Trump can't secure the $454 million bond

Nah, this has been covered ad infinitum on this board already.

And no, I will not be answering your bad faith sealion question. Use the search feature or go read up on the case.
As I stated yesterday, I haven't been active on this board in almost two years so until two days ago so... my statement stands.

There are far more corners of the internet that just this place ya know.

Telling me to "go search out an answer" instead of addressing it yourself is a cop out.

Expected, but a cop out just the same.
"Under penalty of law"

Does not mean

"Under penalty of law, but only of someone complains"

Why this has to be explained to any functional adult is a sign of what is happening to the brains of the right wing.
Telling me to "go search out an answer" instead of addressing it yourself is a cop out.
Yes, I cop out of the sealion questions. Every time. Nothing personal.

Also, the information you are seeking is pretty basic info from the trial. See the expert tetsimony about the cost of trumps fraud. This is not a forum for spoonfeeding basic facts to people. It's a discussion forum. You should be in possession of the basic facts before commenting.
Yes, I cop out of the sealion questions. Every time. Nothing personal.

Also, the information you are seeking is pretty basic info from the trial. See the expert tetsimony about the cost of trumps fraud. This is not a forum for spoonfeeding basic facts to people. It's a discussion forum. You should be in possession of the basic facts before commenting.
So who was harmed by Trump's "fraud" as argued in the case.

If it's so simple, you should be able to answer in a single sentence.

Go for it.
That dusty old troll line? Weak sauce.
And you still don't offer an answer.

Yeah... that's pretty weak.

I've made my point, and you've run around like a headless chicken trying to avoid answering anything.

Like I said, I accept your surrender.

It's all good. Someone always has to lose, and this time it was you.

It's not the end of the world.

If you just take a few steps back and look at what is actually happening in a much wider lens, there's a lot to digest.

New York really doesn't even qualify as an ''American'' state any more. Not in effect, it doesn't. Not by its actions. What we're seeing go down is communistic, not only in nature, but one could even contend by definition. And kind of setting the stage for China's social credit scoring model as well. I see they're still pushing their wealth tax, too.

There was no victim. And therefore no crime.

This is blatant theft by the State and at the barrel of a government gun.

As I said elsewhere. First they came for Trump...but I was not Trump...

To support this communistic strategy of State sponsored theft pretty much ensures that one's time will absolutely come, though. But people who participate in coercion rarely understand their role in it. And absolutely never understand the consequence to themselves down the road.
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