Trump behaves like a dictator

Trump behaves like a dictator. If he doesn't like someone, he'll put him(her) into jail. He accepts election results 'if I win', otherwise..... Why he is so arrogant and arbitrary? Because he is the candidate of the FBI. That's their culture - lawlessness. He is a full reflect picture of it.

Who has he jailed?
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

Keeping some jobs here in the states is fascism?

Can you be any more bat shit, barking at the moon, crazy?
Acting like he alone can solve all our problems is fascism. American presidents have always spoken in collective terms like: we, us, together, united, etc. Americans used to know better than to trust anyone who acted like he wants to be king. Hopefully he will not get too many of us killed relearning the hard lessons we learned in the 1940s.
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
Keeping jobs here is good but protecting American jobs is a brand-new policy for you guys, not prepared to trust it yet, not even close. I fully expect to be right back at republicans telling American workers to work longer for less and stuff their expectations of economic mobility in order to compete directly with third-world slave labor.
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
Keeping jobs here is good but protecting American jobs is a brand-new policy for you guys, not prepared to trust it yet, not even close. I fully expect to be right back at republicans telling American workers to work longer for less and stuff their expectations of economic mobility in order to compete directly with third-world slave labor.

So you're working on a hunch?
Trump behaves like a dictator. If he doesn't like someone, he'll put him(her) into jail. He accepts election results 'if I win', otherwise..... Why he is so arrogant and arbitrary? Because he is the candidate of the FBI. That's their culture - lawlessness. He is a full reflect picture of it.

I don't think the tator part of that is needed.
Trump behaves like a dictator. If he doesn't like someone, he'll put him(her) into jail. He accepts election results 'if I win', otherwise..... Why he is so arrogant and arbitrary? Because he is the candidate of the FBI. That's their culture - lawlessness. He is a full reflect picture of it.
So did Castro, but libtards suck his dead dick everyday
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
Keeping jobs here is good but protecting American jobs is a brand-new policy for you guys, not prepared to trust it yet, not even close. I fully expect to be right back at republicans telling American workers to work longer for less and stuff their expectations of economic mobility in order to compete directly with third-world slave labor.

So you're working on a hunch?
You guys have never failed to kiss big business ass before, pretty safe bet.
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
Keeping jobs here is good but protecting American jobs is a brand-new policy for you guys, not prepared to trust it yet, not even close. I fully expect to be right back at republicans telling American workers to work longer for less and stuff their expectations of economic mobility in order to compete directly with third-world slave labor.

How about you give the guy a chance? When was the last time you saw a president for this country stand up for the American worker? And I mean really stand up.
Personally I have no need for the job market as I'm retired,but I feel very strongly about saving the middle class and the jobs that are needed to do so.
Fascists like Trump are terrible at diplomacy and national security because they do not have the ability to correctly assess the strength and weaknesses of adversaries or even identify those who are a clear threat.


You mean like bombing sovereign nations out of existence without talking to them, a declaration of war, or Congressional approval, then leaving a consulate in the lawless land he's created so the US citizens there could be butchered?.....

.....Oh wait! That was the current administration...


We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
Keeping jobs here is good but protecting American jobs is a brand-new policy for you guys, not prepared to trust it yet, not even close. I fully expect to be right back at republicans telling American workers to work longer for less and stuff their expectations of economic mobility in order to compete directly with third-world slave labor.

How about you give the guy a chance? When was the last time you saw a president for this country stand up for the American worker? And I mean really stand up.
Personally I have no need for the job market as I'm retired,but I feel very strongly about saving the middle class and the jobs that are needed to do so.
Give the guy a chance? been waiting most of my life for republicans to give an actual shit about the ongoing plight of the working man. Trump is not going to change the republicans entire economic philosophy to more resemble the pro-labor agenda they have been mercilessly attacking since Reagan, he just isn't.
Fascists like Trump are terrible at diplomacy and national security because they do not have the ability to correctly assess the strength and weaknesses of adversaries or even identify those who are a clear threat.


You mean like bombing sovereign nations out of existence without talking to them, a declaration of war, or Congressional approval, then leaving a consulate in the lawless land he's created so the US citizens there could be butchered?.....

.....Oh wait! That was the current administration...



Hyperbole much?
So keeping jobs in America is fascism?
Fascinating ...tell me more.
The government interfering in business decisions is not something republicans ever really did before, too bad they were on the other side of the protectionism issue 30 years ago when it would have made a difference.

Yet you cant tell me why this is a bad thing.
Keeping jobs here is good but protecting American jobs is a brand-new policy for you guys, not prepared to trust it yet, not even close. I fully expect to be right back at republicans telling American workers to work longer for less and stuff their expectations of economic mobility in order to compete directly with third-world slave labor.

How about you give the guy a chance? When was the last time you saw a president for this country stand up for the American worker? And I mean really stand up.
Personally I have no need for the job market as I'm retired,but I feel very strongly about saving the middle class and the jobs that are needed to do so.
Give the guy a chance? been waiting most of my life for republicans to give an actual shit about the ongoing plight of the working man. Trump is not going to change the republicans entire economic philosophy to more resemble the pro-labor agenda they have been mercilessly attacking since Reagan, he just isn't.

