currencies that finance our political-industrial complex.

Under its current member makeup, impeachment has about as much of a chance of succeeding in Congress as mandatory veganism. There’s no way two-thirds of a Republican-majority Senate will vote to convict. Any articles of impeachment would be for show, which is why so many of the Democratic presidential candidates and backbenchers are demanding it, and why TV grandees devote airtime to the useless effort.

Even so, Trump should be chary about exploiting this dog-and-pony show for his own electoral purposes. Countless warnings about impending impeachment before the 2018 midterms didn’t stop the Democrats from wrangling back control of the House.

Republican voters already know the other side doesn’t play fair. They also understand Trump isn’t about to be frog-marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, with Rep. Rashida Tlaib shoving a bayonet to his back.

The impeachment threat is for ripping off rubes with direct mail and occupying idle hours on CNN. Pelosi is playing Democrats for suckers.
So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.
No....what Trump is doing is trying to be reasonable......and you think trying to make the government work again is a bad thing.
The point is you folks on the left have no intention of doing what is right.
All you want to do is cause shit to happen.
There's guys at work that are like this.....all they do is start shit and make life miserable for everyone around them.
Democrats invented a reason to announce an offical, yet informal, impeachment inquiry......note the word "INQUIRY" which means a play on words. This is merely the same inquiry dressed up in a slightly different wording.

September 25, 2019
The Democrats' Ukraine hoax
By Patricia McCarthy

Chutzpah hardly describes what the deranged Left has been doing the past few days. Their collusion-with-Russia gambit failed miserably, so they've invented a desperate new narrative, that Trump asked the President of Ukraine to look into the corruption of Biden and his son that occurred in that country and that this is somehow illegal! Hmmm.

President Obama had made Biden his point man on Ukraine and any informed political junkie knows that family man Biden took financial advantage of the opportunity to enrich his son.

Never mind that the President can say whatever he wants to the leader of any foreign nation, in private, or that Biden is on the record bragging that he demanded the prosecutor investigating his son be fired or US funds would be withheld from Ukraine.

As usual, the Democrats have accused Trump of what Democrats have themselves been doing for decades, getting rich in office by any and all means that present themselves. The Democrats certainly all know that Biden is indeed as corrupt as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. And yet they are pretending to be sorely offended that Trump may have asked the president of Ukraine to investigate said corruption.

It was the Obama administration that engaged persons from the UK, Australia, Italy and Ukraine to implement their plan to destroy Trump before and after the election. And everyone even paying scant attention knows this by now. So, this tactic of these recent few days is further proof that the Democrat Party not only thinks all conservatives are stupid, they believe their own base is even more mentally challenged, more easily fooled.

Spooky, deer-in-the-headlights Pelosi's incoherent "announcement" Tuesday was a hilarious jumble of nonsense.


Photo credit: YouTube screen grab (cropped)

Much of what she had to say was just plain wrong; she was winging it… badly. She is obviously no longer in control of her caucus. She kept referencing the Constitution but clearly is entirely unfamiliar with it. When asked earlier if the transcript proved nothing untoward was said during Trump's phone call with Zelensky, would her caucus stand down, she replied absolutely not! She has vowed to continue this "inquiry" begun by Nadler-the-Little-Teapot even though Trump has not committed a single crime, certainly not one that rises to the Constitution's requirements for such a process. They plan to continue their witch hunt even though they have no legitimate reason to do so.

If anyone needed to be impeached, it was virtually all of the top dogs of the Obama administration: Holder, Lynch, Rice, Power, Comey, McCabe, et. al. and of course Biden as well. He was part of the scheme to take Trump down via the attempted coup. Hillary should have been removed from office for her crimes relating to Benghazi and the destruction of Libya, and of course the financial shenanigans of the faux charity, the Clinton Foundation

Virtually all the Democrats, past (Harry Reid, Al Gore) and present, who have risen to the top of the party's food chain are blatantly corrupt. With their silly new ploy, they will only bring attention to their own duplicitous natures. They are likely counting on the Republicans to, as usual, become frightened of their own shadows and do nothing. One would think there would be one or two of them in Congress with the courage to fight back but there is only Trump and his growing base of supporters.

The media, of course, is as culpable as the Democrats, as committed to the undoing of this presidency as the democrats. They long ago gave up any pretense of journalistic ethics in the belief, stated once by the Mika Brenziski that it is "their job to tell us what to think." They are propagandists in service to leftism and nothing more. With a few exceptions, they have sold their souls in a Faustian bargain for misperceived fame. Few pay any attention to most of them anymore. Tapper, Todd, Cooper, Lemon, Stelter, etc. - they are all irrelevant. We know who and what they are. Bookworm addresses David Leonhardt's silly list of "crimes" in the always fake news NYT. And then there is the Comey-linked group of lawyers, Lawfare, who pay people who agree to snitch on Trump! They, ourL, overestimate their significance. Their currency is hunch and hearsay which they assume we will all swallow hook, line and sinker.

