Trump contributes NOTHING to our Nation

Yes, it was shitty, but she was doing her boss's bidding.
Right...because she has absolutely zero backbone, freedom of choice, no accountability for the Agency she was running, and no responsibility to protect the men and women under her working in the State Department. Poor Hillary was just a 'victim of circumstance', powerless to do the right thing.

If your definition of 'boss' is the one you work for and the one who pays your salary, it should worry you that Hillary's new 'bosses' are the likes of George Soros, Saudi, Qatar, other nations that support terrorism, oppress/mutilate/murder women, and who kill gays. They are the ones who have been paying Hillary, the ones from whom she has been collecting millions and says she will not stop doing so until she wins the WH. THEY are now her bosses because they have paid for 'goods and services', and if/when she wins the WH it is they who will be 'pulling her strings'.

Those were cankles words, welshman

Whatever you say white-shoes.
do you have a problem with Trump or Palin giving speeches for huge amounts, or is it only a problem when its Hillary?

Ask Trump or Palin for the transcript for any of those speeches...they would give them to you within an hour. Like Barry with all of his personal records, for some reason Hillary refuses to release the transcripts of HER speeches. You demand Trump's taxes yet argue Hillary should not / doesn't have to release her speech transcripts....

Was she briefing them with classified info? What's the secret?
Except she didnt.
So she didn't say it was because of a video?

IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
There is a video of her saying it and there are emails that completely contradict her words.

Nope, she said it was because of a video and that it was a terrorist attack. You're playing games with words now.

Where is the lie? Who says it was NOT because of a video?

Doesnt matter to you just know to say "IT was a lie" and cant explain what the IT is.

Lets say this is correct. You want us to believe that Hillary believing it was because of one reason and not another as being beyond the pale? lmao

Be careful though. I think they are photoshopped..

You cant even answer my questions and thats how I know you dont believe this bullshit line of attack lol
So she didn't say it was because of a video?

IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
There is a video of her saying it and there are emails that completely contradict her words.

Nope, she said it was because of a video and that it was a terrorist attack. You're playing games with words now.

Where is the lie? Who says it was NOT because of a video?

Doesnt matter to you just know to say "IT was a lie" and cant explain what the IT is.

Lets say this is correct. You want us to believe that Hillary believing it was because of one reason and not another as being beyond the pale? lmao

Be careful though. I think they are photoshopped..

You cant even answer my questions and thats how I know you dont believe this bullshit line of attack lol

Videos not enough? Do I need to post the email, too? The one that said "it was not a video?"
do you have a problem with Trump or Palin giving speeches for huge amounts, or is it only a problem when its Hillary?

Ask Trump or Palin for the transcript for any of those speeches...they would give them to you within an hour. Like Barry with all of his personal records, for some reason Hillary refuses to release the transcripts of HER speeches. You demand Trump's taxes yet argue Hillary should not / doesn't have to release her speech transcripts....

Was she briefing them with classified info? What's the secret?
What do taxes have to do with Hillarys speeches. Every candidate for decades has released their taxes, but trump refuses. What does he have to hide
IDK, do you have proof from someone who says what it was about? Or now you dont require proof?
There is a video of her saying it and there are emails that completely contradict her words.

Nope, she said it was because of a video and that it was a terrorist attack. You're playing games with words now.

Where is the lie? Who says it was NOT because of a video?

Doesnt matter to you just know to say "IT was a lie" and cant explain what the IT is.

Lets say this is correct. You want us to believe that Hillary believing it was because of one reason and not another as being beyond the pale? lmao

Be careful though. I think they are photoshopped..

You cant even answer my questions and thats how I know you dont believe this bullshit line of attack lol

Videos not enough? Do I need to post the email, too? The one that said "it was not a video?"