Ya dumbfuck. He just saved Ford jobs and Carrier jobs and he hasn't even even been sworn in.

You're a pathetic partisan asshole who cares for nothing but the party line.
Up against the wall asshole.
Fascists like Trump are terrible at diplomacy and national security because they do not have the ability to correctly assess the strength and weaknesses of adversaries or even identify those who are a clear threat.


You mean like bombing sovereign nations out of existence without talking to them, a declaration of war, or Congressional approval, then leaving a consulate in the lawless land he's created so the US citizens there could be butchered?.....

.....Oh wait! That was the current administration...



Hyperbole much?


Hypocrite much?


Trump /isn't/ a Republican. THINK.

You are talking about someone who was a dem for ages, then considered a run on the reform party, and ran as a rep. He's an independent.

You, and everyone else in this country know damn well that no 3rd party candidate can win. This rat race is /rigged/ for dem or rep - and they are the same fucking party - corrupt shitty cronies.

He gamed the system, he beat it, he beat /all/ of it. He's not an R, he's not a D, he's fucking DONALD J TRUMP! There is no one else that could have pulled off the shafting he gave the DC establishment, he /destroyed/ them.

And now, he's going to fix this shit because that is what Trump does, it's what he's always done. Watch and learn.

The white man was almost dead you know, you folks damn near had them, but that's the way the silent majority works and perhaps in fact, why it worked. They suffer until they can't do it anymore, until there is no choice /but/ to, until there is no more corner to squeeze into, and the last pennies are taken from bloody fingers, and then the foot comes down and they ground their kids - and no it's not "you libs" or "you dems" because ya'll /are/ our kids and somehow you didn't learn or some shit and we gotta clean up the mess before you can go back in the sandbox. It's kind of the SOP. Trump said it during his campaign as to why he ran: "He had no choice, he had to do it." This times different though, because of the NWO, because of open borders, and because we had Trump - no cronies, no partisan reliance, no owners, no handlers, no holders... Holy shit!!!! It's fucking exciting! If he can't fix it though... we're totally and completely screwed... So take heart, because if he fails, you'll get ... uhm (who was next on the schedule to be pres? Was it a Muslim or Chelsea Clinton?) Whatever, it really doesn't matter either way.

You'll get everything back, and tons more - the D's will punish the working class who voted Trump in like you won't believe - the elites are even worse than their followers; spiteful little bitches... They're fucking beside themselves with anger right now - they're taking away conservative media, probably just killed Assange, and they're just getting started. Not that I'm surprised, we just shit on their rugs and wrecked their dinner parties for the next four years or maybe more if Trump can hang. Anyway, this country will probably go full-on socialist after this showing, there won't be a single moderately wealthy man left in it by the time they're done meeting out the reparations. You'll get your 90% tax on the rich (DC exempt of course), you'll have anyone making over $120k paying 50%, you'll have $25/h or more min wage, you'll have have free college, free medical, free housing, free food, free everything you could possibility imagine and then some, because the DNC will take every single working white man who betrayed them to task and beat them bloody live on national TV - just like you folks want to do to them right now. They are just like you - they created you in their image... Disgusting, greedy, socialist, fascists, who are so brainwashed that they don't even know what they are. So don't worry, you'll get whatever you want if you vote D's back in, they will sell you every planet in the universe to get back in too, they'll offer to flog us publicly for your amusement if you want. You'll have white Christian men and women raining from buildings in their underwear like it's the Middle East. The police will be shooting each other trying to enforce the public hangings of each other, and it'll absolutely be glorious revenge for all you triggered liberals. America as we knew it will breath her last gasp and become an equality in the NWO. Just another cog because the elites have stolen everything the American wealthy had left and now have their eyes on the worlds wealth - you'll never really hear about it though don't worry, you're life will be so awesome for a while then just kind of sink - the NWO's UN controlled media will find another scapegoat for you to blame and hate (bet it'll be the Russian's, they're right pissed at Putin for telling their NWO to fuck off too if you didn't notice.) Everything will be... well honestly it'll be shit, but there will be someone to hate, so you'll get to feel like you're "making a difference." Hope and Change! Stronger Together! I'm sure they'll come up with some other hypocritical slogan you can get behind. So chin up and put on your safety pins, it's only 4 short years. Or maybe he'll do alright so it'll be 8 years. Who knows...
We are finally far enough away from WWII that Americans have finally forgotten what fascism sounds like and looks like to the utter delight of those who have wanted it all along.

Keeping some jobs here in the states is fascism?

Can you be any more bat shit, barking at the moon, crazy?
Acting like he alone can solve all our problems is fascism. American presidents have always spoken in collective terms like: we, us, together, united, etc. Americans used to know better than to trust anyone who acted like he wants to be king. Hopefully he will not get too many of us killed relearning the hard lessons we learned in the 1940s.

Acting "like he alone can solve all our problems" is not fascism.

You have been successfully panic mongered by your leadership that is fine with tearing this country apart for political purposes.

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