'Trump Could Kill Republican Party'


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
In a strongly-worded statement today, Trump branded the former First Minister "an embarrassment to Scotland".

"This was the genius who destroyed big sections of the Scottish landscape with ugly, money-sucking, bird-killing industrial windmills, with oil now down at an all-time low and taxes at an all-time high to pay for these monstrosities.

"Additionally, and disgracefully, this is the man who freed, on humane grounds, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi because he wanted to be so kind-hearted to a terrorist who blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.

Salmond Tells LBC: 'Trump Could Kill Republican Party'
For the last two or three months the media and the dems and even the GOP have tried everything to derail Trump....and he still leads handily. It's like he is Teflon
Nicola Sturgeon has stripped Donald Trump


Nicola Sturgeon withdrew Trump's membership of GlobalScot with immediate effect AFP/Getty
Nicola Sturgeon has stripped Donald Trump from his role as a business ambassador for Scotland after hecalled for Muslims to be banned from the United States.

The UK political established has united in condemnation of the Republican presidential idea to bar Muslims from the US until authorities "can figure out" Muslim attitudes to the US as “obnoxious and offensive” but the First Minister of Scotland has gone one step further.

The billionaire businessman, whose mother was a Scottish immigrant from the Isle of Lewis, has had his membership of the GlobalScot business network withdrawn with immediate effect.

Nicola Sturgeon strips Donald Trump of Scottish ambassador role
I think they said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. And then went on and won 49 states or something like that. lol
I think they said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. And then went on and won 49 states or something like that. lol

No presidential candidate in either party will win 49 states anytime in the near future. This country is too politically polarized anymore for that to happen. Both parties have been catering to their extremists.
In a strongly-worded statement today, Trump branded the former First Minister "an embarrassment to Scotland".

"This was the genius who destroyed big sections of the Scottish landscape with ugly, money-sucking, bird-killing industrial windmills, with oil now down at an all-time low and taxes at an all-time high to pay for these monstrosities.

"Additionally, and disgracefully, this is the man who freed, on humane grounds, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi because he wanted to be so kind-hearted to a terrorist who blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.

Salmond Tells LBC: 'Trump Could Kill Republican Party'

So Trump told the truth again and it pissed you leftists off.

No true Scotsman will vote for Donald Trump!

Of course should the idiot democrats run Mao Tse Sanders, they may not even capture the Peoples Republic of California in the general...

I'm just sayin...
No true Scotsman will vote for Donald Trump!

Of course should the idiot democrats run Mao Tse Sanders, they may not even capture the Peoples Republic of California in the general...

I'm just sayin...

I didn't know Scottsman could vote in American elections. I kind of thought Scottish people who live in scottland vote for Scottish politicians. It makes sense to me...wait...democrats want everyone to vote because we can't discriminate against people in other countries. Everyone can vote in America..even people who are not Americans.
I didn't know Scottsman could vote in American elections. I kind of thought Scottish people who live in scottland vote for Scottish politicians. It makes sense to me...wait...democrats want everyone to vote because we can't discriminate against people in other countries. Everyone can vote in America..even people who are not Americans.

Oh, that's just a dig at the forum leftists.

The No True Scotsman (NTS) fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when;
  • someone changes the definition of a word to make a claim true by default,[2] or
  • a term is preemptively given a biased definition designed to exclude elements vulnerable to criticism, yet making sure to still include all things praiseworthy.[3]}
No True Scotsman - RationalWiki
I think they said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. And then went on and won 49 states or something like that. lol

No presidential candidate in either party will win 49 states anytime in the near future. This country is too politically polarized anymore for that to happen. Both parties have been catering to their extremists.
You're probably right there. when Reagan ran the people were more together as all American citizens. now the divisions have been driven in so deeply. I don't think we'll ever be together again.

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