Do those videos provide the answers you have to my questions?
You've investigated this 17 times and found nothing...and to republicans that means there is something there.
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.
Yes, it was shitty, but she was doing her boss's bidding. I would have TRIED to somehow keep the video out of it unless I was directly asked, but when the Boss says, "We're blaming it on the video," you gotta go with it or quit. We know Hillary was not about to quit. That is the kind of dirty political backroom stuff that happens in high circles. You would have to be pretty naive to expect her to do any differently. I blame Obama for the lie to the families. The buck stops there.
Is she always put in bitch mode from men? Not much of a feminist.. lol
She wasn't being a bitch. She was just lying.
Yes, it was shitty, but she was doing her boss's bidding.
Right...because she has absolutely zero backbone, freedom of choice, no accountability for the Agency she was running, and no responsibility to protect the men and women under her working in the State Department. Poor Hillary was just a 'victim of circumstance', powerless to do the right thing.

If your definition of 'boss' is the one you work for and the one who pays your salary, it should worry you that Hillary's new 'bosses' are the likes of George Soros, Saudi, Qatar, other nations that support terrorism, oppress/mutilate/murder women, and who kill gays. They are the ones who have been paying Hillary, the ones from whom she has been collecting millions and says she will not stop doing so until she wins the WH. THEY are now her bosses because they have paid for 'goods and services', and if/when she wins the WH it is they who will be 'pulling her strings'.

I'd still prefer her to Trump.
Like Trumps taxes? LOL GTFO

No not like Trump's taxes
I will say the only problem I had with benghazzi was her lying to the victims family faces for political reasons. About as shitty as a person can get.
Yes, it was shitty, but she was doing her boss's bidding. I would have TRIED to somehow keep the video out of it unless I was directly asked, but when the Boss says, "We're blaming it on the video," you gotta go with it or quit. We know Hillary was not about to quit. That is the kind of dirty political backroom stuff that happens in high circles. You would have to be pretty naive to expect her to do any differently. I blame Obama for the lie to the families. The buck stops there.
Is she always put in bitch mode from men? Not much of a feminist.. lol
She wasn't being a bitch. She was just lying.
Bitch mode means to be someones bitch. Sorry for the gen X lingo lol
I've never in my entire life seen republicans support the 47% who pay no federal income taxes as they are contorting and twisting and bending over backwards to support Trump for paying no federal income taxes....

they bashed the 47% mercilessly...and Bashed GE inside out on them not paying taxes...on and on and on and on....

you conservatives, need to see shrinks and specialists that can deprogram cult members...and the brainwashed.

You belittle and bash and dehumanize all of that 47% who had no money to spare to even pay any income taxes while YOU put this man, your god on this pedestal for it.... sickos, you all need help.

What do you not understand about "could have" or "might have", how about you prove he actually paid NO TAXES.
That would be pretty easy since he hasn't denied it, if only he would produce his tax returns like every other Presidential candidate in the past 40 years.
Why? Him not being like every other candidate is why he got the nom..
Sure thing. Vote for the guy who keeps a basic thing like a tax return secret. Who else do we know that likes to keep secrets for no reason? We "know" why Hillary does it--she's a criminal, right? Why doesn't the same suspicion apply to Trump?

I would be much more interested in the 500K speech text than I am about her tax returns. She's been planning this run forever, you know she would pay attention to her taxes.
They did amass that 111M $ fortune awfully quick.. considering they were dead broke leaving the WH..

They paid all his legal bills and the Paula Jones settlement with donations. So this big debt they had was paid with other peoples money, I'd like to see their tax returns for that time, all of that roughly 6 million was taxable income.
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D

At the end of the day....... Hillary paid her taxes and released her tax returns every year.
Teflon Trump did not pay his taxes for 2 decades....... No tax returns because he is hiding something.
Even illegal immigrants pay their taxes.
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D

At the end of the day....... Hillary paid her taxes and released her tax returns every year.
Teflon Trump did not pay his taxes for 2 decades....... No tax returns because he is hiding something.
Even illegal immigrants pay their taxes.
Another dumbfuck
Hey idiot, if e doesn't owe taxes, he shouldn't pay anything. Do you give the IRS more than you owe? If not, stfu hypocrite
You couldn't expect her to let it go. Personally, I think they've said enough, since all the babbling both sides will do means nothing.

I've heard several accountant types explaining the reason for the net loss thing Trump used, which all big businesses use, and small ones too, I guess. It allows businesses to get back on their feet and stay in business offering good things to the economy instead of simply closing their doors when they've had a very, very bad year.
He did nothing illegal. But Clinton couldn't possibly ignore the OPTICS.

