Trump Caused Inflation, Gas Prices, And Food Prices/Shortages

But old Joe is doing much the same. Lots of deficit spending and billions to a corrupt nation losing a war that is none of our business. But I guess you’re cool with that.
You Lie!

Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents in history COMBINED!

Biden has the LARGEST SURPLUS in history, doing (QT) quantitative tightening, cut spending & raising interest rates to soak up all that free money Trump printed. The only lever Biden has left to remove money is to raise taxes.
Yet another revisionist thread from the leftists, attempting to divert attention away from their own dismal failures, and blame the previous administration.

There will be hundreds of these threads leading up to the midterms and next presidential election.
I take solace in thinking of them biding their time on death row...
You Lie!

Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents in history COMBINED!

Biden has the LARGEST SURPLUS in history, doing (QT) quantitative tightening, cut spending & raising interest rates to soak up all that free money Trump printed. The only lever Biden has left to remove money is to raise taxes.
You lie!
We have inflation, astronomical gas and food prices and shortages of almost everything, but Biden keeps crowing how great our economy is doing. The Democrat party is too stupid to see that crowing how good the economy is, while blaming everything on Trump, is the same as singing Trump's praise.
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He put billions into the system with his socialism welfare bill for farmers. He put tariffs on China, which just means tariffs on American businesses and consumers. Many businesses and farmers thus went out of business, thus markedly affecting broken supply chains, too many dollars chasing too few goods, thus price increases, thus inflation and shortages.
I thought it was Putin. WTF!
I thought it was the oil corporations gouging? this is truly whack-a-mole demofk style.

And demofks have no clue how to help out americans, this punk just proved it. Demofks to americans, hey all you fat fks sit your ass down and stop complaining, you sorry ass group of humans, you all deserve to die like those before you, so rot you fkers. signed Xiden.
He put billions into the system with his socialism welfare bill for farmers. He put tariffs on China, which just means tariffs on American businesses and consumers. Many businesses and farmers thus went out of business, thus markedly affecting broken supply chains, too many dollars chasing too few goods, thus price increases, thus inflation and shortages.
You forgot to check your talking points. Five Bucks A Gallon *Joe just blamed it all on Russia Russia Russia.
He actually said it three times.
LMAO good luck with that LIE this Nov Dems. Americans remember the good times under Trump vs the absolute disaster under Biden and Dem rule. RIP Dem party. :eusa_boohoo:
That's what Biden told, wait he said it was transitory. So I guess this spin is no different, blame the last guy works well, No one wants to take responsibility and wants to blame, that is why it won't get fixed.
xiden has confirmed he has no clues how to lead.
You forgot to check your talking points. Five Bucks A Gallon *Joe just blamed it all on Russia Russia Russia.
He actually said it three times.
Republicans need talking points from their leaders because they can't think for themselves. Talking points don't benefit citizens, they only distract while the elite rob you.

Facts are what count.

Fact: US Oil Drilling has TRIPPLED under Biden from 251 to 753

Rig Count .png
Republicans need talking points from their leaders because they can't think for themselves. Talking points don't benefit citizens, they only distract while the elite rob you.

Facts are what count.

Fact: US Oil Drilling has TRIPPLED under Biden from 251 to 753

View attachment 664714
where's the link
again, the way to drop prices is to stop exporting the oil.

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