Washington, DC is a members-only city. Trump and his supporters were never members, could never be members, even those few who live there. Tasked with representing American citizens, the Democrats in Congress represent only themselves and their own radical agenda. To this day the denizens of the beltway cannot abide an outsider in the White House, and Trump is the ultimate outsider. That is why he won the election. The American people are sick to death of pompous insiders who claim to be our betters. These Democrats who have yet to give up on impeaching Trump are a strange mixture of complete stupidity and naked ambition. They do not deserve, nor are they qualified, to speak for any of us.

The Left and the never-Trumpers like Max Boot can't get in front of cameras often enough to pronounce Trump the "most corrupt President ever" when in fact he is the most thoroughly investigated, the most transparent, the most accessible to the press president ever. It seems he is the least corrupt man ever to hold the office! This they cannot accept. Because he became wealthy by building things and employing thousands of people, by actually creating things, they hate him and assume he must be some kind of criminal. They get rich by other, more amorphous, illicit means.

Pelosi and her party are worse than petty and vindictive, they are treasonous. They are ready and willing to destroy our President in furtherance of their anti-capitalist, socialist agenda. So, Trump's approval ratings are bound to go up again. A 2020 Trump landslide victory is the likely outcome of all this vitriolic nonsense.
President Trump asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if there was any way to "work something out" hours before she announced that she supports a formal impeachment inquiry.

The two shared a phone call Tuesday, while Trump was attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. At an event afterward, Pelosi divulged that Trump called initially to talk about gun violence but the conversation then "segued into other things."

According to NBC News' Heidi Przybyla, the California Democrat later told fellow Democrats in a closed-door meeting that she and Trump talked about the Ukraine controversy.

"I got a readout on that — that the president actually said to Nancy Pelosi, 'Hey can we do something about this whistleblower complaint? Can we work something out?' And she said 'Yes, you can tell your people to obey the law,'" Przybyla reported on MSNBC.

"So she quickly swatted that down and made it clear that it is full steam ahead," Przybyla said. She also noted that Trump "used language that we've heard before."

Trump asked Pelosi to 'work something out' on whistleblower complaint

Speaker Pelosi nipped that in the bud. What do you think?

We think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.
Trump set up Fancy to fail. You'll see. Fancy is just pissed because Trump won't let her take a private taxpayer funded jet to Cali every weekend.
President Trump asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if there was any way to "work something out" hours before she announced that she supports a formal impeachment inquiry.

The two shared a phone call Tuesday, while Trump was attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. At an event afterward, Pelosi divulged that Trump called initially to talk about gun violence but the conversation then "segued into other things."

According to NBC News' Heidi Przybyla, the California Democrat later told fellow Democrats in a closed-door meeting that she and Trump talked about the Ukraine controversy.

"I got a readout on that — that the president actually said to Nancy Pelosi, 'Hey can we do something about this whistleblower complaint? Can we work something out?' And she said 'Yes, you can tell your people to obey the law,'" Przybyla reported on MSNBC.

"So she quickly swatted that down and made it clear that it is full steam ahead," Przybyla said. She also noted that Trump "used language that we've heard before."

Trump asked Pelosi to 'work something out' on whistleblower complaint

Speaker Pelosi nipped that in the bud. What do you think?

Diggin' it.
Trump "used language that we've heard before." Did he cuss her out? Or just babble on endlessly about a little of this, and a little of that like he does at his political rallies?
So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.

You really are a biased idiot. The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.

Pelousy won't take anyone down. Hell she'll be lucky to hold the house and deal with dingbat AOC and the two racist death cult members in Congress.

Oh and you can blow your biased bullshit out your biased ass.
The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.
The IG of the intelligence community found it of serious concern, though, didn't he? He was appointed by Trump, btw.

You keep holding on to that, while we demand to know what the whistleblower actually heard and knew.
So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.

You really are a biased idiot. The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.

Pelousy won't take anyone down. Hell she'll be lucky to hold the house and deal with dingbat AOC and the two racist death cult members in Congress.

Oh and you can blow your biased bullshit out your biased ass.
The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.
The IG of the intelligence community found it of serious concern, though, didn't he? He was appointed by Trump, btw.

You keep holding on to that, while we demand to know what the whistleblower actually heard and knew.

Hearsay is hearsay and not allowed in a court of law and most people ignore hearsay.

Carry on.
So, Trump is already begging Nancy. He'll probably be begging a lot more. I expect that she will be merciless in taking him down.

You really are a biased idiot. The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.

Pelousy won't take anyone down. Hell she'll be lucky to hold the house and deal with dingbat AOC and the two racist death cult members in Congress.

Oh and you can blow your biased bullshit out your biased ass.
The whole thing was hearsay. Gossip. The "whistleblower" repeated something someone else told him. Hearsay.
The IG of the intelligence community found it of serious concern, though, didn't he? He was appointed by Trump, btw.

You keep holding on to that, while we demand to know what the whistleblower actually heard and knew.

Hearsay is hearsay and not allowed in a court of law and most people ignore hearsay.

Carry on.
Not when it has to do with Dems, you don't.

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