Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti semtic

Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.

Show me a Black culture, (aside from Wakanda lol) which has achieved the greatness of America.

And yes, this greatness was achieved with the help of all of those from all races (and whatever's ) who contributed, but with the guidance and direction and organization and discipline of White guys, mostly.

The motherfucking Constitution promised me equality and I can look at the course of just my own life and see progress being made toward America making good on that promise.

We are, a lot of us, really movin on up.


I don't want to suffer the growing pains South Africa is going through, where Blacks are taking over and are making the population suffer through some of their dumb ass mistakes.

Although, with them it can't be helped because people who have never had responsibility just had handed to them a huge, complicated country to run.

And that is my point. Just because you can seize power, doesnt mean you deserve it it or know how to use it.

The Whites and the Constitution are who I want creating a stable pathway to travel to the promised land.

Not Muslims. Not stupid Black revolutionaries who worship Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Malcolm Little. Or Bernie ("I honeymoon in Moscow during the Vietnam War") Sanders.

I want people like President Trump and his entire diverse team of patriots running things.

They have shown they deserve the responsibility and are handling it wonderfully.

God really did shed His grace on us when D.J. Trump was elected.

None on the Democrat side are trustworthy.

It's DJT and MAGA Time for me.
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Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

I want her to step down to discourage and retard the progress of Islamization in this country.
Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

Appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel does not constitute ‘anti-Semitism.’

Cons don’t even care about Isreal . They just want to use them in their proxy war with the Mid East .
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

Big problem, little problem. Just how many deaths have "white supremacists" been responsible for in this world during the 20th and 21st century, compared to Muslims?

She needs to have her ass sent packing.

Who has she killed?

She is a proponent of an ideology that has killed plenty, yet the Democrats don't seem to be concerned.

In addition to that, she subscribes to a socialist/communist belief that has been responsible for millions of deaths through out history, as well as millions of abortions.

I have absolutely no desire to see that person involved in running my country.

We have freedom of religion in this country and no religious test for office.

So she has killed no one. Thanks for clarifying your irrational hatred.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

I want her to step down to discourage and retard the progress of Islamization in this country.
Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

Appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel does not constitute ‘anti-Semitism.’

So what will it take to convince you? After she's presented with some sensitive information which she then hands off to CAIR, Hamas, Al Queda, etc.?

You people are irresponsibly playing with some real industrial-grade fireworks these days. Be careful you don't lose a hand or two.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

Big problem, little problem. Just how many deaths have "white supremacists" been responsible for in this world during the 20th and 21st century, compared to Muslims?

She needs to have her ass sent packing.

Who has she killed?

She is a proponent of an ideology that has killed plenty, yet the Democrats don't seem to be concerned.

In addition to that, she subscribes to a socialist/communist belief that has been responsible for millions of deaths through out history, as well as millions of abortions.

I have absolutely no desire to see that person involved in running my country.

We have freedom of religion in this country and no religious test for office.

So she has killed no one. Thanks for clarifying your irrational hatred.

See post above.

It's like people forgot 9/11 and almost 20 years of war against a violent culture that endorses murder and genocide. Scorpions do what scorpions do.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.

Show me a Black culture, (aside from Wakanda lol) which has achieved the greatness of America withe the help of all of those who contributed, but with the guidance and direction and organization and discipline if White guys, mostly.

The motherfucking Constitution promised me equality and I can look at the course of just my own life and see progress being made toward America making good on that promise.

We are, a lot of us, really movin on up.


And I don't want to suffer the growing pains South Africa is going through, where Blacks are taking over and are suffering dumb ass mistakes.

Although, with them it can't be helped because people who have never had responsibility just had handed to them a huge, complicated country to run.

That example shows that just because you can seize power, it doesnt mean you deserve it it or have a clue of how to use it.

The Whites and the Constitution are who I want cresting a stable pathway to travel to the promised land.

Not Muslims. Not stupid Black revolutionaries who worship Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Malcolm Little. Or Bernie ("I honeymoon in Moscow during the Vietnam War") Sanders.

I want people like President Trump and his entire diverse team of patriots running things.

