Trump can't secure the $454 million bond

SCOTUS will never hear it if he can't come up with the appeal money.

Also, he's running out of money to pay lawyers.

The way NY law is written, if Trump can't secure the bond, then his appeal can be denied... and you can bet the farm that's exactly what they intended to do to.

I honestly believe at this point that the puppet masters actually want a Civil War in the Country.

I believe they feel it's necessary at this point for the final phase of the global reset.
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It wasn't the "response" to Covid I was referring to...

I knew in February of 2020 when the phrase "global pandemic" first started making the news cycles that is was intended to keep Trump from a second term in the WH first and foremost. The "pandemic" was used to change the way the vote was collected and tallied in the 11th hour to assure that the right guy "won" the U.S. POTUS election.

While I have no doubt that the virus itself was/is a real thing, the way it was manipulated into a Global control device was very much a coordinated effort in order to wrestle the reigns of DC back from an outsider that landed at the helm by "mistake" in 2016.

The money changers/power brokers simply can't let Trump back in at this point so yes... if the current strategies fail, then there is no telling what we'll see this Summer or Fall in terms of "crises".

This isn't about political parties in this Country at all anymore. It's about power and control of the Western world and eventually the planet as a whole.
Except- Trump was trailing in all the polls before Covid Hit.

Trump would have still lost if Covid hadn't been at thing.

The way NY law is written, if Trump can't secure the bond, then his appeal can be denied... and you can bet the farm that's exactly what they intended to do to.

I honestly believe at this point that the puppet masters actually want a Civil War in the Country.

I believe the feel it's necessary at this point for the final phase of the global reset.

Trump isn't worth a civil war... I'm not sure why you think he is.

Find yourself another asshole to validate your racism and homophobia, hopefully one without all the baggage.
Except- Trump was trailing in all the polls before Covid Hit.

Trump would have still lost if Covid hadn't been at thing.

I guess that's something we'll never know.

I do know that Biden barely squeaked by (in the middle of the night) in the five States that pushed him over the top so... it wasn't a landslide by any stretch of the imagination.

If it were a horserace, Biden would won by a nose... and without the "pandemic" being used against Trump at every turn and the 11th hour voting rules alterations in the name of "public safety", I believe Trump would have blown Biden out of the water.

The establishment knew it too.
Except Trump and his corporation are intertwined.

Whether or not it will stand is besides the point if Trump can't come up with the money by Monday to secure an appeal.
That AG represent deaths of many. Trump does not. We are going to learn the hard way. Our nation will become much more regional between Red areas and Prog areas. And within regional Red areas around Prog cities. Prog states unfortunately will charge red areas massive taxes to pay for Prog cities.
Trump isn't worth a civil war... I'm not sure why you think he is.

Find yourself another asshole to validate your racism and homophobia, hopefully one without all the baggage.

It's not a matter of if Trump is "worth it" or not... it's about how DC has become unwieldy and tyrannical.

Using the system to crush political opponents in third world Banana Republic shit.

Trump just happens to be the guy standing in the gap.
I guess that's something we'll never know.

I do know that Biden barely squeaked by (in the middle of the night) in the five States that pushed him over the top so... it wasn't a landslide by any stretch of the imagination.
No, he won by 8 million votes. Probably would have won by more if Trump's guy hadn't screwed up the mail system.
It's not a matter of if Trump is "worth it" or not... it's about how DC has become unwieldy and tyrannical.

Using the system to crush political opponents in third world Banana Republic shit.

Trump just happens to be the guy standing in the gap.
No, Trump happens to be a lifetime grifter whose grift has finally caught up with him.
No, he won by 8 million votes. Probably would have won by more if Trump's guy hadn't screwed up the mail system.
The Electoral College determines the winner of the POTUS contest in this Country... not the popular vote

The Founding Fathers understood that idiots propagate like rabbits, and factored that into the system.

The Electoral College determines the winner of the POTUS contest in this Country... not the popular vote

The Founding Fathers understood that idiots propagate like rabbits, and factored that into the system.

The founders actually wanted Congress to pick the President, not even the EC. Then they realized how unworkable that was, which is why we got the 12th Amendment to clarify the process.

The people said no to Trump in 2016 and they said it louder to him in 2020. We'll have to say it to them ONE MORE TIME so you finally get the point.
The founders actually wanted Congress to pick the President, not even the EC. Then they realized how unworkable that was, which is why we got the 12th Amendment to clarify the process.

The people said no to Trump in 2016 and they said it louder to him in 2020. We'll have to say it to them ONE MORE TIME so you finally get the point.
Like it or not, the popular vote is only relevant on the State level... as it should be in a Representative Republic of States.

That gives the less populated States a more even say in who is the POTUS.

Without the EC, a handful of densely populated urban clusters would always determine who the President was... basically the East Coast and the West Coast.

That's why the EC exists... to level the playing field... and of course the progressive leftists hate it for that very reason.
It wasn't the "response" to Covid I was referring to...

I knew in February of 2020 when the phrase "global pandemic" first started making the news cycles that is was intended to keep Trump from a second term in the WH first and foremost. The "pandemic" was used to change the way the vote was collected and tallied in the 11th hour to assure that the right guy "won" the U.S. POTUS election.

While I have no doubt that the virus itself was/is a real thing, the way it was manipulated into a Global control device was very much a coordinated effort in order to wrestle the reigns of DC back from an outsider that landed at the helm by "mistake" in 2016.

The money changers/power brokers simply can't let Trump back in at this point so yes... if the current strategies fail, then there is no telling what we'll see this Summer or Fall in terms of "crises".

This isn't about political parties in this Country at all anymore. It's about power and control of the Western world and eventually the planet as a whole.
So you got booted from 4Chan QBoy?
SCOTUS will never hear it if he can't come up with the appeal money.

Also, he's running out of money to pay lawyers.
And Truth Social ain’t gonna save him

So you got booted from 4Chan QBoy?
I've never been on 4chan... and the only time I've ever been banned from a forum like this was because someone got pissed at me for calling them out for lying, and paid the site administrator a thousand bucks to boot me.

My opinions are my own.
I've never been on 4chan... and the only time I've ever been banned from a forum like this was because someone got pissed at me for calling them out for lying, and paid the site administrator a thousand bucks to boot me.

My opinions are my own.
Sure QBoy

Like it or not, the popular vote is only relevant on the State level... as it should be in a Representative Republic of States.

That gives the less populated States a more even say in who is the POTUS.
Why? Why should a voter in WY have more of a say than one in CA?

Without the EC, a handful of densely populated urban clusters would always determine who the President was... basically the East Coast and the West Coast.
You mean...where the people actually live?

The EC doesn't even do that. The EC just reduces the math to a few states that are neither Urban nor Rural.

That's why the EC exists... to level the playing field... and of course the progressive leftists hate it for that very reason.
Just because something seemed like a good idea 200 years ago doesn't make it one now.

When the EC was contrived, most of the population WAS agrarian.

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