trump claims he was never indicted...then

HyperNormalisation (2016) - FULL DOCUMENTARY - by Adam Curtis​

"Welcome to the post-truth world. You know it's not real. But you accept it as normal. But there is more out there. HyperNormalisation.

The cult documentary maker Adam Curtis explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative hand-holding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total in-authenticity. . . . "

The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough Of Experts?​

What to trust in a "post-truth" world​

Only if you are truly open to the possibility of being wrong can you ever learn, says researcher Alex Edmans. In an insightful talk, he explores how confirmation bias -- the tendency to only accept information that supports your personal beliefs -- can lead you astray on social media, in politics and beyond, and offers three practical tools for finding evidence you can actually trust. (Hint: appoint someone to be the devil's advocate in your life.)

Then he claims he is like Nelson Mandela. Holly Cow! How can this man be taken seriously when he makes these strange claims

Is the Messiah claim next?
Keep it going jimboliar, great campaign material and such a wonderful source for all your Reichbabble!
Sane Americans are taking in all your foaming at the mouth and are solidifying their vote for Trump. Thanks so much!
Keep it going jimboliar, great campaign material and such a wonderful source for all your Reichbabble!
Sane Americans are taking in all your foaming at the mouth and are solidifying their vote for Trump. Thanks so much!
Of course those who admire sexual abusers will solidify their votes for the orange sexual abuser.

HyperNormalisation (2016) - FULL DOCUMENTARY - by Adam Curtis​

"Welcome to the post-truth world. You know it's not real. But you accept it as normal. But there is more out there. HyperNormalisation.

The cult documentary maker Adam Curtis explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative hand-holding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total in-authenticity. . . . "

The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough Of Experts?​

What to trust in a "post-truth" world​

Only if you are truly open to the possibility of being wrong can you ever learn, says researcher Alex Edmans. In an insightful talk, he explores how confirmation bias -- the tendency to only accept information that supports your personal beliefs -- can lead you astray on social media, in politics and beyond, and offers three practical tools for finding evidence you can actually trust. (Hint: appoint someone to be the devil's advocate in your life.)

What a bunch of left loon gibberish
Wow. Trump's really coming unglued. "I was never indicted."

I think the fumes from that extra coat of orange paint he put on killed a few more trillion brain cells.
This whole bizarre episode remains inexplicable.

It says a lot about us, it ain't good, but I'm still not sure what the hell it means.
it means you live in shithole country with a shithole system and enough shithole people to prop it up.

HyperNormalisation (2016) - FULL DOCUMENTARY - by Adam Curtis​

"Welcome to the post-truth world. You know it's not real. But you accept it as normal. But there is more out there. HyperNormalisation.

The cult documentary maker Adam Curtis explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative hand-holding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total in-authenticity. . . . "

The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough Of Experts?​

What to trust in a "post-truth" world​

Only if you are truly open to the possibility of being wrong can you ever learn, says researcher Alex Edmans. In an insightful talk, he explores how confirmation bias -- the tendency to only accept information that supports your personal beliefs -- can lead you astray on social media, in politics and beyond, and offers three practical tools for finding evidence you can actually trust. (Hint: appoint someone to be the devil's advocate in your life.)

Welcome to trumps bizarro world....
This whole bizarre episode remains inexplicable.

It says a lot about us, it ain't good, but I'm still not sure what the hell it means.
It's really pretty straightforward. Half the country hates Democratic leadership so much that they'll support anyone who fights them. Even if they're an obvious fraud. As long as Trump is flipping Dems the bird, he'll have the support of these people.
It's really pretty straightforward. Half the country hates Democratic leadership so much that they'll support anyone who fights them. Even if they're an obvious fraud. As long as Trump is flipping Dems the bird, he'll have the support of these people.
Actually less than half. Regardless of what the orange liar says, he lost in 2020. He was soundly beaten. Even his AG at the time said so.

trump is a LIAR. He is a convicted sexual abuser. He has over 90 charges against him with multiple indictments and he will, in all probability, be a convicted felon next year. He is the main reason the repub House is a clown show.

In a few days we will see a government shut down. And there is NO DOUBT which party will be blamed. The repubs are destroying the people's house.
Welcome to trumps bizarro world....
It's not, "Trump's bizarro world."

It is the bizarro world of "technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs," which have constructed epistemological narratives, completely disassociated from the lives that everyday folks live. . . both on the left, and the right.



Actually less than half. Regardless of what the orange liar says, he lost in 2020. He was soundly beaten. Even his AG at the time said so.

trump is a LIAR. He is a convicted sexual abuser. He has over 90 charges against him with multiple indictments and he will, in all probability, be a convicted felon next year. He is the main reason the repub House is a clown show.

In a few days we will see a government shut down. And there is NO DOUBT which party will be blamed. The repubs are destroying the people's house.
You managed to type a lengthy response and yet steer completely around my point. Great job!
Presidential election
Electoral vote
Joe Biden (D)306
Donald Trump (R)232

Biden won the election with 306 electoral votes and 51.3% of the national popular vote, compared to Trump's 232 electoral votes and 46.9% of the popular vote.

That is not half of the nation. You are getting all hard for a man who has been charged over 90 times and has been convicted of sexual assault. If that gets you off, I feel sorry for you.
Presidential election
Electoral vote
Joe Biden (D)306
Donald Trump (R)232

Biden won the election with 306 electoral votes and 51.3% of the national popular vote, compared to Trump's 232 electoral votes and 46.9% of the popular vote.

That is not half of the nation. You are getting all hard for a man who has been charged over 90 times and has been convicted of sexual assault. If that gets you off, I feel sorry for you.
Your reading comprehension is very weak. Try again.
It's really pretty straightforward. Half the country hates Democratic leadership so much that they'll support anyone who fights them. Even if they're an obvious fraud. As long as Trump is flipping Dems the bird, he'll have the support of these people.
Yep. Two lousy choices.
It's not, "Trump's bizarro world."

It is the bizarro world of "technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs," which have constructed epistemological narratives, completely disassociated from the lives that everyday folks live. . . both on the left, and the right.



On the first pic quote: of course it changed under Biden vs Trump, not because it was Biden, but because the country at that point, believed they had hope, with the covid vaccines.

On the second pic quote: for 40 years now, I have known that aborted fetuses, with mother's permission, have been used by scientists for medical could any of you not know? I think it was producing Interferon back in the 80s that gave a huge concern with segments of society, then vaccines, and then under Bush2 there was the controversy on stem cell research from aborted fetuses.....

Medical Research on fetuses and their organ tissue etc, has been going on for decades and decades, always controversial with the weight of benefit vs the claimed godlessness of it....

You can't do medical research using fetuses, without harvesting tissue from fetuses. That's the issue, and it ain't a newly discovered issue....

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