Trump Calls House Health Care Bill "Mean, Mean, Mean"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump is one weird motherfucker. I mean, seriously weird.

The House bill he was gloating over just minutes after it was passed, he is now calling "mean, mean, mean" at a lunch he had with some Republican senators today.

And he wants the federal government to spend more money on health care.

His true self, the New York Democratic liberal, which has always praised and demanded universal healthcare is battling with his fake pseudocon conservative persona and is causing him to become schizophrenic.

AP sources: Trump tells senators House health bill 'mean'
President Donald Trump told Republican senators Tuesday that the House-passed health care bill he helped revive is “mean” and urged them to craft a version that is “more generous,” congressional sources said.

One source said Trump called the House bill “mean, mean, mean” and said, “We need to be more generous, more kind.” The other source said Trump used a vulgarity to describe the House bill and told the senators, “We need to be more generous.”
Trump is right on this...

Why won't he stop it or threaten to veto the goddamn thing? It is fucking evil.
Trump won't veto it because he gloated about it just a few minutes after it was passed in the House.

Oh, wait.

He's a schizo. So maybe he will veto it.
Trump is correct the House bill is mean. It is a deliberate sabotage of ObamaCare to make it even more disastrous than it already is.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

Trump lied to your fat faces. The House bill isn't even a repeal of ObamaCare, much less a replacement.

A classic huckster move. The rubes paid for a repeal and replace, and he gave them a forgery.
I don't want a fucking thing from "da gubermint"....if I can't pay my own way? Then I am shit out of luck......I would rather die then be "beholding" to this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body.
If you are wondering how many people would lose health insurance in your state under the House bill, here you go:

Trump bleeved his promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare was what got him elected. At the ceremony he held minutes after the House bill passed, he looked around and said, "I'm President! Can you bleev it, right?"

"... according to four (Democrat) congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion and spoke on the condition of anonymity."


"Uninformed sources told the NYTimes..."
Trump is correct the House bill is mean. It is a deliberate sabotage of ObamaCare to make it even more disastrous than it already is.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"
In the end, Trump just wanted a passed bill and what was in the bill was irrelevant, which is now why he throws the most right leaning under the bus. He wants a bill out of the Senate, and the only way to get is to put in stuff the House Freedom Caucus will never buy. NO one in the WH has any actual experience in legislation. And, even if someone had a clue, Trump set up hopelessly conflicting promises: "repeal and replace on day 1," and "you'll have cheaper and better healthcare."

In a nutshell, they repealed the taxes to appease the Freedom Caucus, so they didn't have the money to meet Trump's second criteria of "cheaper and better." Now Trump calls the bill mean.

I don't think the House bill is simply an intent to make healthcare worse. Good drivers don't subsize bad drivers. Why should the young and health cover old people? Sure insurance is shared risk, but nothing says we all fit the same risk pool. We can cover pre-existing witout Obamacare's shared risk. The House plan is bullshit because people get screwed for not having continuous coverage, and often the reason their coverage has gaps is ... (wait for it) they got sick.

But the basic proplem is we're not going to get cost reductions unless we just go single payer, and even then drastically shift to primary care and away from higher paid specialists or get rid of the tax expenditure for employer sponsored and just subsidize individuals through tax cuts to go buy insurance. And make it financially advantageous to not consume as much as you can.

But that would require bipartisanship. And the window closed on that for another 3.5 years.
Trump is one weird motherfucker. I mean, seriously weird.

The House bill he was gloating over just minutes after it was passed, he is now calling "mean, mean, mean" at a lunch he had with some Republican senators today.

And he wants the federal government to spend more money on health care.

His true self, the New York Democratic liberal, which has always praised and demanded universal healthcare is battling with his fake pseudocon conservative persona and is causing him to become schizophrenic.

AP sources: Trump tells senators House health bill 'mean'

Wow. That really is weird. Early onset dementia?
Trump is correct the House bill is mean. It is a deliberate sabotage of ObamaCare to make it even more disastrous than it already is.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"
In the end, Trump just wanted a passed bill and what was in the bill was irrelevant, which is now why he throws the most right leaning under the bus. He wants a bill out of the Senate, and the only way to get is to put in stuff the House Freedom Caucus will never buy. NO one in the WH has any actual experience in legislation. And, even if someone had a clue, Trump set up hopelessly conflicting promises: "repeal and replace on day 1," and "you'll have cheaper and better healthcare."

In a nutshell, they repealed the taxes to appease the Freedom Caucus, so they didn't have the money to meet Trump's second criteria of "cheaper and better." Now Trump calls the bill mean.

I don't think the House bill is simply an intent to make healthcare worse. Good drivers don't subsize bad drivers. Why should the young and health cover old people? Sure insurance is shared risk, but nothing says we all fit the same risk pool. We can cover pre-existing witout Obamacare's shared risk. The House plan is bullshit because people get screwed for not having continuous coverage, and often the reason their coverage has gaps is ... (wait for it) they got sick.

But the basic proplem is we're not going to get cost reductions unless we just go single payer, and even then drastically shift to primary care and away from higher paid specialists or get rid of the tax expenditure for employer sponsored and just subsidize individuals through tax cuts to go buy insurance. And make it financially advantageous to not consume as much as you can.

But that would require bipartisanship. And the window closed on that for another 3.5 years.
Outstanding post.

Just want to add one thing to something you said: "The House plan is bullshit because people get screwed for not having continuous coverage, and often the reason their coverage has gaps is ... (wait for it) they got sick."

Or they got laid off and lost their employer-sponsored health insurance.

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