Trump can only win on fear and smear. His policies will screw the middle class.

Trump on Tim Kaine’s Gifts

On Twitter and TV, Donald Trump falsely claimed that former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine “took far more money” in gifts than another former Virginia governor, Bob McDonnell, who was convicted on bribery charges — a conviction later overturned by the Supreme Court.

Trump compared Kaine — Hillary Clinton’s choice for vice president — to McDonnell, who was convicted in 2014 of taking more than $175,000 in loans and gifts from a businessman without disclosing them. As lieutenant governor and governor, Kaine reported accepting gifts worth about $161,000. But much of the money came from political committees for travel expenses and Kaine disclosed them as required by law.


Trump has a different standard than anyone else.

He talks about Mexicans.

He talks about Muslims.

But he's outrage someone mentioned Bernie and Jew together.

He totally lied bout Tim Kaine.

But his base simply don't care. Don't you understand that he's a swindler. That means he will swindle you too? He has no integrity and no honor. How can you trust him?

How will Trump's policies screw the middle class? Explain to us in your own words.

The same way it's been going on for the past 6 decades or so, no inflection. Someone shooting their mouth off alters nothing. We've seen this over "both" "conservative" and "liberal" administrations/policies. Watch.
Can you tell me how unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty for prior entrants HELPS the middle class?
There are 5.8 million jobs available. It immigration was so terrible, there wouldn't be that many jobs open. What's wrong with you? You can't see something so obvious?
Democrat policies have been screwing the middle class for decades
I know Republicans have. Look at what happened under Bush.

But how does education and health care and safety regulations and clean air and clean water screw the middle class?
The title of this thread is the very definition of irony. Dumb liberals have vast expertise in it.

"Look Trump is such a fear monger, an Armageddon will take place if he's elected!"
What would you call what happened under Bush?
Can you tell me how unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty for prior entrants HELPS the middle class?
There are 5.8 million jobs available. It immigration was so terrible, there wouldn't be that many jobs open. What's wrong with you? You can't see something so obvious?

You are such a fucking dumb fuck. How many times do I have to post the same thing over and over again before tarded right wingers look at it. You won't this time either.

Here's a single link:

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Here's the search:

Can you tell me how unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty for prior entrants HELPS the middle class?
There are 5.8 million jobs available. It immigration was so terrible, there wouldn't be that many jobs open. What's wrong with you? You can't see something so obvious?

You are such a fucking dumb fuck. How many times do I have to post the same thing over and over again before tarded right wingers look at it. You won't this time either.

Here's a single link:

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Here's the search:


So how does unfettered illegal immigration of mostly low skill workers help the middle class when the jobs that are open require skilled labor that is currently in demand?

,That is to do with the issue of "everyone to college" and a lack of support for trade apprenticeships.

Your link is like your posting, unconnected to any reality and devoid of any content.
Can you tell me how unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty for prior entrants HELPS the middle class?
There are 5.8 million jobs available. It immigration was so terrible, there wouldn't be that many jobs open. What's wrong with you? You can't see something so obvious?

You are such a fucking dumb fuck. How many times do I have to post the same thing over and over again before tarded right wingers look at it. You won't this time either.

Here's a single link:

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Here's the search:


And how many long-term unemployed Americans?
Trump on Tim Kaine’s Gifts

On Twitter and TV, Donald Trump falsely claimed that former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine “took far more money” in gifts than another former Virginia governor, Bob McDonnell, who was convicted on bribery charges — a conviction later overturned by the Supreme Court.

Trump compared Kaine — Hillary Clinton’s choice for vice president — to McDonnell, who was convicted in 2014 of taking more than $175,000 in loans and gifts from a businessman without disclosing them. As lieutenant governor and governor, Kaine reported accepting gifts worth about $161,000. But much of the money came from political committees for travel expenses and Kaine disclosed them as required by law.


Trump has a different standard than anyone else.

He talks about Mexicans.

He talks about Muslims.

But he's outrage someone mentioned Bernie and Jew together.

He totally lied bout Tim Kaine.

But his base simply don't care. Don't you understand that he's a swindler. That means he will swindle you too? He has no integrity and no honor. How can you trust him?
The title of this thread is the very definition of irony. Dumb liberals have vast expertise in it.

"Look Trump is such a fear monger, an Armageddon will take place if he's elected!"
What would you call what happened under Bush?


How predictable...


Obama was just quoting Mitt Romney almost word for word starting at 1:40


of course

It's only OK when a Republican says it.
The title of this thread is the very definition of irony. Dumb liberals have vast expertise in it.

"Look Trump is such a fear monger, an Armageddon will take place if he's elected!"
What would you call what happened under Bush?


How predictable...


Obama was just quoting Mitt Romney almost word for word starting at 1:40


of course

It's only OK when a Republican says it.

Nice deflection...
Can you tell me how unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty for prior entrants HELPS the middle class?
There are 5.8 million jobs available. It immigration was so terrible, there wouldn't be that many jobs open. What's wrong with you? You can't see something so obvious?

You are such a fucking dumb fuck. How many times do I have to post the same thing over and over again before tarded right wingers look at it. You won't this time either.

Here's a single link:

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Here's the search:


And how many long-term unemployed Americans?
2.97 million unemployed 15+ weeks
1.9 million unemployed 27+ weeks
1.35 million unemployed 52+ weeks.

Median length of unemployment is 8.3 weeks. Mean duration is 25.7 weeks.

A-35. Unemployed total and full-time workers by duration of unemployment

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