Trump better get our trade policy right, or China will take our place as the global economic leader


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
today there is so much uncertainty, and the trade impasse with China highlights the dysfunction and ineffectiveness of the current White House strategy
Trump has announced that he will delay until March 1 a planned rate hike on the $200 billion worth of Chinese goods that are already tariffed at 10 percent. And the Chinese have reportedly shown their desire to move forward by buying more American agricultural products and lowering tariffs on American-made automobiles. However, it is unclear if these measures will translate into positive and substantive changes for American businesses.
today there is so much uncertainty, and the trade impasse with China highlights the dysfunction and ineffectiveness of the current White House strategy
Do you really think things happen over night after years of kowtowing?
China is getting ahead of us...

The obvious solution is to just let them take our capital, manufacturing and jobs. In the future if you want a job, you better be willing to work for slave wage on Chinese soil. By taking it in the ass from the Chinese, we triumph.

The OP is 100% correct as always.
Does Trump's words ever mean anything. I think he is only stirring things up to panic everyone simply as a negotiating ploy. He knows how to bluff.
Trump better get our trade policy right
Dude. You're actually talking about Tariff Man getting trade policy right, correct?

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