Trump can’t secure $454 million appeal bond in New York fraud case, his lawyers say

They are worth a fortune but they are heavily leveraged.
If any of them are seized then Trump is on the hook for countless loan balances and buying out partner owner's equity.
It'll be like a house of cards collapsing.
Pass the popcorn please.
So you’re saying he doesn’t really own shit.

He just borrows and borrows

From Peter ( or Ivan) to pay Paul
And then what when he's exhonerated, you stupid disingenouos shitbag?

The property's already gone.

This is Stalinism in America.

Here's the thing: It will cost NY more than that, 3x+ that, and then some!

For somebody that's supposed to be representing NY, Letitia James is going to cost it

a large percentage of wealth if sucessful. Like..close to 30% or more.

Trump helped build NY up, and this is how they're doing him? That's messed up.

He has to put up a bond for the appeal. The property's not gone. It's still there. If he doesn't put up the bond, they'll seize the property, sell it, and put the amount necessary to cover the bond in escrow.

What's funny is that he would be forced to pay capital gains taxes if they do that. So the actual amount Trump would be out is much greater than $454 million.

Oh, and no, he didn't "Build NY." That's a joke. But it sells well with his supporters worshippers.
Right, and Trump could sell his properties, instead he wants to keep them rather than sell them under duress.

He could borrow against them.

But it appears that he can't. He's a shitty credit risk.

That's what happens when he defrauds the banks.

Oh and BTW, he's stiffed the owners of his Trump Casino bonds - which were 99.99% owned by retail, i.e. people like you.

Orange Jesus has a long history of stiffing "the little guy" whom he claims to represent.

That's tough to hear when you're in a cult.
He could borrow against them.

But it appears that he can't. He's a shitty credit risk.

That's what happens when he defrauds the banks.

Oh and BTW, he's stiffed the owners of his Trump Casino bonds - which were 99.99% owned by retail, i.e. people like you.

Orange Jesus has a long history of stiffing "the little guy" whom he claims to represent.

That's tough to hear when you're in a cult.
No, he cannot because companies are afraid of being attached to him and being the next victim of the courts or perhaps "cancelled" and boycotted.

There was no fraud. The people involved in the deals testified as much as said they would do business with him again.
Imagine working and paying off your home and just as you made the last payment the government decides you over estimated the value on the loan. So they take your home from you. The loan was paid off but that doesn’t matter.

This is what you idiots are cheering for.

The value of the fine is based on the value of the benefits Trump accrued by committing fraud.

It doesn't matter if he paid it all back. It's still fraud.

And yes, I want a fraudster who committed fraud to pay for his crimes.
I'm doing OK, but Biden policies are not helping anyone, in fact quite the opposite.

And truthfully, I think you're an online lying-ass election year shill that gets a meager check for shilling every couple weeks.

You probably live as a dependent and don't pay bills or buy groceries.

What was your handle before you changed it?

Which one of these is you?


Damn! You're not in there. :aargh:

How did you not make that list, Golfing Goober?
Obviously it's you on the fixed government income, if you are struggling that badly.
He'll have his buildings seized, which will be sold to pay the fines.

He has to put up a bond for the appeal. The property's not gone. It's still there. If he doesn't put up the bond, they'll seize the property, sell it, and put the amount necessary to cover the bond in escrow.

What's funny is that he would be forced to pay capital gains taxes if they do that. So the actual amount Trump would be out is much greater than $454 million.

Oh, and no, he didn't "Build NY." That's a joke. But it sells well with his supporters worshippers.
And his property is still gone, fucktard. This is against the 8th amendment, amongst other things.

I know they don't have an 8th amendment where you come from, but we do here. :funnyface:

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