Trump calls for Fox News journalist to be fired for report on war dead scandal

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

  • Defensive Trump tweets ‘Fox News is gone!’
He is really in the bunker now. His piggish behaviour is starting to come back to bite him. I winder where he will go for comfort when Fox has dumped him ?

  • Defensive Trump tweets ‘Fox News is gone!’
He is really in the bunker now. His piggish behaviour is starting to come back to bite him. I winder where he will go for comfort when Fox has dumped him ?
OAN. One America News Network. They're so slavish to him, it can be comical.

He makes sure to call on them in press conferences.

This used to be funny, but it really isn't any more. This is insanity.

  • Defensive Trump tweets ‘Fox News is gone!’
He is really in the bunker now. His piggish behaviour is starting to come back to bite him. I winder where he will go for comfort when Fox has dumped him ?

"On Saturday, I went to the US Ambassador's residence, where Trump was staying, to brief him before his bilateral with [French President Emmanuel] Macron. The weather was bad, and [then White House Chief of Staff John] Kelly and I spoke about whether to travel as planned to the Château-Theirry Belleau Wood monuments and nearby American Cemeteries where many US World War I dead were buried. Marine One's crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery. The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different." -- John Bolton from "the Room where it Happened"

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