Trump contributes NOTHING to our Nation

Can you begin to count the number of lawsuits against him?

They number fewer than the number of Scandals Hillary has had a part in, almost as many people on the Clinton Death List, but far fewer than the number of women Bubba has sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped and/or children he has violated. :p
The only scandals you refer to are creations of the right wing
What about her 70 MILLION a YEAR charity getting subsidized by the tax payers? In the tune of millions?
And that hypocritical bitch wants to talk about trump? And you dishonest supporters want to? Give me a fucking break!!
How are charities subsidized by the government?
Bill Clinton aides used tax dollars to subsidize foundation, private email support
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D
She DIDN'T get out of paying income taxes all together though did she? She made income. Do you deny Trump made income that year? He took advantage of a loss situation and legally got out of paying but DO NOT say she did the same thing, because if she had done the same thing, she would have paid $0. She paid 3 mil.
Because she doesn't have a billion dollars to lose.. Why are you acting so obtuse?
IF she lost more, do you think she would have paid taxes she didn't owe? Because she is a patriot? Lol
She did the SAME THING on a smaller scale.
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the obvious point here, doesn't make ME obtuse I know she took advantage of the loss. My first comment here was "enough" already. Why are you twisting yourself into knots to defend this pecker? You just bored today? SOMEONE ORDER SOME SIGNS, PLEASE!!!
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.
You do know the Clinton's failed to report millions in foreign donations? When the irs found out about it. The Clinton's said oh, we will refile. Why don't you try that? You would end up in jail.
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

We pay for his Secret Service, roads, airports etc.

And we're supposed to praise him for using lawyers to pay less than everyone else on this board.

But he'll close the loopholes! Do you know why? Because he wants to pay more!

We pay for Shillary's secret service and the airports the Clinton foundations private jet uses too

And you don't know what he paid or didn't pay do you?

Do you know what people here paid or didn't pay? No you don't
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.
You do know the Clinton's failed to report millions in foreign donations? When the irs found out about it. The Clinton's said oh, we will refile. Why don't you try that? You would end up in jail.
No, I've heard that's how they do it. They'd much prefer the money than putting him up in a white collar prison.
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D
She DIDN'T get out of paying income taxes all together though did she? She made income. Do you deny Trump made income that year? He took advantage of a loss situation and legally got out of paying but DO NOT say she did the same thing, because if she had done the same thing, she would have paid $0. She paid 3 mil.
Because she doesn't have a billion dollars to lose.. Why are you acting so obtuse?
IF she lost more, do you think she would have paid taxes she didn't owe? Because she is a patriot? Lol
She did the SAME THING on a smaller scale.
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the obvious point here, doesn't make ME obtuse I know she took advantage of the loss. My first comment here was "enough" already. Why are you twisting yourself into knots to defend this pecker? You just bored today? SOMEONE ORDER SOME SIGNS, PLEASE!!!
If you understand, then why say she should take advantage of it? She did the same thing he did. By all accounts, that would make her a hypocrite. Do you support hypocrites?
And I get your point, I just think its fallacious
I never said he did anything wrong. The "fairness" of it isn't about legality. While the government has always sucked up about a quarter of my paycheck that I never see, Trump paid NOTHING. He got every penny he earned. You'd have to ask my friend why he won't vote for him because of that. I think it's pretty obvious, though.

So he legally kept his money, that he earned using the tax code/system that our government put in place.

I have zero problem with anyone legally keeping more/all of what they've earned. It's. Their. Money.
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots
...and she's a loopy kunt
We are not speaking of Bill Clinton, who is not running for office, but what scandals is Hillary involved in
Practically everything she does is a scandal.
1. Cattle futures insider trading
2. The White House Travel Office firings
3. Whitewater
4. The Clinton "Foundation"
5. Emails
6. Muslim Brotherhood connections
7. Supports amnesty, sanctuary cities, & birthright citizenship
8. Supported NAFTA, TPP, and belongs to outsourcing organizations
9. The Clinton Body Count
10. Benghazi
The "fairness" of it isn't about legality.


