Trump can't secure the $454 million bond

Let the crooked State of NY begin to Seize his properties. Watch Trumps popularity go up bigtime. Trump knows what he is doing on this one.//
hope so. But it's absolutely AMAZING how popular he is and how far ahead in the polls he is despite all cnn's BS and all the others... despite all these court cases. Americans are not stupid (though some are, unfortunately)... which reminds me, we should have it be a requirement that people take a basic civics test before being allowed to vote. I never used to think that, but seeing how things are "panning out" lately... yeh, definitely.

Stupid people should not be anywhere near a voting booth IMO

If they are, that means that stupid people can rule over the not-stupid, the uneducated can rule over the educated (which has happened of course)
Why should Trump have to pay a ridiculously high amount just to appeal?

The state, on the other hand, can always appeal WITHOUT PAYING A DAMN DIME

Once again, we see how those feeding at the trough of the taxpayers' hard-earned money

get a freebie (at their expense)

while everyone else has to PAY for everything, and usually pay through the nose.

Isn't America great?
Bond is required to avoid a litigant trying to drag out proceedings via appeals.
Bond is required to avoid a litigant trying to drag out proceedings via appeals.
Since when in a Civil Trial { Not a Criminal Trial }.
This has never happened in New York where an Appeal bond was
demanded in order to secure an Appeal.In a Civil proceeding.
Check it out.
Plus an Appelate panel should Do the Right Thing { fat chance }
and recognize Trump's real Estate holdings as enough of an I.O.U.
He's a version of a well manicured Rasputin.Who was a tough,
big talker,as well.Fearing no one and counting on God's grace.
A very important character in Russian history.
Same with Donald Trump in American History.
Which explains why Leftists are in such a rage to
discount reality in favor of treason.
Cult for sure.
Since when in a Civil Trial { Not a Criminal Trial }.
This has never happened in New York where an Appeal bond was
demanded in order to secure an Appeal.In a Civil proceeding.
Check it out.
Plus an Appelate panel should Do the Right Thing { fat chance }
and recognize Trump's real Estate holdings as enough of an I.O.U.
see the generic policy and procedures of civil forfeiture appeals

Due to the possibility of you going bankrupt during the appeals process, you must post a surety bond before it can begin. This is also a sign of good faith that you don’t intend to waste the appellate court’s time.
Since when in a Civil Trial { Not a Criminal Trial }.
This has never happened in New York where an Appeal bond was
demanded in order to secure an Appeal.In a Civil proceeding.
Check it out.
Plus an Appelate panel should Do the Right Thing { fat chance }
and recognize Trump's real Estate holdings as enough of an I.O.U.
Horse shit

Wasn't he always claiming that he has hundreds of millions of dollars and liquid assets that could be cashed out immediately? But now he can't post a bond That's barely half of the amount.He always claimed he had in liquid assets.
The demented LEFT think, no FEEL that the Constitution doesn't exist.
The 8th Amendment is CLEAR in showing that this CLOWN SHOW fine is clearly UNCONSTITUTIONAL TRASH!!!!!!
The demented LEFT think, no FEEL that the Constitution doesn't exist.
The 8th Amendment is CLEAR in showing that this CLOWN SHOW fine is clearly UNCONSTITUTIONAL TRASH!!!!!!
There's no 8th Amendment issue here.

Heck, Trump's fine isn't even in the top ten of fines against companies who break the law.

There's no 8th Amendment issue here.

Heck, Trump's fine isn't even in the top ten of fines against companies who break the law.

This egregious fine is levied on an INDIVIDUAL, not a corporate conglomerate. It is completely ridiculous and will not stand.
This egregious fine is levied on an INDIVIDUAL, not a corporate conglomerate. It is completely ridiculous and will not stand.
It isn't intended to stand... it's intended to disrupt Trump's campaign. These people know damn well that what they are doing is unconstitutional and just don't care, so long as the objective is obtained.

The fallout after the fact doesn't matter as long as it keeps the Bad Orange Man out of the White House in 2025... even if it means destroying the Country in the process.

I mean, look at what they subjected the world too in 2020 to keep Trump out.

I put nothing past these evil bastards anymore.
It isn't intended to stand... it's intended to disrupt Trump's campaign. These people know damn well that what they are doing is unconstitutional and just don't care, so long as the objective is obtained.

The fallout after the fact doesn't matter as long as it keeps the Bad Orange Man out of the White House in 2025... even if it means destroying the Country in the process.

I mean, look at what they subjected the world too in 2020 to keep Trump out.

I put nothing past these evil bastards anymore.

Really? So Trump's failure to address Covid effectively was "our fault"?

You seem to have some weird ideas on how things work.

Trump is in trouble because of his own dishonesty, because the man has been a grifter his entire life.
Really? So Trump's failure to address Covid effectively was "our fault"?

You seem to have some weird ideas on how things work.

Trump is in trouble because of his own dishonesty, because the man has been a grifter his entire life.
It wasn't the "response" to Covid I was referring to...

I knew in February of 2020 when the phrase "global pandemic" first started making the news cycles that is was intended to keep Trump from a second term in the WH first and foremost. The "pandemic" was used to change the way the vote was collected and tallied in the 11th hour to assure that the right guy "won" the U.S. POTUS election.

While I have no doubt that the virus itself was/is a real thing, the way it was manipulated into a Global control device was very much a coordinated effort in order to wrestle the reigns of DC back from an outsider that landed at the helm by "mistake" in 2016.

The money changers/power brokers simply can't let Trump back in at this point so yes... if the current strategies fail, then there is no telling what we'll see this Summer or Fall in terms of "crises".

This isn't about political parties in this Country at all anymore. It's about power and control of the Western world and eventually the planet as a whole.
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