Trump contributes NOTHING to our Nation

I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D
She DIDN'T get out of paying income taxes all together though did she? She made income. Do you deny Trump made income that year? He took advantage of a loss situation and legally got out of paying but DO NOT say she did the same thing, because if she had done the same thing, she would have paid $0. She paid 3 mil.
Because she doesn't have a billion dollars to lose.. Why are you acting so obtuse?
IF she lost more, do you think she would have paid taxes she didn't owe? Because she is a patriot? Lol
She did the SAME THING on a smaller scale.
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the obvious point here, doesn't make ME obtuse I know she took advantage of the loss. My first comment here was "enough" already. Why are you twisting yourself into knots to defend this pecker? You just bored today? SOMEONE ORDER SOME SIGNS, PLEASE!!!
If you understand, then why say she should take advantage of it? She did the same thing he did. By all accounts, that would make her a hypocrite. Do you support hypocrites?
And I get your point, I just think its fallacious
Yup. I love hypocrites. Happy now?
Not really :(
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
And he's basing that on a tax return from 1995 and speculation about what Trump might have done over the years. While ignoring corporations like GE haven't ponied up in ages. They do provide a lot of jobs and products though, which means income, goods and materials, all of which gets taxed.

A blind idiot Trumpster? You are one foul disgusting old crone. No wonder you're a leftist.
They've got a job waiting for you in the Trump campaign. Well done, brainwashed friend.
It's called taking out the trash.
...this way ma'am.
She DIDN'T get out of paying income taxes all together though did she? She made income. Do you deny Trump made income that year? He took advantage of a loss situation and legally got out of paying but DO NOT say she did the same thing, because if she had done the same thing, she would have paid $0. She paid 3 mil.

Have they proved Trump broke the law yet? Let me know when they do .
maybe if he would release his full tax returns, like every other presidential candidate has done, we might have an answer.
They were all under audit? Can you list them?
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.

What did Trump do that was wrong? Is it illegal to keep more of your own money? Why didn't he own any taxes?
I never said he did anything wrong. The "fairness" of it isn't about legality. While the government has always sucked up about a quarter of my paycheck that I never see, Trump paid NOTHING. He got every penny he earned. You'd have to ask my friend why he won't vote for him because of that. I think it's pretty obvious, though.
How do you know what he paid? And you're friend is an idiot as well, no wonder.
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
And he's basing that on a tax return from 1995 and speculation about what Trump might have done over the years. While ignoring corporations like GE haven't ponied up in ages. They do provide a lot of jobs and products though, which means income, goods and materials, all of which gets taxed.

A blind idiot Trumpster? You are one foul disgusting old crone. No wonder you're a leftist.
They've got a job waiting for you in the Trump campaign. Well done, brainwashed friend.
It's called taking out the trash.
...this way ma'am.
Your ongoing personal animus is puzzling.
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
And he's basing that on a tax return from 1995 and speculation about what Trump might have done over the years. While ignoring corporations like GE haven't ponied up in ages. They do provide a lot of jobs and products though, which means income, goods and materials, all of which gets taxed.

A blind idiot Trumpster? You are one foul disgusting old crone. No wonder you're a leftist.
They've got a job waiting for you in the Trump campaign. Well done, brainwashed friend.
It's called taking out the trash.
...this way ma'am.
Your ongoing personal animus is puzzling.
It's puzzling to you because of your arrogant nature. You insult people with impunity and are puzzled when it comes back?
Is supporting NAFTA a scandal?
Where is the Benghazi scandal?
Where is the Clinton Foundation scandal?
Is supporting amnesty a scandal?
What are her Muslim brotherhood connections
Where was the email controversy a scandal?

You gotta stop parroting those right wing bloggers and think for yourself, for a change
You think there is nothing to back these up ? You've been watching MSNBC too long.

If you have to ask if supporting NAFTA is a scandal, then you aren't ready for this forum. It cost American workers thousands of jobs, and the Clintons supported it for 8 years. > Hillary is an outsourcer. (TPP, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations.

The Benghazi scandal is that Hillary ignored pleas for security from Eric Nordstrom, the State Depts man in Libya for months, and then pretended that the Benghazi attack was over a video , even lying this to the families of 4 dead men, when their bodies arived back from Libya. In the congressional hearing, she said she took responsibility for what happened. Well, of course she was responsible. It append on her watch and she could have prevented it. And when something is bad, and you take "responsibility", that's called BLAME.

The Clinton Foundation scandal is taking millions$$ of good-hearted people supposedly for such good causes as stopping elephant poaching in Africa, helping 1st gade kids to read. helping poor people, etc, and instead almost all the money went to a slush fund of the Clintons themselves and their cronies.

Of course supporting amnesty is a scandal. It is the outright deprivation of Americans from having millions of jobs as well as support for the international burglarization of the US economy ($133 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$$ more in welfare thru the anchor baby racket) Why do yuo think our ancestors set up these immigration laws to protect us from all this ? so we could ignore the laws and allow ourselves to have millions of jobs stolen from us, and have our economy and treasuries pillaged by imperialist countries raiding us ? (Mexico, China, India, etc)

Muslim Brotherthood connections are Huma Abedin, Saleha Abedin, Salam al-Marayati, Rashad Hussein, Mohammed Morsi, Tim Kaine, Esam Omeish, Maher Hathout, Gehad e--Hadad, et al.