They have shown they deserve the responsibility and are handling it wonderfully.

God really did shed His grace on us when D.J. Trump was elected.

None on the Democrat side are trustworthy.

DJT and MAGA for me.

Show me a black , brown , whatever , minoritiy country that hasn’t been the victims of the white mans brutal imperialism.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

Big problem, little problem. Just how many deaths have "white supremacists" been responsible for in this world during the 20th and 21st century, compared to Muslims?

She needs to have her ass sent packing.

Who has she killed?

She is a proponent of an ideology that has killed plenty, yet the Democrats don't seem to be concerned.

In addition to that, she subscribes to a socialist/communist belief that has been responsible for millions of deaths through out history, as well as millions of abortions.

I have absolutely no desire to see that person involved in running my country.

We have freedom of religion in this country and no religious test for office.

So she has killed no one. Thanks for clarifying your irrational hatred.

See post above.

It's like people forgot 9/11 and almost 20 years of war against a violent culture that endorses murder and genocide. Scorpions do what scorpions do.

They don’t forget. It is just that most people recognize it as the act of terrorists. Thanks for another illuminating example of Islamophobia.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.

Show me a Black culture, (aside from Wakanda lol) which has achieved the greatness of America withe the help of all of those who contributed, but with the guidance and direction and organization and discipline if White guys, mostly.

The motherfucking Constitution promised me equality and I can look at the course of just my own life and see progress being made toward America making good on that promise.

We are, a lot of us, really movin on up.


And I don't want to suffer the growing pains South Africa is going through, where Blacks are taking over and are suffering dumb ass mistakes.

Although, with them it can't be helped because people who have never had responsibility just had handed to them a huge, complicated country to run.

That example shows that just because you can seize power, it doesnt mean you deserve it it or have a clue of how to use it.

The Whites and the Constitution are who I want cresting a stable pathway to travel to the promised land.

Not Muslims. Not stupid Black revolutionaries who worship Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Malcolm Little. Or Bernie ("I honeymoon in Moscow during the Vietnam War") Sanders.

I want people like President Trump and his entire diverse team of patriots running things.

They have shown they deserve the responsibility and are handling it wonderfully.

God really did shed His grace on us when D.J. Trump was elected.

None on the Democrat side are trustworthy.

DJT and MAGA for me.

Show me a black , brown , whatever , minoritiy country that hasn’t been the victims of the white mans brutal imperialism.

One day you will grow beyond that way of half thinking.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

I want her to step down to discourage and retard the progress of Islamization in this country.
Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

Appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel does not constitute ‘anti-Semitism.’

So what will it take to convince you? After she's presented with some sensitive information which she then hands off to CAIR, Hamas, Al Queda, etc.?

You people are irresponsibly playing with some real industrial-grade fireworks these days. Be careful you don't lose a hand or two.
Oh brother.

CAIR is like AIPAC.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

I want her to step down to discourage and retard the progress of Islamization in this country.
Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

Appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel does not constitute ‘anti-Semitism.’

So what will it take to convince you? After she's presented with some sensitive information which she then hands off to CAIR, Hamas, Al Queda, etc.?

You people are irresponsibly playing with some real industrial-grade fireworks these days. Be careful you don't lose a hand or two.
Oh brother.

CAIR is like AIPAC.

Forget telling us how they are the same. The point we need to understand as smart consumers, is how one is unacceptable and the other isnt.
Big problem, little problem. Just how many deaths have "white supremacists" been responsible for in this world during the 20th and 21st century, compared to Muslims?

She needs to have her ass sent packing.

Who has she killed?

She is a proponent of an ideology that has killed plenty, yet the Democrats don't seem to be concerned.

In addition to that, she subscribes to a socialist/communist belief that has been responsible for millions of deaths through out history, as well as millions of abortions.

I have absolutely no desire to see that person involved in running my country.

We have freedom of religion in this country and no religious test for office.

So she has killed no one. Thanks for clarifying your irrational hatred.

See post above.

It's like people forgot 9/11 and almost 20 years of war against a violent culture that endorses murder and genocide. Scorpions do what scorpions do.

