Trump Chews Out General Kelly, It Won't Happen Again


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Trump is really walking a thin line. After Trump's crap rally in Phoenix he chewed out Kelly for it.

"Privately, The Times' Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman wrote, Kelly was incensed by Trump's bite, telling White House staff he had never been spoken to in that way during his 35 years of military service, according to three sources familiar with the talk.

The Times' sources also noted that Kelly said he would not condone the same treatment in the future."

How John Kelly, a retired Marine general, reacted when Trump lashed out at him
Know what would be funny as hell? If Trump started to chew out Kelly again and Kelly punched him in the nose.

I'd pay to see something like that.
"Privately, The Times' Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman wrote, Kelly was incensed by Trump's bite, telling White House staff he had never been spoken to in that way during his 35 years of military service, according to three sources familiar with the talk.
Then, that motherfucker was no Goddamned Marine!!!
"Privately, The Times' Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman wrote, Kelly was incensed by Trump's bite, telling White House staff he had never been spoken to in that way during his 35 years of military service, according to three sources familiar with the talk.
Then, that motherfucker was no Goddamned Marine!!!

Maybe he was saying that he has never been spoken to in that way by a civilian. Marines will put up with crap if it comes from other Marines that outrank them, but not from people who aren't Marines.
Kelly is one of the few people in his cabinet people respect, and Trump is cutting himself off at the knees. In the past couple weeks Tillerson has distanced himself from Trump saying Trump speaks only for himself. Mattis has told troops to just try to hang in there and ride things out and has not put Trump's transgender ban into action, and now this from Kelly. Soon Trump is going to be left by himself and no one is going to want to work with him.
Maybe he was saying that he has never been spoken to in that way by a civilian. Marines will put up with crap if it comes from other Marines that outrank them, but not from people who aren't Marines.
Maybe, but Kelly sounds like a Navy pussy.

What an ignorant statement to make. You really have no clue about Kelly do you? Take 5 minutes and read about his accomplishments. If you come back and still make a shit comment like this, then you might as well be pissing on an American flag.

John F. Kelly - Wikipedia
"Privately, The Times' Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman wrote, Kelly was incensed by Trump's bite, telling White House staff he had never been spoken to in that way during his 35 years of military service, according to three sources familiar with the talk.
Then, that motherfucker was no Goddamned Marine!!!

Maybe he was saying that he has never been spoken to in that way by a civilian. Marines will put up with crap if it comes from other Marines that outrank them, but not from people who aren't Marines.
The CIC outranks him...
Anonymous Sources? = FAKE NEWS!
it was this guy......he is the Anonymous Source....

And if it hadn't have been for "Deep-Throat" providing the 'road map' of the Watergate cover-up, Nixon may have never been kicked to the curb. But you go ahead and discount unnamed sources as a defense to prop up that failure you're so fond of like a good little Comrade.

What'cha gonna do when the Pompous Orange One gets kicked out? Ya gonna claim you never supported him like so many of you RWNJ's and PNAC neocons did during Bush's last year or so before leaving office as an abject failure?
Anonymous Sources? = FAKE NEWS!
it was this guy......he is the Anonymous Source....

And if it hadn't have been for "Deep-Throat" providing the 'road map' of the Watergate cover-up, Nixon may have never been kicked to the curb. But you go ahead and discount unnamed sources as a defense to prop up that failure you're so fond of like a good little Comrade.

What'cha gonna do when the Pompous Orange One gets kicked out? Ya gonna claim you never supported him like so many of you RWNJ's and PNAC neocons did during Bush's last year or so before leaving office as an abject failure?
boy are you a little pussy.....when you read this did you get a nose bleed?...and if you ever read anything i have posted about your boy trump you would know i aint a fan of the guy....
Kelly is one of the few people in his cabinet people respect, and Trump is cutting himself off at the knees. In the past couple weeks Tillerson has distanced himself from Trump saying Trump speaks only for himself. Mattis has told troops to just try to hang in there and ride things out and has not put Trump's transgender ban into action, and now this from Kelly. Soon Trump is going to be left by himself and no one is going to want to work with him.
trump is trash.

That's why he keeps doing the same old stuff: belittling subordinates, bullying people. What person with a brain would want to work for this clown.

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