Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti semtic


Jacob Wohl on Twitter
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.
Hello uncle tom.
Fuck Israel and all those who give our taxes to them.

Obvious anti-Semitic bigot is obvious. Personally, I have no problem seeing my tax money going into killing rowdy Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS shitheads on our behalf.

Go Israel!
I cant be anti semite because I am first semite and se one dont hate jews....but just calling out Israeli crimes. Of course you root for the Zionists you bigot while they killing civilians, kids and women.
They got your money whether you like it or not , you are just their bitch.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.
Hello uncle tom.
Fuck Israel and all those who give our taxes to them.

How much would it cost us to create a military presence in the Middle East as powerful as we have in our ally, Israel?

Why would you want to deny our Jewish friends and allies our allegiance and support?

Why would we neglect a friendly Democracy at the risk of their failing as a state and our having to go help them?

Wouldnt it be better to save billion$ if bucks and thousands of lives by just maintaining stability?

You have no acceptable reason for your position except Jew hatred.

You are an enemy of America.
Israel is a rogue terrorist state the whole world recognized their crimes and thanks to the Zionist lobby we pay them and they fu k right in the ass....besides trumps government who else like Israel? No one.
Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti-Semitic

President Trump on Tuesday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to resign for comments on Israel that were criticized as anti-Semitic.

LMAO I hope this anti american pos loon is made to step down . GET HER HER OUT NOW THIS IS A TRAITOR ANTI AMERICAN TWIT!!

YOU ARE FIRED, go back to your nation marry your brother have kids and leave our freedom alone you are not ever allowed to do what you do in your home country so don't come here and try to make us like your shit hole got it it won't ever work.

America is going to be harder to take down than you dumb asses even realize. We are not panzy ass Europe . ( Yet lol )

And what about Stephen King. Why are Trump and Pence not calling on King to resign? Take your shit and shove it up your ass loser.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.
Hello uncle tom.
Fuck Israel and all those who give our taxes to them.

How much would it cost us to create a military presence in the Middle East as powerful as we have in our ally, Israel?

Why would you want to deny our Jewish friends and allies our allegiance and support?

Why would we neglect a friendly Democracy at the risk of their failing as a state and our having to go help them?

Wouldnt it be better to save billion$ if bucks and thousands of lives by just maintaining stability?

You have no acceptable reason for your position except Jew hatred.

You are an enemy of America.
Israel is a rogue terrorist state the whole world recognized their crimes and thanks to the Zionist lobby we pay them and they fu k right in the ass....besides trumps government who else like Israel? No one.
Do you think Obama could have handled a reaproachment with Iran differently? If a government is somewhat corrupted do you want the people to be genocided? Anywhere!
Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti-Semitic

President Trump on Tuesday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to resign for comments on Israel that were criticized as anti-Semitic.

LMAO I hope this anti american pos loon is made to step down . GET HER HER OUT NOW THIS IS A TRAITOR ANTI AMERICAN TWIT!!

YOU ARE FIRED, go back to your nation marry your brother have kids and leave our freedom alone you are not ever allowed to do what you do in your home country so don't come here and try to make us like your shit hole got it it won't ever work.

America is going to be harder to take down than you dumb asses even realize. We are not panzy ass Europe . ( Yet lol )

This will probably propel her to being on the Presidential ticket with AOC in 2024
Israel is a rogue terrorist state the whole world recognized their crimes and thanks to the Zionist lobby we pay them and they fu k right in the ass....besides trumps government who else like Israel? No one.
What Countries Support Israel? - Blurtit
You are just factually wrong, though you probably don't care. If your posts were half as bright as they were hate filled and angry you would have probably not made such an erroneous claim.

And yeah, Ilhan Omar needs to go back to work for Louie Farrakhan churning out anti Jewish
garbage and leave Congress alone. We don't need such a backwards religious zealot there.
No I mean a hatred and willingness to believe and propagate and believe anti Muslim conspiracy theories and bigotry. Such as your statement.
In other words you don't believe there is widespread intolerance of other religions and cultures among Muslims? You know as soon as you launch a personal attack against another poster, what you are saying is that you are not capable of a rational discussion of the issue.

I attacked your statement. What wide spread intolerance? I don’t see it here in America. Or Canada. Or China. Or Myanmar. In many areas, theconflicts are multifaceted and ethnic. In many areas Islamic culture has historically coexisted with non Islamic cultures. In the Middle East, I would agree, but a lot of that seems associated with the adoption of an extreme conservative brand of Islam. I know of no fundamentalist religion sects that are tolerant. None. When you ascribe something as widespread intolerance you ignore a lot.
No, you attacked me. There was nothing in my statement to warrant accusations of "hatred and willingness to believe and propagate and believe anti Muslim conspiracy theories and bigotry. Such as your statement."