They don’t forget. It is just that most people recognize it as the act of terrorists. Thanks for another illuminating example of Islamophobia.

Why would I not be leery of her when she's a confirmed and outspoken bigot? And why should I believe her for her "apology"? She is a member of the Umma. Everything within it is the dar-al- Islam. Everything outside of it is dar-al-Harb. Allah says to wage jihad on all not like themselves, so they are allowed or even encouraged to commit pedophilia, rape, slavery, robbery, lying, or even murder.

It's all good, as long as it is done in Allah's name. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Big problem, little problem. Just how many deaths have "white supremacists" been responsible for in this world during the 20th and 21st century, compared to Muslims?

She needs to have her ass sent packing.

Who has she killed?

She is a proponent of an ideology that has killed plenty, yet the Democrats don't seem to be concerned.

In addition to that, she subscribes to a socialist/communist belief that has been responsible for millions of deaths through out history, as well as millions of abortions.

I have absolutely no desire to see that person involved in running my country.

We have freedom of religion in this country and no religious test for office.

So she has killed no one. Thanks for clarifying your irrational hatred.

See post above.

It's like people forgot 9/11 and almost 20 years of war against a violent culture that endorses murder and genocide. Scorpions do what scorpions do.

They don’t forget. It is just that most people recognize it as the act of terrorists. Thanks for another illuminating example of Islamophobia.

How does Islam take over a country?
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

“ReRep. Steve King removed from committee assignments amid 'white supremacist' controversyp.

Steve King removed from committee assignments amid 'white supremacist' controversy”

But Mrs. Haji remains. Next.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

I want her to step down to discourage and retard the progress of Islamization in this country.
Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

Appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel does not constitute ‘anti-Semitism.’

So what will it take to convince you? After she's presented with some sensitive information which she then hands off to CAIR, Hamas, Al Queda, etc.?

You people are irresponsibly playing with some real industrial-grade fireworks these days. Be careful you don't lose a hand or two.
Oh brother.

CAIR is like AIPAC.

The hell they are. CAIR has ties to and is being funded by radical Islamic elements.

This is a known fact, even a federal judge ruled that.

Federal Judge Agrees: CAIR Tied to Hamas
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

Big problem, little problem. Just how many deaths have "white supremacists" been responsible for in this world during the 20th and 21st century, compared to Muslims?

She needs to have her ass sent packing.

Who has she killed?

Our culture has been pushed closer to a ditch alongside the road and if we are in the ditch already or are soon to be in it, there could be millions killed.

Such is the power of the peaceful Grand Jihad.
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

“ReRep. Steve King removed from committee assignments amid 'white supremacist' controversyp.

Steve King removed from committee assignments amid 'white supremacist' controversy”

But Mrs. Haji remains. Next.
How long was King in those assignments and in leadership positions?

Is he still in office?

What committee assignments does Omar hold?
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

As a Black man, I say this:


Muslims want to take it over.

You want to help them.

That makes you an enemy of America.

Built it on the back of minorities.
Irish, Italians and Germans?
Dogwhistles everywhere ! Don wants Omar to step down because of controversial statements about Isreal (that she apologized for ), but he has nothing to say about Gop Steve King and his history of white supremest statements

Donald Trump calls on freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar to 'resign from Congress' over Israel comments | Fox News

I want her to step down to discourage and retard the progress of Islamization in this country.
Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest, as is the case with most on the right.

Appropriate, warranted criticism of Israel does not constitute ‘anti-Semitism.’

So what will it take to convince you? After she's presented with some sensitive information which she then hands off to CAIR, Hamas, Al Queda, etc.?

You people are irresponsibly playing with some real industrial-grade fireworks these days. Be careful you don't lose a hand or two.
Oh brother.

CAIR is like AIPAC.

The hell they are. CAIR has ties to and is being funded by radical Islamic elements.

This is a known fact, even a federal judge ruled that.

Federal Judge Agrees: CAIR Tied to Hamas

Here is Brigitte Gabriel saying the same thing, based on the Exploratory Memorandum.

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

1400 Years of the Real History of Islam in 5 Minutes - Brigitte Gabriel


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