Trump Calls House Health Care Bill "Mean, Mean, Mean"

"... according to four (Democrat) congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion and spoke on the condition of anonymity."


"Uninformed sources told the NYTimes..."
Just slap those simian hands over your eyes, monkey.

Or take a look at Trump's own tweet I provided.

"... according to four (Democrat) congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion and spoke on the condition of anonymity."


"Uninformed sources told the NYTimes..."
Just slap those simian hands over your eyes, monkey.

Or take a look at Trump's own tweet I provided.


But but but but but but uninformed sources said so, just like Trump's Golden Shower!

"....congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion (meaning they weren't there) and spoke on the condition of anonymity. (meaning it's fake news)"
"... according to four (Democrat) congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion and spoke on the condition of anonymity."


"Uninformed sources told the NYTimes..."
Just slap those simian hands over your eyes, monkey.

Or take a look at Trump's own tweet I provided.


But but but but but but uninformed sources said so, just like Trump's Golden Shower!

"....congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion (meaning they weren't there) and spoke on the condition of anonymity. (meaning it's fake news)"
He said it to a roomful of people, retard. No one has come forward and said the reports are a lie. Not even Trump.

My god, you work very hard to make a damned fool of yourself.

You pseudocons are experts at detecting fake news, ain't ya: Fool Me A Thousand Times
"... according to four (Democrat) congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion and spoke on the condition of anonymity."


"Uninformed sources told the NYTimes..."
Just slap those simian hands over your eyes, monkey.

Or take a look at Trump's own tweet I provided.


But but but but but but uninformed sources said so, just like Trump's Golden Shower!

"....congressional aides who were briefed on the discussion (meaning they weren't there) and spoke on the condition of anonymity. (meaning it's fake news)"
He said it to a roomful of people, retard. No one has come forward and said the reports are a lie. Not even Trump.

My god, you work very hard to make a damned fool of yourself.

You pseudocons are experts at detecting fake news, ain't ya: Fool Me A Thousand Times
How can they deny it. LOL

You know I voted for Trump in my state primary, because he said he'd force sides to make deals. And the reality is that with the Freedom Caucus which came to Wash with a pledge "no compromise," is that there are two ways to get anything done. 1) Give the dems the WH and majorities in congress. Not my first choice. 2) Have a goper potus who forces the gop House to abandon the Hasert rule. That's my first choice. And I don't have some inherent dislike of the
Freedom Caucus. I actually share their goals. But if Trump had had a clue, he could be threatening to pass stuff dems would vote for, and the Freedom Caucus could push it as far right as a bill that McConnell could pass with 50 votes.
Trump is one weird motherfucker. I mean, seriously weird.

The House bill he was gloating over just minutes after it was passed, he is now calling "mean, mean, mean" at a lunch he had with some Republican senators today.

And he wants the federal government to spend more money on health care.

His true self, the New York Democratic liberal, which has always praised and demanded universal healthcare is battling with his fake pseudocon conservative persona and is causing him to become schizophrenic.

AP sources: Trump tells senators House health bill 'mean'

I said the sob was unstable and a loose cannon ever since he put his name in the primary pool.

hes nuckin futs I tells ya !
If the story be in reach, its time to impeach!

They got him this time.

For sure


No, really

This is like the Russian Golden Shower, Squared!

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