Lastly, you're asking "where" was the email controversy a scandal. Where ? One would have to say all over the entire planet where the internet extends to, and literally ANYONE could hack into her incredible unsecured server, and read her emails containing the most sensitive top secret info in the US govt.

Conclusion: have you been living in a closet for the last 20 years ? You seem to not know anything, but then that is what happens to liberals who restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media. You are the most information-deprived people on earth.
Says Clinton. This is a really big gaffe if you think about it. Or strait up lie. Does she not know how taxes work? Has she ever heard of sales tax?
Does the idiot not know he has created THOUSANDS of jobs?
Surprised no one has jumped down her corrupt throat for this..

Hillary Clinton: Trump contributes 'nothing to our nation' -
in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades.
How do you come up with that shit?
"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton said.
She lost 700K in one year. Considering the scales of money they both control, whats the difference?

STILL nothing about fixing the tax system though. Just more regulations and higher taxes
Clinton supporters are COMPLETE idiots

Why don't you post a link about the $700K? Given the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions that's peanuts. And also what did they lose it on? If you can't answer these questions then your post is just a pile of compost.

How about her losing and not being able to account for 6 billion as SOS? Seems shes contributing negatively to the nation.

$6 Billion Went Missing From Hillary Clinton's State Department...Where Did The Money Go?

$6 Billion Went Missing From Hillary Clinton's State Department...Where Did The Money Go?
Trump is not the greatest business man.... His daughter is proving to be far better then him. Yet with all that said. When has Clinton not lived off OUR tax dollars?????? What right does she have to attack anothers company when she lives off of us? This is proof Regressives hate the fact that most of them are leeches and need to attack the host to feel better about themselves.
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
We are not speaking of Bill Clinton, who is not running for office, but what scandals is Hillary involved in
Practically everything she does is a scandal.
1. Cattle futures insider trading
2. The White House Travel Office firings
3. Whitewater
4. The Clinton "Foundation"
5. Emails
6. Muslim Brotherhood connections
7. Supports amnesty, sanctuary cities, & birthright citizenship
8. Supported NAFTA, TPP, and belongs to outsourcing organizations
9. The Clinton Body Count
10. Benghazi

Benghazi? NAFTA? Birthright Citizenship? These are scandals?
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.

Except the loss was reported on his personal taxes not his business taxes.
Did he break the law? Has he been arrested? Let me know when that happens.

I never said he did.
Hiring people is the same as paying your taxes.

Creating jobs provides one with a means to make money, provide for themselves and their families, and creates more tax payers.

Pimping does the same thing and neither Pimping or Creating jobs is not paying your taxes. Trump has said himself that too many game the system and its wrong...until he does it

Wait ... so using the tax code is 'gaming the system'??

Thats what Trump said...until he was exposed doing it. Now instead of it being disgusting its smart and he just figured that out.
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

You forgot that not only to they not pay taxes, but they also suck up billions in earned income tax credits, AKA welfare through the tax coed. That's exactly how illegals will pay back taxes, they won't have to pay anything but the government will give them billions in earned income tax credits.
We are not speaking of Bill Clinton, who is not running for office, but what scandals is Hillary involved in
Practically everything she does is a scandal.
1. Cattle futures insider trading
2. The White House Travel Office firings
3. Whitewater
4. The Clinton "Foundation"
5. Emails
6. Muslim Brotherhood connections
7. Supports amnesty, sanctuary cities, & birthright citizenship
8. Supported NAFTA, TPP, and belongs to outsourcing organizations
9. The Clinton Body Count
10. Benghazi

Benghazi? NAFTA? Birthright Citizenship? These are scandals?
Benghazi is a scandal because your president and nominee for president let good Americans die and then lied about it saying the cause was a video. The other two are stupid seeing as unemployment went down after NAFTA and only Alex Jones nuts think Obama isn't a citizen by law.
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
That would be pretty easy since he hasn't denied it, if only he would produce his tax returns like every other Presidential candidate in the past 40 years.
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
That would be pretty easy since he hasn't denied it, if only he would produce his tax returns like every other Presidential candidate in the past 40 years.
Why? Him not being like every other candidate is why he got the nom..
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
That would be pretty easy since he hasn't denied it, if only he would produce his tax returns like every other Presidential candidate in the past 40 years.

He has no requirement to produce them and why should he bother to deny a possibility?
We are not speaking of Bill Clinton, who is not running for office, but what scandals is Hillary involved in
Practically everything she does is a scandal.
1. Cattle futures insider trading
2. The White House Travel Office firings
3. Whitewater
4. The Clinton "Foundation"
5. Emails
6. Muslim Brotherhood connections
7. Supports amnesty, sanctuary cities, & birthright citizenship
8. Supported NAFTA, TPP, and belongs to outsourcing organizations
9. The Clinton Body Count
10. Benghazi

Benghazi? NAFTA? Birthright Citizenship? These are scandals?
Benghazi is a scandal because your president and nominee for president let good Americans die and then lied about it saying the cause was a video. The other two are stupid seeing as unemployment went down after NAFTA and only Alex Jones nuts think Obama isn't a citizen by law.

See? Whatever you imagine is a scandal. No one is personally responsible for people dying overseas. No one is to blame for their deaths because they said it was a video or a protest.

You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.

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