The man adhered to the US legal system, specifically within the boundaries of the US Tax code, and was able to keep much of his hard-earned personal wealth and receive what he was legally due.....but being able to keep more of his own money by doing so is not 'FAIR'?!

We aren't going back to the Liberal BS argument about how libs feel 'the rich' should pay MORE in taxes 'because they can afford it' while talking about everyone 'paying their FAIR share', are we?!

What is fair is that Trump abided by the law and was able to keep as much of his own money as legally possible.

What is fair is that EVERY American has the right and ability to do the same thing.

What is both 'fair' and POSSIBLE is for any and all Americans to pay the IRS MORE money than what they owe if they so choose.
- If you think you should / want to donate more to the US government, GO FOR IT! No one is stopping you.

If you don't like the legal process, the laws governing the Tax Code, then call your Reps and demand they change them. While you're at it, ask them to eliminate the intentional lawyer-speak, reduce the giant thousand-page tax code with something simple that everyone can understand and that will end many of the currently legal loopholes anyone who qualifies for can take advantage of.
- Flat of Fair Tax...Sales tax....take your pick - they are all better than what we have now.

But, with ALL due respect - I want you to know, don't give me the 'IN MY OPINION OR THE OPINION OF OTHERS' Trump did not pay his 'FAIR' share. That is one helluva subjective sentence / opinion. Thank God we don't (usually) run our laws so subjectively and that we have actual LAWS that define what we can, can't have to, or don't have to do. TRUMP FOLLOWED THE LAW. HE PAID WHAT HE WAS LEGALLY REQUIRED TO PAY.

'Nuff said....but, again, if you don't like the tax system set up by Congress, don't bash Trump for obeying and staying within the boundaries of the law - blame the jackasses who WROTE / WRITE the tax code....guys like multiple-time-tax-fraud-offender Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel.
Last edited:
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.
You do know the Clinton's failed to report millions in foreign donations? When the irs found out about it. The Clinton's said oh, we will refile. Why don't you try that? You would end up in jail.
No, I've heard that's how they do it. They'd much prefer the money than putting him up in a white collar prison.
No, knowingly not reporting income is a crime. Trump didn't do that, so in Hillary's reasoning. She isn't qualified to be president, like she is trying to pull over on Trump.

The man adhered to the US legal system, specifically within the boundaries of the US Tax code, and was able to keep much of his hard-earned personal wealth and receive what he was legally due.....but being able to keep more of his own money by doing so is not 'FAIR'?!

We aren't going back to the Liberal BS argument about how libs feel 'the rich' should pay MORE in taxes 'because they can afford it' while talking bout everyone 'paying their FAIR share', are we?!

What is fair is that Trump abided by the law and was able to keep as much of his own money as legally possible.

What is fair is that EVERY American has the right and ability to do the same thing.

What is both 'fair' and POSSIBLE is for any and all Americans to pay the IRS MORE money than what they want if they so choose.
- If you think you should / want to donate more to the US government, GO FOR IT! No one is stopping you.

If you don't like the legal process, the laws governing the Tax Code then call your Reps and demand they change them. Ask them to eliminate the intentional lawyer-speak, reduce the giant thousand-page tax code with something simple that everyone can understand and that will end many f the currently legal loopholes anyone who qualifies for can take advantage of.
- Flat of Fair Tax...Sales tax....take your pick - they are all better than what we have now.

But, with ALL due respect I want you to know, don't give me the IN MY OPINION OR THE OPINION OF OTHERS Trump did not pay his 'FAIR' share. That is one helluva subjective sentence / opinion. Thank God we don't (usually) run our laws so subjectively and that we have actual LAWS that define what we can, can't have to, or don't have to do. TRUMP FOLLOWED THE LAW. HE PAID WHAT HE WAS LEGALLY REQUIRED TO PAY.