Actually, although I admit I don't know a lot of Trump supporters, ONE is totally disgusted that Trump doesn't pay taxes and he won't vote for him now. He was never a die hard, blind idiot Trumpster to begin with, but that's one vote down, anyway.
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D

At the end of the day....... Hillary paid her taxes and released her tax returns every year.
Teflon Trump did not pay his taxes for 2 decades....... No tax returns because he is hiding something.
Even illegal immigrants pay their taxes.
Another dumbfuck
Hey idiot, if e doesn't owe taxes, he shouldn't pay anything. Do you give the IRS more than you owe? If not, stfu hypocrite

Look lightweight. Wipe the foaming of your mouth then gurgle with toilet water. I pay my taxes every year.
You are not voting for teflon Trump but here you are here defending him with all your might. Dude you are hypocrite and a liar at the same time. Trump is as hypocrite like you are.

10 Times Donald Trump Bad-Mouthed People for Not Paying Taxes

Trump bashes tax avoiders who "get away with murder."

This weekend’s bombshell report in the New York Times revealed that Donald Trump claimed a $916 million loss, according to a copy of his 1995 New York state tax return, and that the billionaire Republican presidential nominee might not have paid any federal income tax in nearly two decades as a result.

Trump supporters immediately jumped to the candidate’s defense, calling him a “genius” for the way he has deftly handled the tax code and potentially saved himself hundreds of millions of dollars in tax payments.

Beyond the spin, however, the revelation has opened up Trump to renewed questioning about his reported brilliance in the business world, as well as to charges of hypocrisy.
Turns out Trump has long criticized others for not paying their fair share of taxes—and yet he has apparently been a tax dodger on a colossal scale. (Because Trump has steadfastly refused to release his tax returns, we do not know how wealthy the man is, nor is there proof of how much, or how little, he actually pays in taxes.)
The optics? You mean the SAME THING SHE DID?
If he doesn't pay taxes, that means he doesn't owe them. Does your friend send the IRS more than he owes?
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D

At the end of the day....... Hillary paid her taxes and released her tax returns every year.
Teflon Trump did not pay his taxes for 2 decades....... No tax returns because he is hiding something.
Even illegal immigrants pay their taxes.
Another dumbfuck
Hey idiot, if e doesn't owe taxes, he shouldn't pay anything. Do you give the IRS more than you owe? If not, stfu hypocrite

Look lightweight. Wipe the foaming of your mouth then gurgle with toilet water. I pay my taxes every year.
You are not voting for teflon Trump but here you are here defending him with all your might. Dude you are hypocrite and a liar at the same time. Trump is as hypocrite like you are.

10 Times Donald Trump Bad-Mouthed People for Not Paying Taxes

Trump bashes tax avoiders who "get away with murder."

This weekend’s bombshell report in the New York Times revealed that Donald Trump claimed a $916 million loss, according to a copy of his 1995 New York state tax return, and that the billionaire Republican presidential nominee might not have paid any federal income tax in nearly two decades as a result.

Trump supporters immediately jumped to the candidate’s defense, calling him a “genius” for the way he has deftly handled the tax code and potentially saved himself hundreds of millions of dollars in tax payments.

Beyond the spin, however, the revelation has opened up Trump to renewed questioning about his reported brilliance in the business world, as well as to charges of hypocrisy.
Turns out Trump has long criticized others for not paying their fair share of taxes—and yet he has apparently been a tax dodger on a colossal scale. (Because Trump has steadfastly refused to release his tax returns, we do not know how wealthy the man is, nor is there proof of how much, or how little, he actually pays in taxes.)
Trump is a hypocrite color me shocked!
I pay taxes too. A lot. If I could get out of it legally, I would. You know you would too. That's the point. period.
You are all hypocrites
A billionaire paying $0 in income taxes is a GREAT optic. Don't deny it. And try comparing it to what Hillary paid in federal income taxes in 2015: $3,000,000 +. $0 --- $3,000,000. Taking a credit on a 700,000 loss? What of it? Bottom line, she paid her taxes. Trump didn't.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D

