Trump beats Obama again...

Which Trump EO harmed America?

I can name a number of Obama’s EO’s that screwed Americans.

Trump few
1. Trump let mentality retarded people can buy guns.
2. Add more salt to public school lunches.
3. Lie to coal miners.
4. Etc etc etc etc.

What are Obama’s EO that screwed Americans?
those opposed to Trump come in all shapes and sizes: ardent leftists, moderate suburbanites, brainwashed millenials. they share 1 thing: they view everything to do with Trump in black and white morality. you either hate Trump or you are Trump
You didn't care then, why would you care now?
You bashed Obama then why not Trump NOW ?
Because Trumps EO’s are addressing the Obama Error policies.
So it is a mistake not to have cleaner air & water, safer work places and not steal children at the border?
Obama threw children in cages for torture separated from their parents.
You can’t deny it.

True but selective. Not forever. Not as a general rule like Trump is doing.
Trump outstripping Obama on pace of executive orders

He is blowing away Obama's record for EOs...

Trump has so far issued 130 executive orders. By comparison, Obama issued 108 in his first three years.

Of course we all know that EOs are nothing but a power grab..."Why Is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?"
EOs are cool when fat donnie does them.
EOs are cool when they increase employment and prosperity.

Unemployment is at a 50 year low and wage growth in 2-1/2 years of Trump more than doubles 8 years of Obama.

Patriots think that's cool. Democrats think its impeachable.

Give me any EO that increase employment that this Dodo execute.
those opposed to Trump come in all shapes and sizes: ardent leftists, moderate suburbanites, brainwashed millenials. they share 1 thing: they view everything to do with Trump in black and white morality. you either hate Trump or you are Trump

Okay enlighten me.

Give me the best you got. Why/What is there for me to like this piece of shit president.

1. Domestic policies.
2. Foreign policies.
3. Never ending fucking lies.
4. Disgusting rallies.
5. Blame just about every one. Never his fault.
6. Totally hypocrite.
those opposed to Trump come in all shapes and sizes: ardent leftists, moderate suburbanites, brainwashed millenials. they share 1 thing: they view everything to do with Trump in black and white morality. you either hate Trump or you are Trump

Actually, we come with a brain. Something Trumpette apparently lack.

1) Trump is amoral as indicated by his cheating on everyone of his wives & his record of abusing women.
Including an accusation of child rape.

2) Trump has a record of being a business cheat. Not paying his bills & shortchanging subcontractors.

3) He is a proven fraud as indicated by Trump U. He has declared bankruptcy multiple times costing a lot of investors a lot of money.

4) He is a daily liar. He lies about everything

5) He acts like a 8 year old with his name calling & temper tantrums

6) He is staling children at the border as a deterrent & lost track of many of them.

7) He borrowed 1.5 trillion to boost the economy causing deficits to skyrocket.

8) His Trade War is costing Americans their jobs & farms

9) He is lining his pockets as President.

10) Nepotism

11) He is a flaming asshole, embarrassment & dumber than shit.
You didn't care then, why would you care now?
You bashed Obama then why not Trump NOW ?
Because Trumps EO’s are addressing the Obama Error policies.
So it is a mistake not to have cleaner air & water, safer work places and not steal children at the border?
Obama threw children in cages for torture separated from their parents.
You can’t deny it.

True but selective. Not forever. Not as a general rule like Trump is doing.
Yes, tRump has tossed children in cages FOREVER.

You Leftards are pathetic morons.
Because Trumps EO’s are addressing the Obama Error policies.
So it is a mistake not to have cleaner air & water, safer work places and not steal children at the border?
Obama threw children in cages for torture separated from their parents.
You can’t deny it.
Obama separated families when there was a criminal issue beyond illegal entry.,
'Your fat assed god separated families as a deterrent.

No, the cages were set up to keep the kids separated from their folks. No use trying to lie about it, the facts are well known.
Obama had an influx of unaccompanied children .

Trump changed the policy to separate families,

Quit lying.

