Trump Captures Five Most Wanted ISIS Leaders!

According to Fox News, the ISIS leaders were captured in a joint-sting operation conducted by American, Iraqi and Turkish forces....Some in the media, including CNN’s Chris Cuomo, called the moment the highlight of Trump’s presidency, a sharp break from their usual White House coverage.

Trump Weighs In: We've Captured The Five Most Wanted ISIS Leaders

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CNN also hailed the returned hostages last night as a major achievement for Trump; historic, even.
According to Fox News, the ISIS leaders were captured in a joint-sting operation conducted by American, Iraqi and Turkish forces....Some in the media, including CNN’s Chris Cuomo, called the moment the highlight of Trump’s presidency, a sharp break from their usual White House coverage.

Trump Weighs In: We've Captured The Five Most Wanted ISIS Leaders

NOTE: You have to click NO on the popup.
CNN also hailed the returned hostages last night as a major achievement for Trump; historic, even.
The worm has turned.
i didn't even know that Trump was a member of any special forces military team. I assume that he will award himself the Congressional Medal of Honor!
Great news. They are getting closer to rooting out Baghdadi as well.
According to Fox News, the ISIS leaders were captured in a joint-sting operation conducted by American, Iraqi and Turkish forces....Some in the media, including CNN’s Chris Cuomo, called the moment the highlight of Trump’s presidency, a sharp break from their usual White House coverage.

Trump Weighs In: We've Captured The Five Most Wanted ISIS Leaders

NOTE: You have to click NO on the popup.
CNN also hailed the returned hostages last night as a major achievement for Trump; historic, even.
The worm has turned.
I think the loss of all advantage to democrats has them running scared and they are now clinging to Trump in an effort to not loose seats... Classic Flip...
I guess that makes up for the terrorist barry released.

I forgot about those Gitmo Grads... What a phuckin weasel... We mustn't forget about the future Sen. from Maryland Chelsea Manning that PBO give the keys to...

"We view any changes in relations with Cuba as an opportunity to bring her back to the United States to finish her sentence for the murder of New Jersey …

Hussein didn't have time to bring justice to this calamity, he went to a phuckin Baseball game...

Cuba deal could mean extradition for New Jersey cop-killer, escaped convict JoAnne Chesimard - NY Daily News

POTUS has negotiated more then a half a dozen U.S. citizens in the last 16 months more than Hussein did in 8 years...
That is really going to piss Obama off. He has so much of our money invested in his JV team....

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