'Nuff said....but, again, if you don't like the tax system set up by Congress, don't bash Trump for obeying and staying within the boundaries of the law - blame the jackasses who WROTE / WRITE the tax code....guys like multiple-time-tax-fraud-offended Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel.
The tax "issue" is NOT an issue at at all. It is a red herring ploy-deflection to distract attention away from the ,many real issues that Hillary is vulnerable on (if only the media would pay attention to them)
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D
She DIDN'T get out of paying income taxes all together though did she? She made income. Do you deny Trump made income that year? He took advantage of a loss situation and legally got out of paying but DO NOT say she did the same thing, because if she had done the same thing, she would have paid $0. She paid 3 mil.
Because she doesn't have a billion dollars to lose.. Why are you acting so obtuse?
IF she lost more, do you think she would have paid taxes she didn't owe? Because she is a patriot? Lol
She did the SAME THING on a smaller scale.
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the obvious point here, doesn't make ME obtuse I know she took advantage of the loss. My first comment here was "enough" already. Why are you twisting yourself into knots to defend this pecker? You just bored today? SOMEONE ORDER SOME SIGNS, PLEASE!!!
If you understand, then why say she should take advantage of it? She did the same thing he did. By all accounts, that would make her a hypocrite. Do you support hypocrites?
And I get your point, I just think its fallacious
Yup. I love hypocrites. Happy now?
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.

Except the loss was reported on his personal taxes not his business taxes.
The tax "issue" is NOT an issue at at all. It is a red herring ploy-deflection to distract attention away from the ,many real issues that Hillary is vulnerable on (if only the media would pay attention to them)

'Hillary allied herself with Al Qaeida, helped them take over Libya, and allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die.'
-- :crybaby:Trump should release his taxes!

'Hillary broke the law by illegally possessing classified after she left the State Department."
-- :crybaby:When is Trump going to release his taxes?

'Hillary had an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted server, allowed persons without security clearances to have access to highly classified info, sent / received classified info, illegally destroyed classified materials, perjured herself, and broke the law by failing to comply with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.'
-- :crybaby: Trump is hiding something....someone should steal his tax returns and release them. I know I have no legal right to them, but I want them. Waaaaa.

You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.

Except the loss was reported on his personal taxes not his business taxes.
Did he break the law? Has he been arrested? Let me know when that happens.
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.
You do know the Clinton's failed to report millions in foreign donations? When the irs found out about it. The Clinton's said oh, we will refile. Why don't you try that? You would end up in jail.
No, I've heard that's how they do it. They'd much prefer the money than putting him up in a white collar prison.
No, knowingly not reporting income is a crime. Trump didn't do that, so in Hillary's reasoning. She isn't qualified to be president, like she is trying to pull over on Trump.
Yes, if we're talking about legality, he's clean as the driven snow and we can all rest easy in our beds contemplating that he might be our President. There are plenty of stupid Democrats, too, who can't tell the difference between "fair" and "legal." I think most of us realize Trump was working within the law. The tax code allowed it, and there are actually good reasons for the tax code. Clinton is proposing a "cap" on deductions, which might have caused him to pay SOME taxes, but I'm no tax lawyer, so don't know if it would actually make a difference.
It cracks me up that anyone was shocked Trump doesn't pay income taxes. But then, I'm old, so I don't have a lot of illusions anymore.
We are not speaking of Bill Clinton, who is not running for office, but what scandals is Hillary involved in
Practically everything she does is a scandal.
1. Cattle futures insider trading
2. The White House Travel Office firings
3. Whitewater
4. The Clinton "Foundation"
5. Emails
6. Muslim Brotherhood connections
7. Supports amnesty, sanctuary cities, & birthright citizenship
8. Supported NAFTA, TPP, and belongs to outsourcing organizations
9. The Clinton Body Count
10. Benghazi
Is supporting NAFTA a scandal?
Where is the Benghazi scandal?
Where is the Clinton Foundation scandal?
Is supporting amnesty a scandal?
What are her Muslim brotherhood connections
Where was the email controversy a scandal?

You gotta stop parroting those right wing bloggers and think for yourself, for a change
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.

Except the loss was reported on his personal taxes not his business taxes.
Yes, I wondered about that when I heard "The NYT did the same thing." "G.E. does the same thing." I wondered what person they meant by that.
That's the way socialists think. If you aren't connected to the government or the center of political power you do not exist in the minds of the radical left. Hillary has never had a job that wasn't arranged by her husband and she only worked in the private sector for a short time having been a parasite on the backs of the taxpayers for most of her adult life.

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