Trump contributes NOTHING to our Nation

You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.

Except she didnt.
So she didn't say it was because of a video?
No one is personally responsible for people dying overseas. No one is to blame for their deaths because they said it was a video or a protest.


As Secretary of State Hillary was responsible for both everything that went on in the State Department AND for the protection of all US State Department personnel.

Despite every other nation's governments ORDERING their people out of Benghazi after numerous terrorist attacks / threats / large numbers of Al Qaeida holding rallies / terrorist training camps opening up / Stephen's compound being attacked TWICE by terrorists, Hillary REFUSED to order Americans out of Benghazi.
-- 'Lead, follow, or get the F* out of the way' - Hillary chose to get out of the way, ignore Benghazi, and focus on running a branch of the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department.


AFTER that last attack Hillary's State Department PULLED OUT 14 members of his security detail - his released emails who he fought that but lost the argument. After 2 terrorist attacks, the last leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and after Stephens wrote an email declaring if there was a 3rd , stronger / larger attack on the compound he would DIE - who the F* strips an Ambassador of 14 members of his security detail...ESPECIALLY 'knowing' that no military rescue / response team could make it to them in time if such an attack occurred?! Oh yeah, that would be HILLARY!

WHILE the attack was going on Hillary told a foreign ambassador, 'This was a TERRORIST attack - we KNOW the video had nothing to do with it!' She told her daughter, '4 Americans died in a TERRORST attack'. The CIA filed a report within an hour of the attack beginning, sending it to the WH and the State Department. In that message the CIA definitively stated this was a TERRORIST ATTACK. The WH and State Department then ALTERED that report, stripping every reference to 'terrorism' or a 'terrorist attack' from it before releasing it! THIS IS THE HARD EVIDENCE OF A FULL-BLOWN COVER-UP!

You can continue to LIE, DENY, and JUSTIFY all you want with BS statements like the one above if you want, but even YOU know the real truth of what happened! You just don't have the guts or the integrity to admit it because saying so aloud sheds a negative light on the FAILED Secretary of State!
Except she didnt.


Multiple witnesses / family members declare she lied to them then called them a liar when she told the public shat she said.

Hmmm....believe a proven pathological career lying political whore who would F* a snake if it helped her win the WH or the grieving parents of those Hillary abandoned to die in Benghazi? I think I will go with the grieving parents.

Besides, you are spewing the same lies that has already earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS'!
Except she didnt.


Multiple witnesses / family members declare she lied to them then called them a liar when she told the public shat she said.

Hmmm....believe a proven pathological career lying political whore who would F* a snake if it helped her win the WH or the grieving parents of those Hillary abandoned to die in Benghazi? I think I will go with the grieving parents.

Besides, you are spewing the same lies that has already earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS'!
There is also videos... :dunno:
CC probably just hasn't seen them "on the news" :rolleyes:
Hiring people is the same as paying your taxes.

Creating jobs provides one with a means to make money, provide for themselves and their families, and creates more tax payers.

Pimping does the same thing and neither Pimping or Creating jobs is not paying your taxes. Trump has said himself that too many game the system and its wrong...until he does it

Wait ... so using the tax code is 'gaming the system'??

Thats what Trump said...until he was exposed doing it. Now instead of it being disgusting its smart and he just figured that out.

I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
That would be pretty easy since he hasn't denied it, if only he would produce his tax returns like every other Presidential candidate in the past 40 years.
Why? Him not being like every other candidate is why he got the nom..
Sure thing. Vote for the guy who keeps a basic thing like a tax return secret. Who else do we know that likes to keep secrets for no reason? We "know" why Hillary does it--she's a criminal, right? Why doesn't the same suspicion apply to Trump?
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
That would be pretty easy since he hasn't denied it, if only he would produce his tax returns like every other Presidential candidate in the past 40 years.
Why? Him not being like every other candidate is why he got the nom..
Sure thing. Vote for the guy who keeps a basic thing like a tax return secret. Who else do we know that likes to keep secrets for no reason? We "know" why Hillary does it--she's a criminal, right? Why doesn't the same suspicion apply to Trump?
Im not voting for him.
it's what one discusses with idiots who believe anything and everything without first understanding the subject. her supporters.
Sure thing. Vote for the guy who keeps a basic thing like a tax return secret. Who else do we know that likes to keep secrets for no reason? We "know" why Hillary does it--she's a criminal, right? Why doesn't the same suspicion apply to Trump?

OL. you are starting to sound like a BITTER OldLady.

Trump is not 'keeping anything secret', he is simply 'refusing to share'. :p

If I may ask, did you vote for Barry, either time? If you did, then you voted for a man who sealed every personal public record from view from the voters. I don't remember liberals crying and bitching about how HE was keeping so many 'secrets' and could not be trusted because he refused to show such 'innocent and inconsequential' information.

Trump is not legally required to release his tax returns....unlike BARRY, the man who vowed to run the 'most transparent administration evuh', who was caught red-handed ILLEGALLY refusing to comply with ALL FOIA requests by refusing to release a whopping 70% of all FOIA requested material.

Barry BROKE THE LAW by withholding 70% of all the FOIA requests made to his administration, and I don't hear you - or any other rabidly partisan lib on this board - going on about his refusal to do so / breaking the law!

Hillary was required by the LAW - FOIA and Federal Records Act - to turn over EVERY State Dept-related document and e-mail before she left the State Department...but instead she broke the law (according to Comey under oath before Congress). All I have heard from the Libs who are screaming for Trump records they are not legally entitled to is the defense of Hillary for breaking the law and refusing to comply with the law by turning over documents.

You / Libs seem to be more interested in the information you are not legally entitled to rather than the material the law required to be presented to you.

The hypocrisy and partisanship on display is overwhelming.
You libs still want Trump's tax returns?

Get used to is full of it. :p
"Clinton should be the last person in the world asking how someone could manage to lose money in a business venture. She and her husband have made boatloads of money to be sure, but on what?

Unlike actual business owners who have to risk huge investments, create jobs and fight shifting economic conditions, Hillary Clinton has been exclusively in the business of selling the carbon dioxide which she emits from her lungs. She gives speeches, frequently commanding more than a quarter of million dollars to show up someplace for a half hour or so and talk to people who stand to gain nothing from the experience. The only real winners in these deals are the folks who arrange and pay for the appearances because they gain access to the Clinton political machine when they write that big check.

Clinton’s only other source of serious income has been books. She gets massive advances to produce volumes of words which then largely sit on the shelves, selling nowhere near enough copies to justify the expense. (Her latest effort
sold less than 3,000 copies in the first week, despite Clinton receiving a $14M advance on the masterpiece.) But this is all that Hillary Clinton has ever had to offer. She’s never risked anything in terms of a business and simply has people hand her massive amounts of money just for being named Hillary Clinton. So yes… Trump has lost some money on business ventures, but that’s because he actually ventured into that world."

The result of her last real 'venture' into the world resulted in the needless deaths of 4 Americans and massive scandal....but even then she managed not to lose anything of her own / anything important to HER!


"#Trump lost 1 billion of his money. #Hillary lost 6 billion of our money at the state department. There is a difference ya know."
— Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) October 3, 2016

Hillary Clinton didn’t risk “losing a billion” because she produces nothing of value - Hot Air
Still trying to figure out how the Clinton's, the UNEMPLOYED Clinton's, amassed $250,000,000 of wealth.

Speeches? Palease.

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