Trump calls out Democrats about Obamacare, 20 more locations in Ohio do not have providers


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He did what I believe he needs to do, repeat over and over that this is the work of the Democrats. He went on to say that if the ACA is not passed, more and more people will be without healthcare. This is the best approach, keep reiterating over and over that the Democrats own the healthcare that has been collapsing and is taking healthcare totally away from many Americans.

This provides an easy path for the GOP candidates who go up for re-election as they can state honestly that "the Democrats are obstructing our ability to create a working healthcare bill for Americans, while premiums increase dramatically and in some places healthcare won't even be available. Help us expand the party and deny the Democrats ability to obstruct".

He also said in regards to Comeys testimony "I wish him luck".
He did what I believe he needs to do, repeat over and over that this is the work of the Democrats. He went on to say that if the ACA is not passed, more and more people will be without healthcare. This is the best approach, keep reiterating over and over that the Democrats own the healthcare that has been collapsing and is taking healthcare totally away from many Americans.

This provides an easy path for the GOP candidates who go up for re-election as they can state honestly that "the Democrats are obstructing our ability to create a working healthcare bill for Americans, while premiums increase dramatically and in some places healthcare won't even be available. Help us expand the party and deny the Democrats ability to obstruct".

He also said in regards to Comeys testimony "I wish him luck".

I think it's a great idea that you join the Trump Administration. Your idea of facts fits perfectly into the rhetoric of Trump&Co.; that is, lie, blame others and when in doubt reverse course by 361 degrees, and hope others believe the course has changed.
He did what I believe he needs to do, repeat over and over that this is the work of the Democrats. He went on to say that if the ACA is not passed, more and more people will be without healthcare. This is the best approach, keep reiterating over and over that the Democrats own the healthcare that has been collapsing and is taking healthcare totally away from many Americans.

This provides an easy path for the GOP candidates who go up for re-election as they can state honestly that "the Democrats are obstructing our ability to create a working healthcare bill for Americans, while premiums increase dramatically and in some places healthcare won't even be available. Help us expand the party and deny the Democrats ability to obstruct".

He also said in regards to Comeys testimony "I wish him luck".

I think it's a great idea that you join the Trump Administration. Your idea of facts fits perfectly into the rhetoric of Trump&Co.; that is, lie, blame others and when in doubt reverse course by 361 degrees, and hope others believe the course has changed.

Tell me where to apply for a position, I would be a great fit.

If you are blaming the GOP for the current problems with Obamacare the already bankrupt providers and the misleading information given to the public before it was signed into office (some even suggested you pass it in order to know what it's about), then please make the argument rather than suggesting I carry the water for his team.

Bottom line, Obamacare was doomed from the beginning and those who supported it wholeheartedly and sold it as "being for the people" have nothing positive to say about it anymore, instead of getting a sustainable system they want to "fix what is wrong with Obamacare". That's like deciding to fix what is wrong with Communism. When you have inherent problems with the core premises of a structure you can't tweak it in an effort to fix it.
He did what I believe he needs to do, repeat over and over that this is the work of the Democrats. He went on to say that if the ACA is not passed, more and more people will be without healthcare. This is the best approach, keep reiterating over and over that the Democrats own the healthcare that has been collapsing and is taking healthcare totally away from many Americans.

This provides an easy path for the GOP candidates who go up for re-election as they can state honestly that "the Democrats are obstructing our ability to create a working healthcare bill for Americans, while premiums increase dramatically and in some places healthcare won't even be available. Help us expand the party and deny the Democrats ability to obstruct".

He also said in regards to Comeys testimony "I wish him luck".

I was watching that and had to turn it off..he is a disgusting lying human being, who is making a way to fake out people who will no longer have healthcare.
He did what I believe he needs to do, repeat over and over that this is the work of the Democrats. He went on to say that if the ACA is not passed, more and more people will be without healthcare. This is the best approach, keep reiterating over and over that the Democrats own the healthcare that has been collapsing and is taking healthcare totally away from many Americans.

This provides an easy path for the GOP candidates who go up for re-election as they can state honestly that "the Democrats are obstructing our ability to create a working healthcare bill for Americans, while premiums increase dramatically and in some places healthcare won't even be available. Help us expand the party and deny the Democrats ability to obstruct".

He also said in regards to Comeys testimony "I wish him luck".

I think it's a great idea that you join the Trump Administration. Your idea of facts fits perfectly into the rhetoric of Trump&Co.; that is, lie, blame others and when in doubt reverse course by 361 degrees, and hope others believe the course has changed.

Tell me where to apply for a position, I would be a great fit.

If you are blaming the GOP for the current problems with Obamacare the already bankrupt providers and the misleading information given to the public before it was signed into office (some even suggested you pass it in order to know what it's about), then please make the argument rather than suggesting I carry the water for his team.

Bottom line, Obamacare was doomed from the beginning and those who supported it wholeheartedly and sold it as "being for the people" have nothing positive to say about it anymore, instead of getting a sustainable system they want to "fix what is wrong with Obamacare". That's like deciding to fix what is wrong with Communism. When you have inherent problems with the core premises of a structure you can't tweak it in an effort to fix it.

You make stuff up, you would do very well as press Secretary, by the current standard.

But I digress, since first proposed the right wing has created the myth that the PPACA is the first step toward Socialism in America - a damn lie; in the past seven years the Congress has had the power to fix what is broken, and they have done nothing but piss and moan and claim it needed to be repealed and replaced, but they had no comprehensive plane for replacement, and still don't.

The R's can win elections, but have proven time and again they cannot govern; q.v. Pelosi and Reid were able to pass health reform in a single Congress, Boehner/Ryan and McConnell haven't been able to agree or pass anything of substance, and Trump can't even find people willing to work for him.
Obama crammed that sham of heaping whale dung on the American people DESPITE endless data indicating it would fail, just like his Presidency

Unless you right wing fools missed it Trump promised to create the best healthcare system for everyone and cheaper? Did you miss that? Stop blaming Obama, grow the hell up, your guy is in charge, less talk more action or is he just fill of shat? And you fools follow like puppets. Fools so far.

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