Trump beholden to China, Goldman Sachs

Typical shit, I wonder how he is going to disentangle himself from all that and put it in a blind trust in order to be president. Does he even have a plan for that?

He likely doesn't have to. If it is owned by a closely held business, he can just let his daughter take over
Perhaps but I cannot imagine he is capable of completely walking away from it for four years.

You mean like Hillary has promised to walk away from the Clinton Foundation? She promises that the foundation, if she is elected, will no longer take foreign money which means of course they take foreign money NOW.
Yes it's a definite problem for her. Former presidents often have charitable foundations and it is not against the law to take donations from anywhere. They will probably have to cut all ties and rename it before it's all over with.
Typical shit, I wonder how he is going to disentangle himself from all that and put it in a blind trust in order to be president. Does he even have a plan for that?

He likely doesn't have to. If it is owned by a closely held business, he can just let his daughter take over
Perhaps but I cannot imagine he is capable of completely walking away from it for four years.

Which is why he will eventually resign. That he won't be long in the WH if elected is the only upside to either of these two candidates.
You're full of it, he is set for life and can handle the pay cut.

He won't have a choice. He will break federal law and he will face impeachment or resignation.
Hillary received about 350k each for several 20 minute talks to Wall Street banks. She never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her sexual pervert husband and the left worries about a successful businessman's relationship with banks? Everything is backwards in the low information leftie mind.
I think there has never been a more hypocritical candidate.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.
. And you think that Trump likes the positions this nations business dealings has placed him and his company in over the years ? He has done remarkably well considering him having to roll with the set ups this government has created and resided over in the past. Under a different and more American driven styled government over the years, would a Trump had operated differently ??? I'd say yes that him and thousands more like him would have operated differently under a different government than what they as business people were dealing with over the years. Hey the government was truly the higher power when it came to creating the atmospheres in which American businesses were having to deal with or operate in, and not the other way around. It's still that way as we continue to see business adjust to everything the government pumps out or forces upon them, so for those who can survive I say wow.
Someone is forcing him to borrow money from China and Goldman Sachs?
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
That's nice. Maybe you could at least explain why China and Goldman Sachs are bad unless Trump needs money from them.
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
That's nice. Maybe you could at least explain why China and Goldman Sachs are bad unless Trump needs money from them.

Here let's play your weak little Hillary is the good guy game. Goldman Sachs is just as bad for Trump. Did you get your fucking cookies? Do you feel better now?
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
That's nice. Maybe you could at least explain why China and Goldman Sachs are bad unless Trump needs money from them.

Here let's play your weak little Hillary is the good guy game. Goldman Sachs is just as bad for Trump. Did you get your fucking cookies? Do you feel better now?
A simple no would have sufficed.
Typical shit, I wonder how he is going to disentangle himself from all that and put it in a blind trust in order to be president. Does he even have a plan for that?

He likely doesn't have to. If it is owned by a closely held business, he can just let his daughter take over
Perhaps but I cannot imagine he is capable of completely walking away from it for four years.

You mean like Hillary has promised to walk away from the Clinton Foundation? She promises that the foundation, if she is elected, will no longer take foreign money which means of course they take foreign money NOW.

Not only do they take money now, I suspect there will be a flood of money pouring into the Clinton Foundation to buy influence just in case she does win.
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
That's nice. Maybe you could at least explain why China and Goldman Sachs are bad unless Trump needs money from them.

Here let's play your weak little Hillary is the good guy game. Goldman Sachs is just as bad for Trump. Did you get your fucking cookies? Do you feel better now?

The only speeches Trump made to Goldman Sachs were to pay them back the loans they gave him. We don't know what Hilary promised them for what they paid her.
Typical shit, I wonder how he is going to disentangle himself from all that and put it in a blind trust in order to be president. Does he even have a plan for that?

He likely doesn't have to. If it is owned by a closely held business, he can just let his daughter take over
Perhaps but I cannot imagine he is capable of completely walking away from it for four years.

That is a good point. After all, the Clinton Foundation raked in 100's of millions while she was Sec of State.
I think there has never been a more hypocritical candidate.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

Let's clarify that the NY Times is conflicted by interest because they OPPOSE the Trump campaign,

Killary is beholden to Israel, she is an ISRAEL FIRSTER ,

Killary is beholden to the war profiteers

Killary is beholden to wall street bankers

So shut the fuck up.

Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
That's nice. Maybe you could at least explain why China and Goldman Sachs are bad unless Trump needs money from them.

They LOAN Trump money that he has to pay back. The GIVE Hillary money for favors from the government.
I think there has never been a more hypocritical candidate.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

How does Trump having debt affect anything? Just because he owes some PERSONAL debt doesn't mean a thing.

Is this guy yet a other commonly seen liberal who doesn't understand basic economics? I am sure Hillary had a mortgage from the bank too, oh she must answer to the banks then, huh? Oh, shit I have a car loan, I am in bed with the car companies!

Political donations are an entirely different matter.

We're not talking about personal debt, Warren Buffett.
Loving the responses!

It is the U.S. Government fault for how Trump has been doing his business and if it was not for the U.S. Government those like Trump would not be shafting the American consumer while taking their ( Trump ) business to China...

Then another poster is pointing out that States are connected to China so that excuses Trump...

Here is the reality for Trump voters and you are correct Trump uses the system that is handed to him and cheat the American consumer and worker daily.

He abuses trade deals that he claims are bad but let be factual if it is not China it will be Mexico or some other third world country because those like Trump would never buy American when he can get it for pennies on the dollar in a country like Vietnam.

As for other states, companies or individuals doing what Trump does does not excuse Trump. In fact it is Trump that is complaining about the trade deals that he make billions off of and it would be like him complaining about Bankruptcy laws that allow him to cheat contractors out of their money that he first agreed to pay them...

So my response is not directed at the OP'er but those excusing Trump but as usual those excusing Trump will ignore reality of Trump and he could rape an infant on live TV and his voters would tell everyone how the infant had it coming...
Amazingly enough more posters that came after you did not address these points.

There is a bigger picture. I don't think you are capable of getting it.
That's nice. Maybe you could at least explain why China and Goldman Sachs are bad unless Trump needs money from them.

They LOAN Trump money that he has to pay back. The GIVE Hillary money for favors from the government.

We do not know that "they loaned" Trump any money as a matter of fact.

AN even if they did , how is the loan relevant to his campaign or his position as president of the US of A.


Hillary received about 350k each for several 20 minute talks to Wall Street banks. She never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her sexual pervert husband and the left worries about a successful businessman's relationship with banks? Everything is backwards in the low information leftie mind.

She received $225,000 for each speech from Goldman Sachs, and they lasted 45 minutes.

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