Trump at Biden's feet in Nevada poll, loses by 8, DeSantis loses to Joe by 1, Trump could end up with fewer electoral college votes than McCain in 08

Biden is below 39% job approval... he doesn't stand a chance at beating any GOP candidate.....
You can't find 48% of democrats who like Biden now. How well is he going to do when he deteriorates even further by '24?
No matter who the candidate ends up, it cannot be a RINO/NEO CON. America first. Otherwise, business as usual and there is not much time left.
Trump is going to lose.

So you think the 5 swing states who took a chance on him in 2016 then booted him in 2020 are going to give him a second chance? Why? Because of woke? Trannies? Hunter? LOL

Whoever runs in 2024 is going to lose because of one issue. Abortion.

Trump has to win all 5 swing states. He won't win 1 of them. It was a miracle he won all 5 the first time. He BARELY won them all in 2016. I say he won't win 1 of the 5 swing states he lost in 2020. Trump will get fewer than McCain. He might even lose Texas for the first time.
Was it on Brietbart? They also claimed 75% of us Democrats want Biden to debate Kennedy. No we don't.
I saw a poll that said more than 75% think there should be democrat debates with all three candidates that so far have announced....

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