I realize even a stupid Trumpette like you must be embarrassed by this but really, don't let Trump make a total ass out of you. Tell the fucking truth.
How dare children be separated from the men who purchased them to use at their pleasure!
those opposed to Trump come in all shapes and sizes: ardent leftists, moderate suburbanites, brainwashed millenials. they share 1 thing: they view everything to do with Trump in black and white morality. you either hate Trump or you are Trump

Actually, we come with a brain. Something Trumpette apparently lack.

1) Trump is amoral as indicated by his cheating on everyone of his wives & his record of abusing women.
Including an accusation of child rape.

2) Trump has a record of being a business cheat. Not paying his bills & shortchanging subcontractors.

3) He is a proven fraud as indicated by Trump U. He has declared bankruptcy multiple times costing a lot of investors a lot of money.

4) He is a daily liar. He lies about everything

5) He acts like a 8 year old with his name calling & temper tantrums

6) He is staling children at the border as a deterrent & lost track of many of them.

7) He borrowed 1.5 trillion to boost the economy causing deficits to skyrocket.

8) His Trade War is costing Americans their jobs & farms

9) He is lining his pockets as President.

10) Nepotism

11) He is a flaming asshole, embarrassment & dumber than shit.
Why are you working so hard to get Trump elected again? It’s only November.
If Trump’s use of the Doral was legit why did he change his mind?

Because it wasn't legit. Legally it was probably ok, but just like hunter being on a board is probably legal too, it is likewise corrupt as hell and SHOULD be made illegal.
Exactly. But those that make the laws are the corrupt ones the law should address.

It’s pure bribery paying big money to Hunter who’d never get that job except for his last name.

Who was bribed?
The VP who used money to interfere in the internal criminal investigations of another country so HIS SON could keep his $86,000 a month job he got because of his last name.

The VP who, in conjunction with other countries, told Ukraine that it had to stop the corruption before countries would give therm aid.

Your Hunter Biden story is a big fucking lie. Trump's own people told him & he keeps blabbing as does his stupid ass followers.
I love it how you God damn stupid assfucks are pissed Hunter Biden profited from Daddy's name when your fat asssed orange piece of shit Trump profited from his father & all the snot nosed Trump kids do the same.

"OMG OMG OMG Hunter flew on AF1 to China OMG OMG OMG"

Ivanka flies everywhere with Trump. Are you people just fucking nuts?
Shitforbrains lies by saying Mexico and every other nation we give aid to has no corruption.
But ONE prosecutor in the ENTIRE WORLD who JUST HAPPENS to be investigating HIS SON is his concern. So Biden THREATENS TO WITHHOLD money unless that ONE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD OF CORRUPTION is FIRED.

You Leftards are hilarious with how pathetic your spinning is.
What legislation has Congress passed that has been beneficial to the average American? Trump is trying to get things done for the betterment of the American people. I commend him for his efforts and the positive results that he has produced.

Voter Rights Act, Defence of Women Act, Universal Background checks, Law lowering prescription drug costs, among others. There have been dozens of bills. Moscow Mitch won't bring any of them to the floor of the senate.
What legislation has Congress passed that has been beneficial to the average American? Trump is trying to get things done for the betterment of the American people. I commend him for his efforts and the positive results that he has produced.

Voter Rights Act, Defence of Women Act, Universal Background checks, Law lowering prescription drug costs, among others. There have been dozens of bills. Moscow Mitch won't bring any of them to the floor of the senate.
Quit your whining.
You Trump worshipers cared then and do not care now...why is that?

I'm far from a Trump worshiper, but it's clear that the Democratic Congress has ZERO intention of working with Trump to improve the lives of average Americans, which is obviously fine with you. You don't care about average Americans. You care about the Democratic Party.
Bullshit. Start talking about the legislation sitting on McConnells desk.
You didn't care then, why would you care now?
You bashed Obama then why not Trump NOW ?
Because Trumps EO’s are addressing the Obama Error policies.
So it is a mistake not to have cleaner air & water, safer work places and not steal children at the border?
Obama threw children in cages for torture separated from their parents.
You can’t deny it.
We can deny it because Obama put unaccompanied children in those centers. That's not good, but it is also not separating families.
among people of color and married women, the so-called Obama's base, two thirds were not satisfied with obama's economy

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