Trump contributes NOTHING to our Nation

Still trying to figure out how the Clinton's, the UNEMPLOYED Clinton's, amassed $250,000,000 of wealth.

Speeches? Palease.
Its possible. Books and stuff.. Using their slush fund to pay for their lifestyles.. etc etc etc
Still trying to figure out how the Clinton's, the UNEMPLOYED Clinton's, amassed $250,000,000 of wealth.

Speeches? Palease.
Influence/Access/Favor-Peddling Whores
Donations from Islamic nations that oppress/mutilate/murder women and kill gays
Stealing everything that wasn't nailed down in the WH when they left
They did amass that 111M $ fortune awfully quick.. considering they were dead broke leaving the WH..
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.
Hillary claimed when they left the White house they were dead broke.
Then Hillary becomes SoS and now the Clintons are worth, according to you, "hundreds of millions of dollars". Care to explain where the "hundreds of millions of dollars came from?
Absolutely fucking incredible!
The bullshit lies that come out of this woman's mouth!
SUUUUUUURE. Bill and Hillary can give a 15 minute closed door speech to God knows who and walk away with a million dollars. SUUUUUUURE!
Hiring people is the same as paying your taxes.

Creating jobs provides one with a means to make money, provide for themselves and their families, and creates more tax payers.

Increasing the addiction to social programs, having more people on welfare/unemployment/food stamps, having a record number of Americans who have given up on looking for jobs out of the work force, creates a drain / burden on the economy and depletes the amount of tax revenue we have.

Liberals seem to prefer a struggling economy with millions of citizens dependent on the govt and govt hand-outs rather than a thriving economy with strong, independent citizens contributing to society.
What good id creating jobs, when Trump dent bother to pay them
We don't need any more fucking illiterate stoner losers on this forum.
Permanent Ignore asshole!
Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?

Still waiting on an answer..
Sure thing. Vote for the guy who keeps a basic thing like a tax return secret. Who else do we know that likes to keep secrets for no reason? We "know" why Hillary does it--she's a criminal, right? Why doesn't the same suspicion apply to Trump?

OL. you are starting to sound like a BITTER OldLady.

Trump is not 'keeping anything secret', he is simply 'refusing to share'. :p

If I may ask, did you vote for Barry, either time? If you did, then you voted for a man who sealed every personal public record from view from the voters. I don't remember liberals crying and bitching about how HE was keeping so many 'secrets' and could not be trusted because he refused to show such 'innocent and inconsequential' information.

Trump is not legally required to release his tax returns....unlike BARRY, the man who vowed to run the 'most transparent administration evuh', who was caught red-handed ILLEGALLY refusing to comply with ALL FOIA requests by refusing to release a whopping 70% of all FOIA requested material.

Barry BROKE THE LAW by withholding 70% of all the FOIA requests made to his administration, and I don't hear you - or any other rabidly partisan lib on this board - going on about his refusal to do so / breaking the law!

Hillary was required by the LAW - FOIA and Federal Records Act - to turn over EVERY State Dept-related document and e-mail before she left the State Department...but instead she broke the law (according to Comey under oath before Congress). All I have heard from the Libs who are screaming for Trump records they are not legally entitled to is the defense of Hillary for breaking the law and refusing to comply with the law by turning over documents.

You / Libs seem to be more interested in the information you are not legally entitled to rather than the material the law required to be presented to you.

The hypocrisy and partisanship on display is overwhelming.
I'm not a rabidly partisan anything, so leave me out of it.

I never heard about Obama refusing to release FOIA documents or that he was arrested for it. Missed the whole thing.

I'm not screaming for Trump's records. I don't have to. The damage has been done and Trump has not denied any of it. I was pointing out to TN that the Democrats' suspicions over Trump's refusal to be "transparent" are no different than the Republicans' suspicions about Hillary's "secrecy." Simple comparison. No political points earned either way.
You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.

Except she didnt.
So she didn't say it was because of a video?

IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.

Except she didnt.
So she didn't say it was because of a video?

IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
There is a video of her saying it and there are emails that completely contradict her words.
You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.
Yes, it was shitty, but she was doing her boss's bidding. I would have TRIED to somehow keep the video out of it unless I was directly asked, but when the Boss says, "We're blaming it on the video," you gotta go with it or quit. We know Hillary was not about to quit. That is the kind of dirty political backroom stuff that happens in high circles. You would have to be pretty naive to expect her to do any differently. I blame Obama for the lie to the families. The buck stops there.
You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.
Yes, it was shitty, but she was doing her boss's bidding. I would have TRIED to somehow keep the video out of it unless I was directly asked, but when the Boss says, "We're blaming it on the video," you gotta go with it or quit. We know Hillary was not about to quit. That is the kind of dirty political backroom stuff that happens in high circles. You would have to be pretty naive to expect her to do any differently. I blame Obama for the lie to the families. The buck stops there.
Is she always put in bitch mode from men? Not much of a feminist.. lol
"naïve" to believe she should tell the truth... lol
I never heard about Obama refusing to release FOIA documents or that he was arrested for it. Missed the whole thing.

THAT may be one of the saddest things right there.....there are a LOT of people who have never heard of it because the massively partisan media all but ignored it, Libs 'lied/denied/justified' over it, and ANOTHER Obama CRIME goes not only UN-noticed but UN-punished. The way he has openly disregarded and violated US Law HAS resulted in this administration being the MOST CRIMINAL IN US HISTORY.

And OF COURSE he wasn't punished for it....he 'owns' the one ever gets held accountable in this administration.

Castro violated the Hatch Act and Reid violated Election Law recently and the WH declared they would not be indicted / charged 'BECAUSE THEY ARE SORRY'!


Hey OL, not that I hope you get in trouble, BUT...if you do, just tell the cops you are 'sorry' for breaking the law and let me know how that works out for YOU! :p
Headline a cheap trick to get attention.
No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.

Except she didnt.
So she didn't say it was because of a video?

IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
There is a video of her saying it and there are emails that completely contradict her words.

Nope, she said it was because of a video and that it was a terrorist attack. You're playing games with words now.

Where is the lie? Who says it was NOT because of a video?

Doesnt matter to you just know to say "IT was a lie" and cant explain what the IT is.

Lets say this is correct. You want us to believe that Hillary believing it was because of one reason and not another as being beyond the pale? lmao
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.
Hillary claimed when they left the White house they were dead broke.
Then Hillary becomes SoS and now the Clintons are worth, according to you, "hundreds of millions of dollars". Care to explain where the "hundreds of millions of dollars came from?
Absolutely fucking incredible!
The bullshit lies that come out of this woman's mouth!
SUUUUUUURE. Bill and Hillary can give a 15 minute closed door speech to God knows who and walk away with a million dollars. SUUUUUUURE!

do you have a problem with Trump or Palin giving speeches for huge amounts, or is it only a problem when its Hillary?
How can you even begin to discuss lies, when your guy Trump does it every single day?
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.

Except she didnt.
So she didn't say it was because of a video?

IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
There is a video of her saying it and there are emails that completely contradict her words.

Nope, she said it was because of a video and that it was a terrorist attack. You're playing games with words now.

Where is the lie? Who says it was NOT because of a video?

Doesnt matter to you just know to say "IT was a lie" and cant explain what the IT is.

Lets say this is correct. You want us to believe that Hillary believing it was because of one reason and not another as being beyond the pale? lmao

Be careful though. I think they are photoshopped..

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