Is intolerance of other religions and cultures, particularly of Jews, widespread among Muslims in America? It certainly is, witness the Nation of Islam and the almost unanimous hostility toward Israel and American Jews who support Israel. Even a casual investigation of statements by European Muslim leaders shows a high lever of intolerance of other religions, especially of Jews, and also of western culture. The Chechen wars against Russia are only the most prominent examples of of Muslim intolerance of other cultures, and China's long struggles against the hostility of the Uyghur against not only the ethnic Chinese but against other Muslim groups in China belies your claim of no widespread intolerance of other cultures or religions among Muslims.
And of course Africa is riven with wars of domination by Muslim groups. And of course, nearly all the transnational terrorist organizations around the world are made up of Muslims. So your claim that intolerance of other religions and cultures is not widespread among Muslims is clearly nonsense.

Let's try to tell the truth. You only brought up the claim of Islamophobia in order to try to justify Omar's vile anti semitic statements by claiming criticism of her was purely an example of Islamophobia.


Let’s try to tell the truth.

I am not claiming criticism of Omar’s remarks is purely Islamophobia, so dismantle that strawman.

Couple of more problems here...Nation of Islam is hardly representative of American Muslims. It also isn’t exactly Muslim either but a group of some 20 to 50 thousand, who combine elements of Islamwith Black Nationalism. There are approximately 3.45 MILLION Muslims in the US, so why do you use such a tiny sect as representative of American Muslims? What actual data do you have to show that American Muslims are any more intolerant than American Christians?

The Uighurs are actually a good example of what I mean by a complex problem created by China’s harsh and punitive restrictions on their religion, language and culture which has led to a rise in violence. Did you know hat China moved millions of Han Chinese into their area to deliberately dilute them? They did the same to Momgolia. If they were Christians defending themselves you would be condemning China and supporting them. http://content.time.coVladimir Putin & 1999 Russian Apartment-House Bombings -- Was Putin Responsible? - by David Satterm/time/world/article/0,8599,1909416,00.html

The Chechnyans are in a similar position of an ethnic group wanting independence from Russia and one badly treated in the Soviet days. Let’s not forget it is highly likely Putin orchestrated an apartment bombing that was blamed on the Chechnyans and led to the second Chechnyan war.

In CAR, the Christians are just as involved as the Muslims in committing atrocities against each other, and in many of the African conflicts you are dealing with tribal and ethnic conflicts as well as failing states. It is superficially religious but dig down and it is a lot more.

There are some 2 billion Muslims in the world. The number involved in terrorism would not even be statistically significant.
"I am not claiming criticism of Omar’s remarks is purely Islamophobia, so dismantle that strawman."

By not purely you mean you were in part trying to excuse her vile anti semitic statements by claiming she was the victim of "Islamophobia".

To the extent you are an apologist for anti semitism you are an anti semite.

Omar, herself, provides a good example of intolerance among Muslims in America. She is a 37 year old woman who has been educated in the US and has been involved in politics since 2012 and had served for three years in the Minnesota state senate, and yet she casually rolls out anti semitic statements with no apparent awareness of how vile they are. That can only happen if you live in or identify with a community in which such bigotry is commonplace.

Putting your denigrating remarks about African American Muslims aside since you seem to have your own problems
with black people, the rest of your post is not a refutation of Muslim intolerance but an attempt to justify it by always casting Muslims as the innocent victims of other peoples. In fact, Islamophobia is a myth and in the US, despite the numerous terror attacks planned or executed by Muslims against us, there is no more hostility towards or fear of Muslims than of any other group that speaks a foreign language or dresses differently or keeps to themselves outside of mainstream America. Get over it, Muslims are not victims in America despite their intolerance of others here.

What are you talking about? There is nothing I said about African American Muslims that is racist.

You do realize antisemitism is prevalent across non Muslim communitees in the US dont you, but you offer nothing to indicate it is more prevalent among American Muslims.

For someone who objected to name calling you are doing a pretty good job yourself

Thank for confirming that are nothing more than a garden variety anti-muslim bigot.
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Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News
The woman is clearly an ignorant bigot and her "apology" was forced by Pelosi. If she will not resign, Pelosi should at a minimum remove her from the House Foreign Relations committee.
The Somali skank has got to go!

No she doesn't.
Yeah she does.

Not in my opinion, tell Trump to step down, at least she was honest.
Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti-Semitic

President Trump on Tuesday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to resign for comments on Israel that were criticized as anti-Semitic.

LMAO I hope this anti american pos loon is made to step down . GET HER HER OUT NOW THIS IS A TRAITOR ANTI AMERICAN TWIT!!

