Trump contributes NOTHING to our Nation

We are not speaking of Bill Clinton, who is not running for office, but what scandals is Hillary involved in
Practically everything she does is a scandal.
1. Cattle futures insider trading
2. The White House Travel Office firings
3. Whitewater
4. The Clinton "Foundation"
5. Emails
6. Muslim Brotherhood connections
7. Supports amnesty, sanctuary cities, & birthright citizenship
8. Supported NAFTA, TPP, and belongs to outsourcing organizations
9. The Clinton Body Count
10. Benghazi

Benghazi? NAFTA? Birthright Citizenship? These are scandals?
Benghazi is a scandal because your president and nominee for president let good Americans die and then lied about it saying the cause was a video. The other two are stupid seeing as unemployment went down after NAFTA and only Alex Jones nuts think Obama isn't a citizen by law.

See? Whatever you imagine is a scandal. No one is personally responsible for people dying overseas. No one is to blame for their deaths because they said it was a video or a protest.

You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.
yet still you feel the need to lie about Benghazi.

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