Trump campaign to challenge mail-in ballots counted in absence of GOP observers.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The media can't call an election before these matters are settled. Saying Biden won carries as much weight as the Russia hoax- zero.

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign will launch a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to challenge the mail-in ballots that have been counted without Republican poll watchers onsite.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney announced Saturday the lawsuit during a press conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with several Republican poll watchers who were prevented from entering the poll sites or the rights of poll-watching were blocked.

A federal lawsuit will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania and more expected in other states.

The media can't call an election before these matters are settled. Saying Biden won carries as much weight as the Russia hoax- zero.

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign will launch a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to challenge the mail-in ballots that have been counted without Republican poll watchers onsite.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney announced Saturday the lawsuit during a press conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with several Republican poll watchers who were prevented from entering the poll sites or the rights of poll-watching were blocked.

A federal lawsuit will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania and more expected in other states.

This should be interesting for sure.

The President’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani spoke to reporters on Saturday and announced the Trump campaign has overpowering evidence for widespread voter fraud in the state. Giuliani added their investigators spoke with over 50 poll watchers who were denied entrance into Philadelphia polling stations and are reportedly willing to testify on the issue.

Of the few Republican pollsters who did make it through, Giuliani said most witnessed what they called “widespread fraud.” The former New York City mayor blamed Democrat leadership.

“Democrat officials here, in a city that’s been Democratic for 60 years and has a very long history of voter fraud…,” stated Giuliani. “Instead of going to a high degree of care to allow inspections of the mail-in ballots, there was no inspection of a single mail-in ballot.”

President Trump’s legal team reiterated their plan to bring multiple lawsuits to Pennsylvania and other battleground states on Monday.
We all know that Trump is a whiny little bitch, so these frivolous lawsuits are no surprise.

I'm not sure why this surprises you or anyone who believes if free and fair elections.

To not accept that is encouraging completely different rules for honourable, principled states like Texas (who can count all their millions more votes in one night) to your states more closer to your northern border (and possibly copying our own lack of integrity),

This entire "count all votes" squak sounds like "Trump dislikes all immigrants", instead of the fact he is against ILLEGAL immigrants.
The media can't call an election before these matters are settled. Saying Biden won carries as much weight as the Russia hoax- zero.

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign will launch a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to challenge the mail-in ballots that have been counted without Republican poll watchers onsite.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney announced Saturday the lawsuit during a press conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with several Republican poll watchers who were prevented from entering the poll sites or the rights of poll-watching were blocked.

A federal lawsuit will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania and more expected in other states.

We know damn well if they were pulling stunts like that, and defying a court order to allow observers, they seen something they didn't like. The court should allow a total hand recount in those areas, and whoever refused to listen to the court order locked up behind bars where they belong.
We all know that Trump is a whiny little bitch, so these frivolous lawsuits are no surprise.

Like Bush/Gore in 2000?
This case is nothing like Bush/Gore. Bush/Gore dealt with a voting margin of about 500 votes in Florida and all kinds of issues with butterfly ballots and hanging chads.

In this case, all Trump has are frivolous and dishonest allegations of voter fraud. This is just another illustration of Trump failing to act like a man.
This case is nothing like Bush/Gore. Bush/Gore dealt with a voting margin of about 500 votes in Florida and all kinds of issues with butterfly ballots and hanging chads.

In this case, all Trump has are frivolous and dishonest allegations of voter fraud. This is just another illustration of Trump failing to act like a man.

No, we have much more than that. We have Philly poll workers that broke the law by disallowing Republican observers from monitoring the vote count. Later a judge ordered them to allow the observers in, and they refused the court order. Then we have the software used in Michigan that changed over 6,000 Trump votes to Biden votes. That software was not only used in over half of the Michigan counties, but also over 30 states. They too wouldn't let observers in and even pinned up paper over the windows.

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