YOU ARE FIRED, go back to your nation marry your brother have kids and leave our freedom alone you are not ever allowed to do what you do in your home country so don't come here and try to make us like your shit hole got it it won't ever work.

America is going to be harder to take down than you dumb asses even realize. We are not panzy ass Europe . ( Yet lol )
So...he's gonna resign over his misogynist remarks?
He is giving a signal to a certain group and then denying he gave it. Same with David Duke. Only total idiots believe him at face value.
It's easy. Democrats support ISIS, illegals and are anti-Semetic.
ISIS have many Saudis, don't they?
Sure. They have Somalis and all kinds of Muslims, a\s do the Dems. Get it?
And this means what? Trump supports ISIS like the Democrats?
ISIS is destroyed by now. tiny donnie told us so.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

For the life of me, I don't even know how that clitless bitch Omar even got elected.
Now, go grab a cookie!
Cool....more conservative republican misogyny.
When you say Islamophobia do you mean disapproval of the widespread intolerance among Muslims of all other religions and cultures and the violence it precipitates?
No I mean a hatred and willingness to believe and propagate and believe anti Muslim conspiracy theories and bigotry. Such as your statement.
In other words you don't believe there is widespread intolerance of other religions and cultures among Muslims? You know as soon as you launch a personal attack against another poster, what you are saying is that you are not capable of a rational discussion of the issue.

I attacked your statement. What wide spread intolerance? I don’t see it here in America. Or Canada. Or China. Or Myanmar. In many areas, theconflicts are multifaceted and ethnic. In many areas Islamic culture has historically coexisted with non Islamic cultures. In the Middle East, I would agree, but a lot of that seems associated with the adoption of an extreme conservative brand of Islam. I know of no fundamentalist religion sects that are tolerant. None. When you ascribe something as widespread intolerance you ignore a lot.
No, you attacked me. There was nothing in my statement to warrant accusations of "hatred and willingness to believe and propagate and believe anti Muslim conspiracy theories and bigotry. Such as your statement."

Is intolerance of other religions and cultures, particularly of Jews, widespread among Muslims in America? It certainly is, witness the Nation of Islam and the almost unanimous hostility toward Israel and American Jews who support Israel. Even a casual investigation of statements by European Muslim leaders shows a high lever of intolerance of other religions, especially of Jews, and also of western culture. The Chechen wars against Russia are only the most prominent examples of of Muslim intolerance of other cultures, and China's long struggles against the hostility of the Uyghur against not only the ethnic Chinese but against other Muslim groups in China belies your claim of no widespread intolerance of other cultures or religions among Muslims.
And of course Africa is riven with wars of domination by Muslim groups. And of course, nearly all the transnational terrorist organizations around the world are made up of Muslims. So your claim that intolerance of other religions and cultures is not widespread among Muslims is clearly nonsense.

Let's try to tell the truth. You only brought up the claim of Islamophobia in order to try to justify Omar's vile anti semitic statements by claiming criticism of her was purely an example of Islamophobia.


Let’s try to tell the truth.

I am not claiming criticism of Omar’s remarks is purely Islamophobia, so dismantle that strawman.

Couple of more problems here...Nation of Islam is hardly representative of American Muslims. It also isn’t exactly Muslim either but a group of some 20 to 50 thousand, who combine elements of Islamwith Black Nationalism. There are approximately 3.45 MILLION Muslims in the US, so why do you use such a tiny sect as representative of American Muslims? What actual data do you have to show that American Muslims are any more intolerant than American Christians?

The Uighurs are actually a good example of what I mean by a complex problem created by China’s harsh and punitive restrictions on their religion, language and culture which has led to a rise in violence. Did you know hat China moved millions of Han Chinese into their area to deliberately dilute them? They did the same to Momgolia. If they were Christians defending themselves you would be condemning China and supporting them. http://content.time.coVladimir Putin & 1999 Russian Apartment-House Bombings -- Was Putin Responsible? - by David Satterm/time/world/article/0,8599,1909416,00.html

The Chechnyans are in a similar position of an ethnic group wanting independence from Russia and one badly treated in the Soviet days. Let’s not forget it is highly likely Putin orchestrated an apartment bombing that was blamed on the Chechnyans and led to the second Chechnyan war.

In CAR, the Christians are just as involved as the Muslims in committing atrocities against each other, and in many of the African conflicts you are dealing with tribal and ethnic conflicts as well as failing states. It is superficially religious but dig down and it is a lot more.

There are some 2 billion Muslims in the world. The number involved in terrorism would not even be statistically significant.

There is nothing wrong with non-Muslims wanting to rid our culture and society and nation of a group of people whose religious allegiance makes most of them harbor the goal of one day supplanting our Constitution with Shariah law.

To feel otherwise makes a poster stand out as an enemy of America.

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