At the end of the day....... Hillary paid her taxes and released her tax returns every year.
Teflon Trump did not pay his taxes for 2 decades....... No tax returns because he is hiding something.
Even illegal immigrants pay their taxes.
Another dumbfuck
Hey idiot, if e doesn't owe taxes, he shouldn't pay anything. Do you give the IRS more than you owe? If not, stfu hypocrite

Look lightweight. Wipe the foaming of your mouth then gurgle with toilet water. I pay my taxes every year.
You are not voting for teflon Trump but here you are here defending him with all your might. Dude you are hypocrite and a liar at the same time. Trump is as hypocrite like you are.

10 Times Donald Trump Bad-Mouthed People for Not Paying Taxes

Trump bashes tax avoiders who "get away with murder."

This weekend’s bombshell report in the New York Times revealed that Donald Trump claimed a $916 million loss, according to a copy of his 1995 New York state tax return, and that the billionaire Republican presidential nominee might not have paid any federal income tax in nearly two decades as a result.

Trump supporters immediately jumped to the candidate’s defense, calling him a “genius” for the way he has deftly handled the tax code and potentially saved himself hundreds of millions of dollars in tax payments.

Beyond the spin, however, the revelation has opened up Trump to renewed questioning about his reported brilliance in the business world, as well as to charges of hypocrisy.
Turns out Trump has long criticized others for not paying their fair share of taxes—and yet he has apparently been a tax dodger on a colossal scale. (Because Trump has steadfastly refused to release his tax returns, we do not know how wealthy the man is, nor is there proof of how much, or how little, he actually pays in taxes.)
Trump is a hypocrite color me shocked!
I pay taxes too. A lot. If I could get out of it legally, I would. You know you would too. That's the point. period.
You are all hypocrites

Did you read the link or you just look at it? I know it's shocking to you but Americans that are well informed he is a racist hypocrite.
I thought your "optic" was about the money he lost. You should be more clear.
Trump didn't have to pay taxes, he DIDNT OWE ANY
It is AMAZING how this SIMPLE concept doesn't get understood..
She rode donalds ass for losing money then using it to get out of income tax but she did the SAME THING. There is your "what of it" :D

At the end of the day....... Hillary paid her taxes and released her tax returns every year.
Teflon Trump did not pay his taxes for 2 decades....... No tax returns because he is hiding something.
Even illegal immigrants pay their taxes.
Another dumbfuck
Hey idiot, if e doesn't owe taxes, he shouldn't pay anything. Do you give the IRS more than you owe? If not, stfu hypocrite

Look lightweight. Wipe the foaming of your mouth then gurgle with toilet water. I pay my taxes every year.
You are not voting for teflon Trump but here you are here defending him with all your might. Dude you are hypocrite and a liar at the same time. Trump is as hypocrite like you are.

10 Times Donald Trump Bad-Mouthed People for Not Paying Taxes

Trump bashes tax avoiders who "get away with murder."

This weekend’s bombshell report in the New York Times revealed that Donald Trump claimed a $916 million loss, according to a copy of his 1995 New York state tax return, and that the billionaire Republican presidential nominee might not have paid any federal income tax in nearly two decades as a result.

Trump supporters immediately jumped to the candidate’s defense, calling him a “genius” for the way he has deftly handled the tax code and potentially saved himself hundreds of millions of dollars in tax payments.

Beyond the spin, however, the revelation has opened up Trump to renewed questioning about his reported brilliance in the business world, as well as to charges of hypocrisy.
Turns out Trump has long criticized others for not paying their fair share of taxes—and yet he has apparently been a tax dodger on a colossal scale. (Because Trump has steadfastly refused to release his tax returns, we do not know how wealthy the man is, nor is there proof of how much, or how little, he actually pays in taxes.)
Trump is a hypocrite color me shocked!
I pay taxes too. A lot. If I could get out of it legally, I would. You know you would too. That's the point. period.
You are all hypocrites

Did you read the link or you just look at it? I know it's shocking to you but Americans that are well informed he is a racist hypocrite.

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